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Bills Offensive and Defensive stats are misleading


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When looking at our team stats a bit more in depth, I believe our defense is a bit overrated (still good though) and our offense is not as bad as it may appear. Here's why:


Only 3 of 16 games were against teams with an offense ranked in the top 10, however 8 of 16 games were against teams with a top 10 defense.


Only 3 of 16 games were against teams with a defense ranked in the bottom 10, however 6 of 16 games were against teams with an offense ranked in the bottom 10.


Basically, we played alot of games against teams with bad offenses and good defenses. We didn't play many games against teams with good offenses and bad defenses.


Finally, as Mark Gaughan pointed out in a recent Buffalo News article, this was one of the worst "wind" years in recent memory at the Ralph.

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