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Chaney to not coach in A-10 Tournament...

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...in light of the circumstances, it was the right thing to do.


The more I saw the replay of Bryant's injury, the angrier I got.


There is no place for that in sports. Now, I am satisfied the "punishment", be it imposed by Temple or the A-10 or by Chaney himself, fits the "crime." But it's a real shame because a young man's college career is over because of the rage of a coach whose better days have since passed. And for what purpose? How in all honesty can any parents entrust their son to play for Chaney after this?


There was a meeting between Chaney and Bryant's family recently about last week's incident. Sources say it was not pleasant.



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I wouldn't mind seeing Cheney get fired. It's not like this is an isolated incident. The guy is nuts. He sent a player out to throw cheap shots. The poor kid can never play college bball again because Cheney decided to settle things like a child. Pathetic.

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Can you say lawsuit?  The family could argue that Chaney's actions destroyed Bryant's chances at an NBA career.



I would surmise that the Bryant family will seek legal counsel--and possible financial redress--for what happened to their son.

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I think John Chaney is living his own worst punishment. His legacy is slowing crumbling and honestly some people will remember him for this instead of his decades of excellent coaching. And perhaps rightfully so. I remember his blowup with Calipari in which he basically said the exact same thing he said before the St. Joes games "XXX did this so I sent my boy to go after him." There is no place in sports for actions like his and history will judge him accordingly. Having said that I have two comments.


1. I wouldn't mind seeing him fired. But I truly feel that an action like that would just an afterthought. It might also be an easy way for him to step out of the spot light. But I don't really know.


2. I strongly disagree with the idea that Bryant's parents should try to profit off of this. St. Joes will cover all his medical bills so that is taken care of (Chaney even offered to foot the bill and righfully so). I could see a minor personal damages claim, but I think if some greasy glory-hound lawyer tried to spin this into a case where a future NBA star was cost millions of dollars, it would tarnish the entire situation. John Bryant was not an NBA prospect, he wasn't a college star. It is disgusting that he was robbed of his final collegiate games, but I truly hope this situation is not blown into something larger than it should be.

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