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Am I the only one:


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-Am I the only one who is wondering why Sherman is still available on January 19th??? Proven coach. Proven success. Will bring quality assistants... Why is he still available?


-Am I the only one who thinks the NFL is trying to catch lightening in a bottle with discovering the next great coach from the assistant ranks. If you find gold your rich! More times than not, a first year head coach uses that team as a learning experience.


-Am I the only one who would rather have Sherman as a proven coach. Then to take the chance Jauron would learn from his failure in Chicago??


-Am I the only one who could care less about Marv's ties to Jauron????


-Am I the only one worried that Marv could ruin his legacy in Buffalo with picking another GW or MM?


-Am I the only one wondering if the Bills faithful will continue to support and put up with another coach learning as he goes?


-Am I the only one freaking about how big this decision is for this team. The wrong-choiced could ruin this franchise forever in Buffalo!


-Finally am I the only one who thinks the only choice is Mike Sherman???

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-Am I the only one who is wondering why  Sherman is still available on January 19th???  Proven coach.  Proven success.  Will bring quality assistants... Why is he still available?


-Am I the only one who thinks the NFL is trying to catch lightening in a bottle with discovering the next great coach from the assistant ranks.  If you find gold your rich!  More times than not, a first year head coach uses that team as a learning experience. 


-Am I the only one who would rather have Sherman as a proven coach.  Then to take the chance Jauron would learn from his failure in Chicago??


-Am I the only one who could care less about Marv's ties to Jauron????


-Am I the only one worried that Marv could ruin his legacy in Buffalo with picking another GW or MM?


-Am I the only one wondering if the Bills faithful will continue to support and put up with another coach learning as he goes? 


-Am I the only one freaking about how big this decision is for this team.  The wrong-choiced could ruin this franchise forever in Buffalo! 


-Finally am I the only one who thinks the only choice is Mike Sherman???




My thougts exactly.. I was wondering if i was the only one who thought this!!! <_<

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Am I the only one getting ready to tie on my cement shoes and jump off the golden gate bridge in the event DJ is hired????




um. no.. I'll be right behind you...


of course I'll have to retrieve them from when I jumped when MM was hired

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Am I the only one getting ready to tie on my cement shoes and jump off the golden gate bridge in the event DJ is hired????


Yes, you probably are. But can we watch?


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