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What do you least like about Pro-Sports today?


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Okay, I'm just looking for everyone's personal opinions. What do you least like about sports today? Ill start off by saying I don't like the huge contracts athletes sign. Especially in baseball. Look at Barry Zito for example, the guy signed a $120 million+ dollar contract with San Fran, yet players 20-30 years ago were lucky if they even made a 10th of that in their entire careers. The other thing I don't like about lengthy, pricey contracts is the fact that it seems like alot of the time once the athlete signs it they usually play sub-par to their true abilities. Take for example the Bills first round pick "Fat-a@@" Mike Williams out of Texas. I mean I loved that pick that year in the draft I thought he was going to be a stud, as well as Mel Kiper and hundreds of other professional NFL Draft analysts. But once Mike Williams inked that contract it seemed like he went down hill fast. I think he spent the majority of his contract at The Anchor Bar eating as many wings as he could. Actually he probably didn't even have to pay Im sure fans, or even the bar itself might have picked up his tab. Well thats enough on the Mike WIlliams issue, I was just venting my frustration. But anyways the thing I like least about Pro-sports today are THE CONTRACTS.

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