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"Wilfork started his meeting with Goodell admitting a hit to Buffalo Bills quarterback J.P. Losman last season was a cheap shot, but when the commissioner started to to review the alleged late hit on Cutler, Wilfork's wife handed the commissioner the new DVD."




This is what he said before:

“Last year, I was there, I was tripped up and falling and I still got fined and flagged for the same exact thing. But I was tripped up. I didn’t dive at anyone’s legs, I didn’t cut a running back getting to a quarterback. And when I got fined last year, they said I got flagged because you’re not allowed to hit a quarterback below the waist,” Wilfork said...."It wasn’t my fault … but I got flagged, a 15-yard unsportsmanlike for hitting the quarterback and I got fined, no if’s, and’s or but’s about it."


probably old news, but i dont remember him admitting this before. Hopefully some fuel for next week.

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