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What an inspiring press conference

Rocket Man

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An owner who couldn't remember how many people were interviewed or who his GM was or what he should call him

A GM who is clearly out of his element, who choked out the words "the next Coach of the Buffalo Bills"....and when the cameras panned him on the side really looked enthused didn't he and looks as much like the walking dead as the owner does.....

And a new head coach that comes in with a great track record, 1-7 against another interviewed, who couldn't even get a sniff for the head job in DETROIT of all places. Wasn't too interested in talking about the past was he....saw no purpose to it....the question was "What have you learned from your past experiences" to which we got no answer.

This organization is a joke from top to bottom. Did anyone see Bill Bidwell at the press conference????? He is the only a$$ clown that was missing.

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