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Win or lose, I've seen enough this game to feel comfortable that this team is making strides. Evans, McGee, Bledsoe, special teams.....hell, even the Oline looks pretty solid. Good all-around effort this first half.....they may still lose to what is the better team, but there is no shame in losing with this sort of team effort.

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Bledsoe redeemed himself......I'm actually starting to think that if this Oline can keep giving him this amt of time, we may be able to win with him after all :wub: Amazing how the deep ball magically comes back when Drew has the time he needs......I hope it can be like that more often.


As for Reed, I can't believe he sucks this bad. Thank God we drafted Evans, though......he's growing up fast in this game.

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I'm glad to see Moulds Evans and McGee all steping up in a big game. Although Moulds droped a first down he's still doing his part by getting a TD! And Evans has been comtributing like peerless did when we had him with the long catches. And McGee Filling in pretty well, the one TD where he lost his man wasnt his fault.

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