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This IMO is why Kerry has played

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People are going to keep diging and finding out things that are better left unfound. I think Kerry knew this and thought fighting would get it to go away faster and I think it has backfired...Would people been looking in this detail if Kerry hadn't filed lawsuits sent letters, ect.



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People are going to keep diging and finding out things that are better left unfound.  I think Kerry knew this and thought fighting would get it to go away faster and I think it has backfired...Would people been looking in this detail if Kerry hadn't filed lawsuits sent letters, ect.




You know its not what Kerry did when he was in Viet Nam it was what he did when he returned and that story will be told soon and its a documented fact Hanoi Jane would help him now but I think she is in a physc center ,where,I might add she should be. I vividly remember these traitorus aholes first hand ,many of you werent even born yet.

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