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Posts posted by Cobra

  1. Here we go again, another free agent revolving carousel of mediocre talent that reeks of an old cheapskate owner not willing to do what it takes. If this continues, this team should move! A seven year playoff drought and we are entertaining a lineman from one of the worst lines in the NFL and we sign a guy that has played on as many teams as he has been years in the league, wow!!! In the meantime, the team that has won three Super Bowls in the last 5 or so years continues to bring in the cream, go figure?



    Put the pipe down and relax......................................................................

  2. Just one vote for Eric Moulds?  I'll add a second.  He was the most vocal, aggitating for Holcomb to start.  He's always had a selfhish streak.  Not as bad as TO, but when he's not getting the ball, he starts complaining.  He likes the label of "team leader," but deep down he's very much a "me guy."



    I think he got it from his buddy Doug Flutie!

  3. Everyone hates that we only got a 5th but loves the cap room it created....but there was one other benefit....


    It gets Eric away from us.....


    Who is to say that if we would have just cut Eric he wouldnt have wanted revenge and turned into a Patriot


    It very well could have happened.....his salary with the Texans wasnt THAT big.....and playing for a recent SB champ might have lured him there.....


    There there was NO plan to keep him on the team then in the end the bills did the right thing getting the 5th, getting him out of the division, and creating the cap room.




    We could still package that 5th and move up......








    I would mind him playing against us.  He is a quitter~






  4. Nothing really. I just wanted to start a thread named penis, but figured it would get deleted. now i can pass it off like i am trying to start one about our coach.




    You must not have one!

  5. I will be definately waiting to hear what is said.

    Marv is cleaning house of the locker room trouble makers. I guess we will find out if JP was an influence or just the prey. I still want to give him two more years because it takes time to develop but if he was in the middle of that mess of a locker room last year than I want him gone.



    If Marv is cleaning house, what is Moulds doing still doing on the team?

  6. I don't want to sound like those guys who go crazy if we don't sign a player everyday. But it was good to see Marv start grabbing people right off the bat on Saturday. But it's been REAL quiet since then. Which would be fine normally, but this year's free agency is happening EXTREMELY fast unlike last season. Everytime I turn around, top FA's are getting signed. We really need to pick things up again.


    One of the FA's that i'd like to see Buffalo go after is New England's RT Tom Ashworth. Now I haven't heard a lot of people talk about him and honestly with the way FA is going he might have signed with another team or resigned with the Pats without me even noticing.


    But if he is still available, he'd be the perfect fit for the Bills. He's a young, hungry, "character guy" who was solid in NE and just seems to be getting better over time (not to mention, one of the more recognizable guys on the Pats OL/Brady commercials lol). He would fill a need and wouldn't be a huge name demanding huge money like some of the other guys out there.


    I also think we should pursue Kevin Mawae like reports indicated earlier. He's one of the top Center's in the NFL. His only real concern is age. Which is fine because we just need a quick fix until we know if Duke Preston can be our Center or not. It would be far too dangerous for us to just throw Preston into a line that is shaky already.


    If we could get them both, our line would be substantially upgraded at a fairly reasonable price looking a little something like this:


    LT - Jason Peters

    LG - Mike Gandy

    C - Kevin Mawae

    RG - Chris Villarial

    RT - Tom Ashworth


    To me, Ashworth, Mawae, and Rocky Bernard would be the guys I really hope we can sign before FA ends. I would also be happy with Ryan Pickett or Grady Jackson. If we had money left after them (which we probably would after letting Moulds go), i'd go after Tank Williams as well.


    What would you guys do?




    I'd replace Gandy with Preston!

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