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"The lack of mobility, that one, I've just kind of let that one go forever. I'm not fast. But there are a lot of guys that are a hell of a lot slower than I am. Somebody wants to do a pay-per-view race between me and [Tom] Brady, sign me up."--Drew Bledsoe





The Superbowl winner? THAT Brady?


What a strange thing to say. A footrace? Was he kidding? And why Brady, why not JP? He just left the Bills... Do you think Brady was in Bledsoe's head? Maybe it wasnt Bill B. and the Patsies, maybe it was just Tom Brady staring at him on the sidelines the whole time like Dennis Rodman or something.


"Stupid kid staring at me the whole time. I know he is I can feel him just staring at me with his stupid Superbowl rings and stupid looking face and hes STILL staring at me-- whoa. Who'd I throw that to?"

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