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Make a deal for one of the Browns QBs or get T. Jackson

jimmy griffin

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One of the Browns' QBS would look good in a Bills uni. Both are NFL caliber. Both are an upgrade. Send a 3rd rounder for Anderson. Quinn has more upside -- Mangini will keep him.


T. Jackson of Minnesota could be an excellent QB in this league. He has a GREAT arm, is mobile and has some good experience.


Jackson struggled in the playoff last season -- but was green. Get him now, when there is ZERO pressure on him to perform (insted of some end-of-the-year dog and pony show bring him in a week before the season -- i.e., obviate the "he is the savior" crap). Get him under the radar and let him play.


Edwards is NOT the same guy he was since taking that hit in Arizona. THe guy is a shell of himself. TImid, not sharp, not leading. NFL = Not For Long. live by this mantra and you will win in this league.


Bills big cuts:




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