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OT - Florida Folks 'n Frances


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I've watched the tv news and hear the usual uncertainty about where-will-it-hit, but if I understand what they are now saying, it has weakened to a lower Catagory 3 (no bargain there, 110 mph winds...) but they have been saying that massive flooding is now a possibility because of the large size and the slow advance.


Is that what you are being told there?


Flooding is a terrible killer... <_<

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I doubt any of them will respond as their all evacuating, I talked to a friend of mine earlier he said the interstate was one big parking lot, so he decided to take his chances and go as far south as possible, being of course key west, pretty risky move at the time but looks like he made the right call.

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I am in Orlando, specifically Winter SPrings. No mandatory evacuation here, unless u are in a mobile home.


It's kinda crazy and scary. We are still cleaning up from Hurricanne Charleye, and now we get this one from the other direction. I was actually in Buffalo for Charleye, but I came home to a big mess. Trees down all over town. Now, one of the concerns is that this debris, if not cleaned up, will become flying projectiles when Frances comes through.


I am not too worried about flooding where I am. But, I know it is a serious concern for people in other areas.


One of the bigggest problems after Charleye was the lack of power. So, I made a few preperations with regards to that. Also, I may still decide to board up the house, depending how this thing looks tomorrow.


Just sitting tight and hoping for the best down here.


Go Bills!

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Hunkered down here in Kissimmee - just south of Orlando - we got hit by Charlie pretty hard and looks like we are going to take the brunt of Frances - although she is not quite the B word she could have been .... winds will only be in the 80 mph range when she gets to us.... less than Charlie that put a tree in my roof - so we are just waiting for the B word to come and go and get on with our lives......

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Unfortunatly, up to 20 inches plus of rain from this monster of a hurricane.

They weather people just said that this storm is starting to slow down as it approaches the Gulf Stream(warmer water). Where it will strengthen again.



I am praying for everyone in this path bills fans and others for survival.

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just got done boarding up .Im sore beat up and tired and slightly bloody (dam screw gun} ;) my bastard boss made me work all day :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Its not to bad right now just alot of power surges about ever 15 mins the storm has slowed way down and does'nt look like its really going to start hitting hard till tomarrow just some rain bands and gusty winds tonight although I hear already 30,000 south fla res. without power <_< hope my puter dont blow up :w00t:

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The bad thing is Steve probably evacuated and drove north...and now the damn thing is going to hit further north.


I heard on the new today that since the storm has slowed down, some people could have hurricane force winds for up to 18 hours!


I lived in FL for a long time and went through a lot of hurricanes, but I can't imagine going through it for 18 hours.


AT LEAST the wind speed has slowed down.


Good luck everyone and hang in there!

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