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What I Learned Yesterday


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1) Our #2 ranked defense is a myth. When the game was on the line they allowed a 75+ yard drive in their own house against a one of the NFL's poorest offenses. No pass raush to speak of... unless they blitzed DBs/backers. Jerry gray was a loser when he was an Oiler and he's still a loser. We need a proven and experienced DC.


2) Bledsoe is not a difference maker... at least for the Bills. He is a difference maker for the opposition. Josh Reed could play QB and be just as ineffective. Show Bledsoe the door now and put the cap money savings to good use by getting a pass rusher (a real difference maker) and some decent O-lineman.


3) This team has already dug itself a deep hole. When they lose next week against the Raiders they will be 0-2 going into the bye, then they will get dumped by the Pats and be 0-3.


4) Forget the playoffs. 8-8 if you are an optimist, 4-12 if you're a pessimest, and 6-10 if you're a realist.


5) We're all suckers... Believing that Donahoe is going to put together a winning team... he's just as much a myth as the defense and Bledsoe.

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I posted this in a thread below, but it fits here:


Look, I am pissed about the loss. I am mossed pissed about the boneheaded play of Fletcher and Clements.


BUT, I am optimistic for the following reasons:


- Bills have a new coaching staff with a new offensive system. It will probably be about week 4 when all the "kinks" are worked out. Considering this, the offense showed that is has potential. Did anyone see how the used formations? The Jags were downright confused on many - especially when Moulds went into motion and then moved away from the LOS and Henry hit a big Draw play. They use the reverse very well to limit backside pursuit and the play action was effective.


- Bledsoe does not NEED to be a difference maker. He needs to be a high percentage passer to move the sticks. That is where the short passing game comes in and yesterday proved to me that it can be effective. How many drives were killed by Mould's fumbles and penalties? These are correctable problems.


- More so, Bledsoe seems like he will do well in this system. HE delviered the ball decisively and quickly. Also, did you see how mnay times he stepped UP in the pocket? Our OL is keeping pressure out of Bledsoe's face, a critical factor for Drew's success.


- THe defense was great up until that horrendous last drive. Blame for the last drive was equal parts play calling and idiotic players. In that situation YOU NEVER ALLOW A CB TO BE PLACED ONE-ON-ONE WITH THEIR BEST WR! ALWAYS HAVE DEEP SAFETY HELP! This is correctable.


- THe pass rush was consistant - not many sacks but many hurries.


THus, I am reserving judgment until week four to allow this new coaching staff and system to settle. If we see after week four what we saw yesterday, then I will be the biggest critic on this board.

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