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That's a good wing!!


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Buffalo likes it hot and spicy, football that is.


Last fall my brother and I took the travel trailer from the Eastern Shore of Maryland to Buffalo New York and parked that muther a mere 300 yards from that Buffalo logo plastered to "The Ralph".


The day of the tailgate we warmed up some wings we bought the night before from one of the two restaurants within walking distance from the Stadium. A crew from Canada later parked next to up the day of the game as we were eating the wings and set up shop.


Dude gets on top of this broken RV, sets up a chair and starts barking commands from his compatriots attending the days game. When lo and behold from his eagle perch he see the wings warming on our grill.


"HEY!! Throw me one of those wings!!"


"Buddy, I think he is talking to us" I say


"You want us to thow it to you or what" my brother says.


"Yea, and put some Bleu Cheese Dressing on it too!"


"Did he just say slop one of these wings up to him with bleu cheese dressing?"


"Yes, I think he did"


OK fella. We threw the wing up and the dude grabbed the wing with his left hand, eats the wing and licks his hand of the evidence. And I sh-- you not, the dude say...




My brother and I say in unison.... "Good GOD"




So I say to you Buffalo fans, keep it real, enjoy the football no matter who coaches, and keep those wings coming. I'll see you next fall in the Coachman.


Portisizzle OUT!!

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