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Our UDFA's

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I was very surprised at the begining of the season of the number of UDFA's that made this team..but now after seeing what they've done, its not that surprising after all..


Rashad Baker - Sack, Interception, bout 20 Tackles, yes he's made a few bad rookie mistakes but filled in well for the experience he has.. I believe he'll be here next year..


Constantin Ritzman - Showed plenty of potential during traning camp, but his injury hurt him this year, I believe he'll be on this roster for training camp, but will get beat out by somebody.


Shaud Williams - I like this kids energy and ability and the coaching staff does to obviously, he's fought for a spot on this team and his delievered. The only bad thing about him is his size..he lacks size and strength to hit the hole. But he has speed to counter that. If henry is gone, he'll be here next year.


Jabari Greer - Does well in fill in situations when the starters need a break, he's fast and physical. But I think if he's on this team next year it'll be mostly on speical teams..unless he beats out kevin thomas in training camp.


Jason Peters - one word MASSIVE, the kid is talented no question about that, the coaching staffs project will be the channel that talent into a regular position..he's too big for tight end, but big enough for the o-line some where? who know's but at least we know he'll play where he's asked, including BLOCKING PUNTS ! he'll be on this team next year to do talent alone.

Jason Peters -



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Agreed, an impressive contribution from most of them this year. The blocked punt and recovered touchdown form Peters was great. Didn't he recover a fumble on a kcikoff that was muffed by Eric Flowers?


Anyway, I love the big Peters!...wait a minute, what did I just type!?!

Demz jus jokes...


Go Bills!

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As long as they can figure out what they're eventuallly going to do with Peters (I've even heard rumors of him being a ST'er and a situational DE pass rusher), this is a tremendous UDFA find. Shaud would rate at the next best (from appearances so far) find. Baker has shown some potential, unfortunately rookie safeties end up being quite a liability in the NFL. The others have shown minor contributions, but with MM mindset, they may turn out to be decent players. Pittsburgh has been classic in getting something out of nothing.

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