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State of the Bills

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After listening to Shoop and the Bulldog on WGR discussing the Bill's and Dolphin's game in Toronto and listening to caller feedback, I have a take on the issue. My take and what is bothering me about the deal is that it is a regular season game. I don't mind exhibition games being played outside of the home team stadium. Two, I don't see other small market clubs that are in the same financial situation struggling with the 60 -40 percent revenue sharing split with the players making similar deals with neighboring big market states and Canada. I don't see teams like Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati brokering deals with bigger market cities in the US and Canada. I know the location of Buffalo/Toronto is unique. Buffalo does support the Bills with ticket revenue and merchandise. Most home games are sellouts despite the recent record and performance of the team the past decade. I don't believe the small market criticism that Ralph Wilson made is any different than the other twelve or so teams facing similar challenges. I just don't see a reason other than financial windfall for this move with Toronto. If the argument Ralph Wilson made about how Buffalo can't compete economically in today's NFL, all the other twelve small market teams would all end up folding and the NFL would become a league of the haves and I don't see that happening any time soon. As much as Dallas, New York, Washington, Seattle are economical superior to teams like Buffalo they need small market teams to keep the league whole. I think Ralph Wilson brokered this deal with Toronto to make a financial windfall and to grease his pockets. I think he uses the small market excuse to gain leverage with the bigger market teams and to scare the city of Buffalo into meeting his every demand. I don't believe the Bills will be leaving the city without a fight and a say from prominent people of standing in Buffalo. I think the commissioner of football would get involved and local politicians and celebrity players like Jim Kelly, Joe D, Thurman Thomas and would use their influence and leverage to keep Buffalo in town. The day may come when Buffalo may leave town but when that happens I think the NFL as we know it today will be vastly different league and landscape.

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