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McGahee says 2,000 yds his goal...


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Thurman's helmet just likes to come here and piss in the cornflakes. PERIOD. No matter what is going on, he has come negative or smart@ss comment. When were beating the sh*t out of Arizona (our first enjoyable game in a year and a half) he comes over here and complains that its not even a sellout game. AND this was like a day or two after the Sox won the fuggin World Series.


I tell you what TT, if I ever live to see the Bills win 2 out of 3 Super Bowls and on their way to a 3rd, 4th etc..., I would not be so miserable to fans of another team who is 4-6 and hasn't seen the playoffs in a few years. Go enjoy yourself. What satisfaction do you get being a constant dick over here?

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How many playoff games did they win?


Oh and I'm scared now that the Colts will beat the Pats?  But wait a minute, the Pats ALREADY beat the Colts this year and we dont face them again.  We're playing the Ravens this week. 


Thanks for the meaningless conjecture though.


The Pats will see them in the playoffs. As for the earlier meeting, the Pats squeaked by at home with a 3-point win, with a completely healthy team, and thanks to 2 Edge turnovers at the goalline. I wouldn't be counting them as a sure win, unless it snows again.

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