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Why is it Democrats b***h and moan about Republicans/President George Bush but when they get into office they do the same things that Republicans/George Bush do?


2006 midterm elections the Democrats take control of the HOUSE and Senate yet do nothing different?


2008 Barack "Change We Can Believe In" Obama is elected President and immediately appoints criminals to handle his economic and foreign policy issues?


P.S. blzrul: You have serious personal issues well beyond politics & football.

For the true knuckle draggers it is much better to be asss banged by Bill Clinton than it is by Bush... of course either way your bung hole ends up being swollen and rather full of puss, but what the hell at least it was Bill, next up Mr. Wonderful!




Oh by the way, I fixed that for ya!

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So Bernanke faces a rare, if not unprecedented, situation. Despite the Fed's frantic efforts to relax credit, it seems to be tightening in the midst of a harsh recession: the opposite of what's wanted. Private behavior is neutralizing public policy. Lenders are terrified by losses and the fear of what they don't know; the sudden failure of Lehman Brothers in September compounded their anxieties. Having once had too little appreciation of risk (i.e., "subprime" mortgages), lenders may now have too much. The danger is that tight credit and consumer pessimism combine to lower spending, raise joblessness and cause more defaults.


The Fed is struggling to mitigate this sort of spiral. There are offsetting forces. Lower oil prices bolster consumer purchasing power. The Fed's latest announcement on buying mortgages pushed rates down, stimulating more demand to refinance old loans, thereby reducing consumer debt burdens. It's widely expected that the Fed will ultimately cut the Fed funds rate to zero and then, by buying long-term Treasury bonds, try to push down longer-term interest rates.


All this is a vast and daring monetary experiment, global in scope and fraught with hazards. The new money and credit issued by the Fed are created out of thin air. If the Fed is too timid, it may deepen today's slump; the financial magazine Barron's -- hardly a socialist bastion -- suggested the Fed should balloon its credit to an astounding $6 trillion. But too much money and credit might someday boomerang as higher inflation. Considering the consequences of being wrong, Bernanke faces an enormous intellectual challenge and no less an agonizing personal burden.



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