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Who Says We Don't Miss Schobel?

The Big Cat

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The defense was brutally carved up by short passes and screens today.


Watching The Jets march down for a field goal to end an 11:00 minute drive was like watching the Bills circa 2005. Our strength close to the line goes WAY up when you substitute Schobel for Denney.


I'm a bit frustrated that Ellis hasn't figured it out yet, thereby forcing me to watch Copeland fricking Bryant.


The point being: lack of DE play today completely forced the defense off their game plan, which was pressure heavy.

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I just hope it's finally addressed after this season. Chris Kelsay should never start another game. He is awful at everything. You wanna keep him as a backup fine. He does nothing that merit's starting. Ryan Denney can be a servicable backup on occasion. Watching them start is just attrociously bad. The dt rotation ughh. Can we just get some dline talent for a change? I mean seriously. They wanna run a defense who's whole premise is front 4 talent. How about getting ya know talent? :angry:

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Chris Kelsay should never start another game. He is awful at everything. You wanna keep him as a backup fine. He does nothing that merit's starting.


He'd be an awfully expensive backup.


As for Schobel, it's not like he was a force for the first 5 games this year.

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