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Posts posted by HeHateMe78

  1. Some of you I am sure will miss my point entirely, probably on purpose, but many of you will appreciate where I'm coming from. After every Super Bowl I sulk and let my frustration get the better of me. I'm f*****g pissed! But, after a few weeks I start to cheer up as the draft approaches and by May I'm talking s*** to everyone that is not a Bills fan. I start making bold predictions, everyone thinks I'm crazy, etc.,etc. But all they have to do start making it to the playoffs and win it all one time, and the knowing that I was saying it all alone will make it all worth while. All I am saying to the Chicken Littles out there is give it a try, some day it will happen and the S*** that you'll be able to rub in everyone's face will be that much better. Losing is one thing, it happens to the best of us, but the sure sign of a born loser is letting people see that it's hurting your confidence. For any of you that's ever competed at anything at a high level, you know this is true. So get ready to lose your voice!


    Sounds like a great philosphy to live by...pretend your something other than what you really are :thumbsup: More specifically, pretend your team is actually superior than the others on the schedule when in reality our team, coaches (and especially the front office) is demonstrably inferior!

  2. I agree with respect to paying his debt.


    Is he an upgrade over Edwards and Fitz? Yes.

    A big upgrade? No. More of a running threat than a passing threat.

    Is he going to take the Bills to the playoffs? No.

    So tired of people saying Vick has paid his debt to society :lol: He has paid his debt to our legal system indeed; however, in no stretch of the imagination has he paid his debt to society. 1st of all, he consistently asserted his innocence when he was caught and only admitted guilt and subsequently apologized until his diligent attornies explained to Mr. Vick that this was an indefensible case. That goes to show you how genuine his remorse really was and thus should be scrutinzed with suspicion for awhile.

    Paying your debt to society is not just doing time after being convicted. It is showing society that not only are you remorseful but you have changed. This could be manifested by speaking on behalf of organizations created to end animal cruelty (which he has done on a few occassions already) and volunteering to help the fight. Nevertheless, he needs to show society that he is being genuine and not doing this merely for getting the media off his back. Thus, he needs to do this for awhile before society can trust that he is no longer a danger to our communities by replicating his previous sadistic actions. Would someone who robbed and battered a developmentally challenged person who was quite vulnerable and subsequently recieved and completed an 18 month sentence already served his debt to society? People would want to see over an extended period of time that the convict was truly contrite and has changed his ways. No doubt he is on the right track but lets see how long he sticks with his alleged allegiance to fighting the war on dog fighting before we proclaim his debt to our society as being truly served!

  3. Every day, I turn on my computer, and click on ESPN.com. And I read it. I have my coffee, and a few laughs, and it's great. But you know what the best part of my day is? For about 10 seconds, from when I open Internet Explorer to when ESPN.com loads, 'cause I think, maybe I'll see a headline that they fired Dick Jauron. No goodbye. No see you later. No nothing. He just left. I don't know much, but I know that.


  4. The only difference is that if he did that this year, no one would blame him. He's dropped some balls this year, but he's also created some opportunities and TE has not made good throws. Last weekend in the third quarter I believe, TE was scrambling and TO improvised a route, got behind the corner and if Trent put the throw on line it would have been a touchdown, but he over threw him. He's been thrown to as many times in five games this season as he had been thrown to in one game probably a dozen times with his previous teams. It's a joke. If the media was all over him for speaking out, I don't think any NFL FO's would pay any attention because they all realize he's justified because our offense is a complete joke. An embarrassment. A disgrace. I can't believe how far they have regressed after looking promising in week 1 and 2. Is all it took the rest of the NFL just two weeks of game film to have us completely figured out?

    I completely agree w/ your assesment about TE and TO but I think Owens agent and others close to him are advising him not to take that chance. There are still many who will attack him (see R. harrison, Tom Jackson, and others) and who will rip him on national TV the second he opens his mouth. You and I can see that his discontent this year would be warranted but not everyone watches the BIlls (imagine that notion) and will get turned off if they hear TO complain or throw someone under the bus one more time. At this stage, he has no choice but to stay mum if he wants a viable chance of going to a competitve team next season or perhaps being traded to one this year.

