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Posts posted by gfalk87

  1. A group of friends and myself were at a downtown bar before going to the Sabres-Flyers Game 4 last Wednesday when in walked Doug Whaley (Bills assistant GM for those who dont know). After a few minutes of wondering whether to approach him or not, my friend and I went up and introduced ourselves. Although he didn't tell us any earth shattering or secret news about the team, he was a very nice guy that did dive into a few football topics. Here is what he had to say: (paraphrasing everything)


    On the lockout: He doesn't think any games will get canceled, but he does see the lockout lasting until July or August.


    If Newton and Dareus are gone at three will you be looking at offense or defense?: He said I would look towards defense.


    On Shawne Merriman's health: He said from every report they've gotten he's 100 percent.


    On Aaron Maybin's status with the team: After a laugh, he said he wasn't in good standing, but Dave Wannstedt has plans to utilize him better.


    Are Dareus and Miller as advertised: Yes they are both legit!


    The difference between Fairley and Dareus: He said Fairley is a good pass rusher, but for the defense the Bills are looking to run Dareus is a much better fit.


    This is all I have and like I said its nothing earth shattering, but I figured I would share it. It was a cool experience and I was glad he took a few minutes to discuss football.

  2. I think this a great thread and I like your strategy, but until the CBA situation gets worked out there might not even be free agency. If the owners lock out the players there will be no free agency or they can agree to continue working under the current rules, which would mean only players who have been in the league 6+ years will be unrestricted free agents. That's why you have to hope for a new agreement to get done because a lot of the good potential free agents have only been in the league four or five years (they will be restricted). I know its confusing, but here is a good article by Jason Cole of Yahoo Sports that better explains the situation and who could potentially be unrestricted. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=jc-freeagents111810


    Let me know what you think.

  3. RD1. Marcel Dareus DE34 Alabama

    RD2. Ryan Kerrigan OLB34 Purdue

    RD3. Luke Stocker TE Tennessee

    RD4. DeAndre McDaniel SS Clemson

    RD4. Tyron Smith OT Southern California

    RD5. Casey Matthews ILB Oregon

    RD6. Mario Fannin RB Auburn

    RD7. James Brewer OT Indiana



    I like the positions you targeted, but I dont think Kerrigan will be there in round two and I know Tyron Smith wont be there in the fourth round. A lot of draft experts are predicting Smith will be one of the top tackles taken. I would love to get Casey Matthews, he's got a great NFL bloodlline.

  4. Great thread, signing someone like Harris would make a lot of sense for the Bills. He's a tackling machine that has experience in the 3-4. I know poz makes a lot of tackles, but Harris makes more at the point of attack instead of five yards downfield. And yes I don't think the jets will be able to sign, but it also depends on the CBA. If they don't reach a new agreement by March, Harris might qualify as a restricted free agent. If a new CBA is reached he will most likely be unrestricted, depending on the terms in the CBA.

  5. Listen I'm not saying Fitzpatrick is a bad quarterback, but he's had plenty of opportunities to prove that he's a franchise qb and he hasn't gotten it done. He has a 10-22-1 record as a starter in the league and that's not going to cut it. Fitzpatrick is a great story on a lousy Bills team, but he isn't the long term answer at qb. If you can draft a top prospect like Andrew Luck you can't pass that up. I hope the Bills are smart enough to keep Fitzpatrick around to be their backup and possibly start next year. And for those of you that think a rookie qb can't come in and have immediate success, how do you explain what the Rams are doing this year(or Matt Ryan a few years ago)? The Bills have to get an elite quarterback eventually or else there going to keep being average with a guy like Fitzpatrick.

  6. First how can you say that Kolb, Orton, and Troy Smith are the stud qb's we've been looking for. Kolb isn't starting, the Broncos used a first round pick on a project qb even though they had Orton and Troy Smith, really? The guy has won two games and you suddenly think he is a "stud" quarterback. And no the team can't wait until a later round to get their franchise qb, they've tried that and it hasn't worked out. If Andrew Luck is there you can't pass on him, but if he stays in school then you can draft your defensive stud. I'm not trying to shoot down your comparison to the Bills of the 80's, but they can't possibly pass on the the opportunity to get franchise quarterback like Luck if he's there.

  7. Ut, oh, BBF, you are about to get pounded on by nearly everone on this board.


    These guys made up their minds in August, we need that franchise Quarterback and they believe the new kid will fix everything.


    I haven't given up on Fitz, Brohm OR Brown and I am NOT buckling to pear pressure either.


    If we draft another QB this crowd will turn on this guy after the first game.

    Some day, yes SOME DAY, people will realize that without an Offensive line, NO quarterback will survive.


    Good luck with your thread, you're going to need it! :bag:



    I think you're the one that needs to open your eyes and take a look around the NFL at all the top teams. They have one thing in common, A GOOD quarterback. Yes the Bills need to improve their o-line, but simply doing that will not translate to more wins. Teams win in the NFL with average o-lines, but what sets them apart is the quarterback. I don't see how you would want to go another year with fitzpatrick who is an average back-up. They have to get one of the top qb's in the upcoming draft because I cant take another season like this. And there have been examples of rookie qb's having success in their first season (Matt Ryan).

  8. Here is an interesting interview that relates to this conversation done by Brian Galliford and Mocking the Draft's Dan Kadar: http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2010/10/2/1724169/rumblings-draft-scouting-kadar-interview-week-5-preview#storyjump


    He talks about how Luck is the only blue-chip qb and there aren't any elite offensive tackles this year. He said there probably wont be an offensive tackle taken in the first 15 picks for the first time since 1982 (Unless someone emerges throughout the rest of the year).

