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Jauron Should Be a Mortician


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I believe everyone will agree that football is a collision sport and brings out the passion in the coaching staff and players. Players will work harder and have a greater desire if you see it from your leader. Watching Jauron on the sideline makes one believe he cannot wait until the game ends. He NEVER criticizes a call, thus, he NEVER gets a call. He has his team play with a philosophy of "not to lose" rather than "going get a win". If his player makes a bonehead mistake during the game, he never scolds him, or for that matter, never pays attention to him. This man, while he may be a very respectable person, totally lacks the passion it takes to succeed in the NFL. When he gets fired(not if he gets fired), he should look for reemployment at some local funeral homes to greet and console the grieving as he has the look of a mortician.

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Until you observe the coach for a consistent 3 hour period (instead of periodic TV snippets) x 16 games, it's hard to accept you as a behavioural psychologist that makes a link between coaching "passion" and success.


Tony Dungy also doesn't have the visible sideline passion that you desire but was a Superbowl winning coach. Other good coaches like Lovie Smith, Mike Smith and even greats like Joe Gibbs didn't have the passion that you seem to imply is related to success.


Observing a coach on the sideline or in a press conference and concluding that a visible lack of passion over the 3-hour game period implies they aren't a good coach is making a big leap.


Focus on Dick's faults.

-His conservatism

-His clock management

-His personnel decisions



Those are what makes him a poor coach, not that he's an introvert.




Focus on the content of his role and how he is failing on most of it.

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Jauron is a reflection of the Bills owner......no passion, old, retarded, and all about getting a paycheck without having to perform. Get used to it.....you have had 50 years of it.

Then let's bring in a coach who spits out passion...ala Bill Cowher or John Gruden. Do you think these two would put up with this crap? Today, Kirk Chambers was being beaten repeatedly by an ex Canadian Football player. We cut this guy for a reason...he sucks. We go long 3 plays and have 3 completions. So, what do we do next? Back to the dump off throws. Does Edward's arm get tired if he throws over 10 yards? He looks totally scared. You cannot win with a gameplan that features Derek Fine. Bottom line, Jauron MUST GO. If I hear the standard press conference from Jauron & Edwards tomorrow, I will puke. I hope T.O. lets loose. At least it will put some pizzazz into another boring season.

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Until you observe the coach for a consistent 3 hour period (instead of periodic TV snippets) x 16 games, it's hard to accept you as a behavioural psychologist that makes a link between coaching "passion" and success.


Tony Dungy also doesn't have the visible sideline passion that you desire but was a Superbowl winning coach. Other good coaches like Lovie Smith, Mike Smith and even greats like Joe Gibbs didn't have the passion that you seem to imply is related to success.


Observing a coach on the sideline or in a press conference and concluding that a visible lack of passion over the 3-hour game period implies they aren't a good coach is making a big leap.


Focus on Dick's faults.

-His conservatism

-His clock management

-His personnel decisions



Those are what makes him a poor coach, not that he's an introvert.




Focus on the content of his role and how he is failing on most of it.

Well then, if he is an introvert, get him a job where he can excel in. Football is not it. What does it tell your players when He NEVER questions an official's call? Case in point was in the New Orleans game when Josh Reed was not down (tremendous balance by Reed) on a pass play but was called down by an official 5 feet away. While the whistle blew and it could not be reversed, the coach has got to let that official know he blew it and not just say "OK" as Jauron the introvert stated (you could read his lips on the tube). Your faults of Jauron you mention above are all very accurate. Also, the coaches you mention did not have personailities like Cowher or Gruden but they did have one thing displayed on the field...they cared and backed their players. They would let the officials know when they blew a call. Jauron looks like he could care less. All he does is look up at the clock so he can determine when he can have dinner. DUMP HIM!!

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