  5. actually be mad and embarrassed about a terrible defeat and call out the players and coaching




    not one Bill has the guts, or cares enough, to even bother doing this. where is the competitive fire at OBD?


    even TO doesnt care.


    TO has only been mum about this horrid offense because if he opens his mouth and displays any emotion of discontent then the media will jump all over him, which in turn would diminish his chances of getting picked up w/ another team next year!

  6. Well Dallas receiver Miles Austin just caught 250 yds worth of passes in a single game, a Cowboys record- has T.O. come close to that this year?



    Really dude? You are comparing Miles Austin w/ TO because he had 1 good game (againist the winless chiefs) in his life :unsure: TO would never have the chance to come close to 250 yds this year because of our inept offense but I would of thought that would be obvious to you (it is to most intelligent fans), apparantly not. The reality is that Dallas is underachieving dramatically; hence, all the calls for Wade Phillips to be fired. They are struggling againist bad NFL teams and Tony Romo does not look good thus far w/ out TO. Bash him all you want for his personality (he is a pompous punk) but it is absurd for you to implicitly assert that he is inefficient and could not instantly improve offenses (see phila)!!

  7. Pretty funny that T.O. is being described this way now, before the season 99% of Bills fans were treating him like the answer to all of Buffalo's problems- a virtual messiah. You could have asked the fans in Dallas how well that worked for them.

    You can also ask the fans in Dallas how well T.O's departure has worked out thus far? He would have made a significant impact on this team if we had a competent organization and not a bunch of embarassing monkey's working the front office.

    Put TO in Chicago and I will bet that he invigorates that offense significantly!

  8. How can anyone be thinking about winning a Super Bowl when we haven't even made the playoffs in 10 years. Get me a respected coach who can turn this disaster around so that we're at least competitive once in a while and that would be a good start.

    Exactly what I was thinking. Superbowl aspirations are pretty far off on everyone's list. We merely want to compete and be relevant again and then we could entertain the Superbowl endeavor!

  9. It's a no-brainer for Buffalo if they can get a 5th or better.


    The question is who will give up that much for TO when he's an UFA after the season? I think a team that sees a big WR threat as the difference between a playoff run and sitting home in January might. And as for the 'cancer' tag, the Dallas drama has faded a bit into the background and TO has been a model citizen in Buffalo despite the unfolding disaster. And I expect he will remain so, at least until he signs his last multi-year contract next off-season.


    They will never do it because they don't care about making sensible moves to invigorate this team! If T.O goes then there is no incentive for anyone to talk or watch the Bills so they willl stick w/ him merely for marketing reasons :thumbsup:

  10. Its simple but it's working for me this year: Pick a second team that's fun to watch, get the NFL ticket and follow them all year.


    My son likes the Vikings, so I gave in this year and got a jersey. We bought the Vikings NFL yearbook for 2009 (Favre wasn't even on the team at that point). I even get to root for Big Pat and Antoine Winfield again.


    In todays world, it's easier to follow an out of town team than it was to follow your LOCAL team 15 years ago. Websites, the NFL ticket, streaming radio stations from everywhere in the nation, TIVO. It used to be that you had no choice because the only coverage you could get was from your local radio and newspaper. That has completely changed.


    I prefer a big HD screen and having friends/family over than risking the cash and an entire day to drive from Rochester and see a game. If you have kids, they mostly end up watching the good plays on the jumbotron anyways because everyone stands when the Bills have a big play (IF they have a big play) and the shorter people can't see anything anyway.


    Admittedly, I'm lucky because if the Vikings were lousy this year I would be stuck with 2 bad teams, but hedging your bet isn't a bad idea. Being an exclusive die hard Bills fan is is like holding on to a bad stock that keeps dropping every year because you've always owned it and you don't know any different.


    Take advantage of your options and diversify a little. The game is too much fun to pin all of your hopes on the Bills program.