  9. Peyton manning is possibly the best qb ever. Ur example is not even close to reasonable. Is this you russ brandon?


    I think you're a bit confused on what point I was trying to make. I didn't say Manning wasn't an elite qb, I was arguing that he is elite and that in the NFL you can win with a great qb and a average o-line. With an average o-line the Colts continue to win 10+ games each year and it's because of Manning. Like I already said there are some intriguing qb prospects, so lets see how the year finishes out and go from there. If the Bills have a top pick and one of the top qb's is there they can't possibly pass on one. If not then they should take the best player at one of their many positions of need.


    I still don't understand why everyone thinks Locker wouldn't have been a top ten pick last year? I followed the draft more closely last year than any year in the past and there were several of the "so called experts" predicting that Locker would go high. If he continues the way he's playing this year he could suffer a major slide in the draft. And for those that argue you shouldn't take a young qb and throw him to the wolves, look at how Matt Ryan played in his first year. The Falcons had a similar offense to us and they were able to significantly improve with him at qb (From 4-12 to 11-5 in his first year). And they got they got their future left tackle later in the first round (Sam Baker).

  10. Yes after the season Locker had last year, he was projected as a high first round pick, but if you have watched him this year you might have a different view. I understand if everyone is not sold on one of the qb's yet, but if at the end of the year Luck, Mallet or Locker are considered to be elite qb's and lock top ten picks I can't see the Bills passing on one of them. I understand the point of drafting the top offensive tackle, but until you get a quarterback nothing will change in terms of competing for a playoff spot. Look at Cleveland who has a franchise left tackle (Joe Thomas), but continues to be at the bottom of the league every year. You can win with an average offensive line (see the Colts), but you need a top qb. At the end of this year if none of the top qb's project high, than you take a position of need. Eventually the Bills need to stop signing back-up qb's and drafting projects, they need to get a franchise qb.

  11. You guys have got to find these Quarterback threads funny. Buffalo fans are determined to find that franchise quarterback and any thoughts otherwise will draw a severe bashing.


    This happens every year and last December it was Clausen. He will surely go #2 in the draft right behind Bradford.Yea right!

    Bradford was the class of the Quarterback pool. There is nothing close this year. Sorry guys



    I understand the fact that it's way to early to talk about who is going to be the top quarterback at the end of the year, but you're wrong to think that no one compares to Sam Bradford this year. From the way scouts are talking, Andrew Luck (if he comes out) projects to be an even better qb than Bradford. I know there is no way to predict how it will play out, but I can't see the Bills having a top five pick and not selecting a qb. We have a lot of needs, but quarterback should be number one on the list. I just cant see how the Bills can justify going another season with either Fitz or Brohm as the starting qb.

  12. Locker didn't come out because the NFL didn't even rate him as going in the 1st round. Your premise that someone has to be crazy to want to go another year with Fitz & Brohm is 100% correct, you didn't need to add fiction to support it.



    I'm not adding fiction, Jake Locker would have had strong consideration of being the first qb taken and if not he would have gone in the top ten.

  13. You are crazy! Why would you want Fitzy or Brohm over one of the top qb's in this draft. And by the way if Jake Locker came out last year he would have probably been the first pick over Bradford. This is a quarterback driven league and if you can get a stud you will be set for years. You find your qb and build your team around him. You can use the Colts as an example, who have an average o-line, but have one of the best qb's in football. I just don't understand why you would want to stick with Fitzy or Brohm, who are average back-ups at best.

  14. Depth? Depth? Is Bulluck playing behind Lawerence Taylor, Mike Singletary, and Derrick Thomas?


    Keith Bulluck has done more than Mitchell, POZ, and this little band of Bills LB's combined.


    Yes...he is coming off of an injury and is on the down-side of his career, but Bulluck isn't going to come to Buffalo to back up Keith Ellison!!! :ph34r:



    I agree with you that he has done more than every linebacker that we currently have. The only reason I said for depth is because he is coming off an acl injury and I'm not sure if he will be ready to play every snap. I would love for the Bills to sign him and if he was healthy he would be a great fit in our lineup.

  15. With the Titans signing Will Witherspoon it looks like Bulluck's days in Tennessee are over. I know he's coming off a knee injury, but he's a veteran that could be brought into to provide depth at linebacker. What does everyone think of Bulluck?

  16. Top 5 WR all time and 2nd best WR in Bills history. Led the Bills in Yards and receptions. He was a perfect citizen while in Bflo.


    I sincerely hope he comes back. Let's see...Hall of Famer or hope that Hardy pans out....Do you really need to think??



    Owens the second best receiver in Bills history are you out of your mind. What about Eric Moulds or James Lofton. Owens is a great receiver, but he had an average year with the Buffalo which included lots of drops. To say he is the second best receiver to put on a Bills uniform is just wrong. I dont know if James Hardy is the answer, but until he gets a chance to play we will never know. I think we need to look into bringing in an experienced receiver like Kevin Walter from Houston.

  17. Sal has not heard it confirmed from Frazier. He heard it from everybodys favorite ESPN analyst Adam Schefter (sarcasm) report on it. It is all speculation right now and unless Frazier comes out and says something this week we will all have to wait until the Vikings are knocked out of the playoffs.

  18. Just saw this on twitter thought I should share it....Sal Maiorana tweeted If it's true that Leslie Frazier doesn't want Bills job, as is now being reported, I can't blame him. And I have no idea where Bills turn.


    For those who dont know Maiorana covers the Bills for the Democrat and Chronicle in Rochester.

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