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Sick of losing to New England!

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I started watching the Bills back in '88. For many of the "glory years" I absolutely HATED the Miami Dolphins. Always respected guys like Marino and Shula, but loathed guys like Mark Clayton and Brian Cox. I didnt like their sissy uniforms or their warm-weather surfer dude attitudes, but loved playing against #13.


Today, I feel the same way about the New England Patriots. While the Dolphin rivalry has gone luke warm over the last 10 years, the Patriot rivalry in my view has exploded. This team doesn't respect ANYBODY. Look at the way they ran the score up on us at home last year. Look at how they ran the score up on everyone last year. Is it really revenge for us that they lost the SuperBowl last year...NO. WE didn't beat them, the New York Giants did. WE haven't beaten them since opening day, 2003. WE haven't beaten them in Foxboro in....well....I don't know how long!


We hate to admit it, but Tom Brady IS the best quarterback in the NFL. PERIOD. They don't have him this year, they have NO business being 5-3. This is THE YEAR to slap them in the face! We can't just beat them, we need to SMOTHER them. Right now, all the nay-sayers are saying "yep! we told you bills fans your team hasn't BEATEN ANYBODY!" Thus far...they're right! This is the game of the year for this team. I believe if we win this game, we go to the playoffs. We lose, were 0-3 in the division, and we will NOT make the playoffs. You are what youre record shows you are...5-3. It could be this and it could be that....but its 5-3. I still remember watching Brady and Moss light us up 56-10 last year on a Sunday night in Orchard Park.


The Pats are VERY vulnerable right now...PAYBACK TIME!-Sunday, November 9th, 2008 (1pm Gillette Stadium, Foxboro, MA)

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Don't count the Bills out if they lose to New England. Remember we have two cupcake games (K.C. and S.F.) and then two very winnable games (CLE and DEN) in addition to playing our division opponents again. Going 5-4 doesn't mean we miss the playoffs... although it does mean it won't be as easy as it looked like it would be, say during the Miami game when we were up 9 points! My how the season has changed since then.

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Remember we have two cupcake games (K.C. and S.F.) and then two very winnable games (CLE and DEN) in addition to playing our division opponents again.

We've beaten Seattle (Losing record, not in Division), Jacksonville (Losing record, not in Division), Oakland (losing record, not in Division), St. Louis (Losing record, not in Division) and San Diego (Losing record, not in Division) WE HAVEN'T BEATEN ONE TEAM WITH EITHER A WINNING RECORD OR IN OUR DIVISION! Lost at Arizona (5-3), at Miami (4-4), vs. NYJ (5-3). Until we beat a division opponent and/or a team with a winning record, the nay-sayers are right!

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