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Posts posted by BillsBabe

  1. Don't get me wrong -- i realize age is a factor in EITHER direction! You also wouldn't draft an 18 yo QB (well, I would hope not anyway!). That said, talent is talent. I'll re-state what I wrote earlier -- I think the team might be better served with Marv (and Dwight) in a CONSULTANT position. The Marv thing -- yeah, it'll happen. The Dwight thing -- probably not. Sad. :doh:

  2. :doh:



    And your point is ..............?????


    Not to start a political discussion, but how old was Reagan during his first admin? And how old is Bush now? I'm just guessing, but I'm pretty sure that most U.S. Presidents held office during their late 60s early 70s. Just an observation!

  3. RW should make this a requirement.


    I also wouldn't mind seeing Ted Cottrell back in the fold if he is leaving Minni.


    We disposed of some good people during the TD era, and I wouldn't mind seeing

    some of them back with the Bills.


    Also, I have been impressed with Miami's new head coach. I like the way Saban handles things.




    GREAT idea!! Wish I had thought of it!! LOL!! Smart man, you are!

  4. So what is the best case and the worst case scenario for the BB in the 2006 draft??


    Sorry if this was already a topic.



    Best case: they'll bring in an aforementioned seasoned consultant for expert advice

    Worst case: they wont

  5. First and foremost, I have to ask you Billsbabe.... do you have an agenda here for the Bills to bring back your Dad? I, for one, know about your father and think that he's a football guy through and through. My curiousity would be that Dwight was asked to leave and that usually causes hard feelings within a family towards the organization that proposes and carries out this type of split. I read every post from the other post about bringing him back, therefore I think that this begs the question!




    Dwight Adams would be an asset to any team. I doubt very seriously that postings on this board -- informative and great as it may be -- could fulfill any so-called "agenda" anyone might have. Or maybe I misunderstood -- or missed altogether -- your question?

  6. I was refering to staying with Donahoe- the NFC move was a hypothetical. I think we'd be a playoff team there.....the Jets might only be 4 games out in that terribly competetive nightmare



    Again, "hypothetical IFs" are pure fantasy. And how does "if we were in the NFC" translate into "I was referring to staying with Donahoe?" Plus, I NEVER suggested Donahoe be replaced. At least not in this thread. Although, come to think of it .....

  7. Donahoe has made some mistakes- every GM does. Those mistakes stand out even more because we have New England and Indianapolis (and soon Miami) in our conference. If we were in the NFC, we would have at least 2 straight playoff appearances.


    I don't think he's done such a bad job that he should be gone.




    "If?" That's an almost laughable excuse for the pathetic results these past few years! IF Vince Lombardi and/or Bear Bryant were still alive, maybe THEY would come coach. "IF" we only played High School teams, MAYBE we could win a Super Bowl under the current leadership. And IF wishes were horses ......

  8. I disagee- sometimes sticking to your guns brings better results. No, I am not resistant to change, not at all- I did want Bledsoe out- which was a positive move, although it may not seem so at the present time.


    I think some changes in player personnel will drastically change the results over the next 2 seasons.


    As we get better at the line of scrimmage, and as JP Losman improves, we will become a serious contender. Otherawise, you rip apart this team, and start completely over, and wait another 5 years to see if anything happens.




    Adding a seasoned, successful draft consultant would not be "ripping the team apart." According to some, the "problems" are not on the field.

  9. While no announcements are pending...are you aware of any "recent" calls being made from a certain 87 year old owner to a former VP of Player Personnel seeking advice? 


    Of course only share what you are at liberty to ....... 0:)  :lol:  :lol:



    You may rest assured that Dwight Adams has not heard from Ralph Wilson since BEFORE he was unceremoniuosly not "retained."

  10. Bingo. And thanks, Simon!


    I didn't know what you were referring to...not "who" you were referring to.


    I just had no idea why someone would all of a sudden want to post something about bringing Dwight Adams back, out of the blue, with no explanation why.




    Point taken, and accepted! :lol:

  11. Why unfortunately- I'm prepared to celebrate the announcement.....it will make me happier than New Years- it signifies that we are not going for shiny objects, and change just for the sake of change




    Change is inherently necessary when progress is the desired result. If you keep doing things the same way you've always done 'em, you'll getthe same results you've always gotten! Of course, some are resistant not only to change, but progress as well. It is obvious into which category you fit. And, by the way, what "announcment" are you prepared to "celebrate?" I'm not aware of any "announcements" concerning ANY changes at OBD -- again, unfortunately.

  12. Not for those of us that don't know what you're talking about...




    This reply indicates he didnt know "what" (who) I was talking about. I'm sure he is a good guy -- MOST on here are! However, his reply explicitly states that he didin't know what I was talking about -- which is fine!! Now he does, and hopefully will continue his support of the Bills' program.

  13. Thank you, Gerry Granovsky, for a wonderful article about Dwight Adams. It's nice to know he may be "gone," but (still) not forgotten! Perhaps someone at OBD will also "remember" him and the many contributions he made during his tenure. Perhaps former Gator player Mularkey? Granted, his age is a "factor," though NOT a "detriment!" -- however, as a consultant, the benefits of his "return" would be unquestionable.

  14. And I guess some people just can't accept that they don't always make as much sense to others as they do to themselves.


    But I guess that follows, since you're already assuming things that are neither true nor ever said.


    Regardless, thanks for the info.




    So, let me make sure I understand whatyou're saying -- you've never heard of Dwight Adams? AND you've been a season ticket holder for 25 years??

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