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As I watched the last two game one question has continued to jump out at me. Where is the mental toughness that the Bills were supposed to develop during the off-season and demonstrate during the season? If anyone has seen it please let me know I might have blinked and missed it.


Also I do not believe that the Bills offence is as bad as some are saying. The o-line is struggling but even a blind person saw that coming. Come on, after the preseason misshapes with this unit (under conditioned, absenteeism, injury, etc). Even if all that did not take place a line needs time playing together to start to jell. So I’ll be honest, I thought the Bills would struggle during the first half of the season. New head coach and all that.


But what has lead to the defeats is the lack of mental toughness, AKA discipline that any team needs to win. I will not list the broken plays, penalties, dropped passed, missed blocking assignments, special team blunders, :) etc we all saw them so there is no need to rehash. But I will say that if Buffalo had improved on the mental aspect of the game during the off-season then we would have been 2 – 0 facing the Pats.


One other note, TD cannot fix the mental part of this game. You can take him behind the woodshed and hold his feet to the fire all you want but the responsibility rests in one place only….

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