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Steve C

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Posts posted by Steve C

  1. My opinion matches the many found here. Personally, I could care less that an athlete smokes weed or not. I realize that weed has a different effect on all smokers. For some, its very pleasureable and want to be high for a good part of their day. Others do it for creative purposes, and some just need it to relax and unwind for the day.


    But at the same time, from a football and business standpoint, smoking is an action that has negative consequences for the player and team involved. So for that reason I am against a player smoking DURING season and tests. If he wants to smoke once the year is over and get high, let him. I like the comparison someone used for alcohol, they are very comprabable to one another.

  2. Just to give you a little background I am a 20 year old Junior in college. Obviously, like many of my student peers, I drink my fair share of alcohol throughout the week. Nothing crazy, but I do indulge in a few beverages here and there. Anyways, heres the deal.


    A few days ago my buddy and I were talking and he brought up this discussion. He informed me that even though we are underage, we could still technically drink legally in public places. He went onto say that, if a parent/guardian were to buy an alcoholic beverage for their son/daughter at a bar/restaurant, that the underage person could consume it and not worry about breaking the law.


    Now I've tried to find this in writing online because my mom does not believe me, but I cant seem to find anything. I was wondering if any of you are professionals in law or have a liquor license and would know if my friends allegations have any legs.


    Thanks guys!

  3. Now I dont have the best of QB's on my team, but I am still in 2nd place in my league. I need a win this week badly to stay in the top 4. I have Garrard starting vs Chicago, but thinking maybe Thigpen vs. Denver could be favorable. Whats your take?

  4. If anything hearing that is refreshing. You are telling me a guy was willing to take LESS money to stay with a team he WON a Super Bowl with, good for him. He just wanted to win and continue to be part of something he thought was special. I think that just proves the kind of character guy he is and how grateful I am to have him on our team.

  5. Very solid post in my eyes. This game sucked in every aspect last night I'll admit, but the sky is not falling. This is a game where I think they will take it and look back on it and defiately grow with. I hope they know what it is like to get their behinds kicked and make sure it never happens again.


    I was watching the Missing Rings special Thursday and during that 1990 team they lost big to the Dolphins early on in the year. Marv took the starters out of the game to save them from more of an asskicking. Everyone was pissed that Marv did that. Talley went onto say that he and the rest of the guys made sure theyd never play like that again because they didnt want that to happen again. Thats how this team should take it. Yes, they got whipped yesterday, but it's a 16 game season. Learn and be ticked about what happen so it doesnt occur again. It can't all be glory.

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