    You are dead on! The only way to alleviate the pain and salvage the rest of the NFL season is to go w/ another team! We should not hate the NFL merely because our team is so inept, pathetic and embarassing!

  11. Excellent point on his high arc deep passes. I have yet to see Trent throw a deep ball with any serious zip on it.


    Sad thing is, yesterday, i was watching the Lions Steelers game, and Daunte Culpepper, while I'm not saying I'd rather have him here than Trent, was straight ZIPPING the ball twenty to thirty yards down the field, ON A ROPE. And damn those passes looked good. I found myself getting jealous that our QB doesn't even attempt more than 1 to 2 deep passes per game, heck 1 to 2 intermediate passes per game.


    I can't believe I'm saying this. I'd rather have Daunte Culpepper here than Trent Edwards. Heck I'd rather see Fitz behind center.

    +1 on Daunte :w00t:

  12. Next home game is already sold out so it will be on TV. SHRED YOUR TICKETS. STAY HOME. HAVE A TAILGATE PARTY IN YOUR DRIVEWAY. Do not give RW the parking money or the concession money. STAY AWAY. That is the only way to send a message. I gave my tickets away for the game yesterday. I can't stand it anymore. It actually felt good that I saved $75 or so that I would have spent in addition to the tickets. 4 more home games is $300 in my pocket and not renewing my tickets next year saves even more. I'll take the loss for this year and lesson learned. Enough is enough. RW just lost a 32 year season ticket holder. Anyone says they would be glad to take them is a total moron. Why waste your money on this utter and complete garbage? It is not fun in any way, shape or form anymore. If you go for the tailgate just to get drunk, don't bother, stay home and don't drink and drive.

    If the majority of season ticket holders thought like you, then I guarantee tricky Dick would be fired an 1hr after next weeks game :wallbash:

  13. Hey he has a Linebacker's number, He's sized more appropriately for the position, he's fast and he loves to deliver pain. WHY NOT? What do we have to lose at this point. Get the youth movement involved and get them seasoned now. We have no where to go but up. While you're at it get Nick Harris into th equation too! Let them earn their money and their bones. Won't be long befor POZ is back and then you'll have some depth. Just a thought!

    DJ already announced today that he has no intention of moving Maybin :wallbash:



    For the rest of the football fans out there, who is your second favorite team and why do you like them?


    For me, it is the Panthers. I moved down to Carolina in 2001 before the days of Sunday Ticket. If I wanted to watch football, I was forced to watch the Panthers because that is all that was televised. They grew on me after a while and have become my second favorite team. Unfortunately they blow this year, so I have a double whammie going.


    Broncos!!! I grew up in the 90's when the Bills were dominant. So when Elway, TD, Sharpe etc etc became the new AFC superpower I was naturally attracted and thus rooted for them when the Bills were out of it. Also, perhaps because I served in the military, the mile hile salute is thee greatest endzone celebration ever. When Mike Anderson, former marine, would salute in the endzone, that gave me profound respect for that team and coach Shannhan. Thank god they beat the Pats!

  15. What keeps you rooting for this franchise? I have no choice in the matter....but I know some of you have no ties and still root for this franchise....you must like pain


    I am from Jersey and have been a Bills fan for 17yrs! I never even been to Buffalo! Today was the 1st day that I did not watch the Bills game and as of last week I am an offically a Broncos fan ( was always an in the closet fan of them because of elway, and T. Davis). I jumped on the Bandwagon when I was a kid in the 90's and stuck with them for all these years. No longer can I tolerate nor put money into such an inept franchise that cleary does not reciprocate the respect it recieves from its loyal fans. I just had a baby boy and there is no way I will subject him to the disloyalty and incompetence of this organization that I have endured for the last 10+years!

    I am so turned off on this team right now that even if they turned things around in the next couple of years I do not think I can ever come back because of how bad they have screwed us for so long. I have spent an inordinate amount of money on Bills merchandise and time supporting this team. I am simply arduous and feel great sympathy to all you guys who grew up in Buffalo and having a harder time quitting on this team!! All I can say is I wish all you well!

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