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Best & worst of early free-agent signings

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Sorry for posting something that doesn't mention 16' crocodiles or inane TV shows (it's a slow news day):






...But in terms of dollars and need you can't beat Buffalo's signing of Kelly Holcomb. He's a safety net for J.P.Losman, he can win if he has to start and he came at a relatively inexpensive price -- a four-year, $6.6 million deal that included a $2 million signing bonus.




...But San Francisco topped that by handing a $12 million signing bonus to tackle Jonas Jennings. He wasn't in the top five free-agent tackles of one NFL club I checked with and was No. 5 with another. He's big, he's young and he fills a need, but scouts complained that he wore down as the season wore on. Moreover, they said he wore down as games wore on. I know that happens, but it shouldn't happen to someone who just broke the bank.

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