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Posts posted by evanstoprobowl

  1. I would love to see him crushed by someone. I have a feeling there are plenty of Bills players that feel like he let them down and was an overpayed kitty. He is such a lightweight that someone is going to level him. I don't wish injury on anyone but he needs to payback some of that wasted cash in pain and humiliation this week. Captain my A$$.


    Go Bills

  2. I just think the atmosphere at the Ralph this weekend will be awesome. I wish I could be there. The first time a Bills player scores a touchdown and leaps into the stands (I hope its Brad Smith) it will be over. This Bills team is a better team than the Jets and the collective love for the Bills combined with the collective hate for the Jets in that stadium will be overwhelming.


    Go Bills


    P.S. I wish my login was Feed Fred instead of evanstoprobowl.

  3. After years picking up the bottom of the barrel players from other teams, playing cheap with the players we do develop, and hiring second rate coaches the Bills have finally reached a tipping point. I was as dedicated as a fan can be but I won't waste another Sunday watching this mess. A few million spent wisely would have insured a fan base worth tens of millions. When the Bills learn to focus on developing an NFL offensive and defensive line I will be back, but I won't hold my breath.


    I used to end my post with go Bills. It seems like a joke now.

  4. My kids went yesterday for the 5th time this year (I think they are addicted) and the thing that stuck out to them yesterday compared to the other times was the lack of contact. For example, they would run a play to the point of there being a tackle, then stop. The previous times there was tackling as well as a lot of other contact. Chan must not want to risk other players going down this camp.


    I read they were going at 3/4 speed to prepare for a Indy's 4-3 defense on Thursday.

  5. I think he meant a fantasy team of his creation in the real world, not a fantasy football team. At least I hope so.

    Yes sorry, I don't do the fantasy football thing I think he is a player that will put up surprising numbers this season. I hope you found some value in the rest of the post.

  6. Thanks for the post!




    I was wondering why you thought that our camp was run well though. You like that QBs where throwing a ball into a bucket?



    That was fun to watch and I thought it was a good drill but not what I liked. I was impressed by the organization of the practice and the way that the players went from working in units on fundamental skills to live action team drills. All of the players were active and as talked about over and over in pads. I liked the focus on goal line drills and special teams. This team has a long way to go as evidenced by the Washington game. I just feel like if they stick with this program they will be the best team they can be.

  7. Well I had the afternoon off and I took the opportunity to go to camp today. The weather was beautiful and it was nice to relax on the hill and watch how Chan runs his camp. I was impressed. As reported the players spent a lot of time working on fundamentals.


    Linemen were pounding the sleds. Running backs were running through netting, around pylons, and working on a drill that had them cut between to pylons as two coaches filled the hole. The QB's were working on trying to hit a fade in the corner of the end zone (tossing the ball from snap into a barrel in the corner of the endzone). The defensive linemen were practicing a sacking drill where the lined up on the line and spun around to hit a tackling dummy at the snap. Watching Maybin try this was shocking, he is why to small to be paid the money he is getting.


    Chan watched the kick-off drills closely. I saw McGee drop one and Roscoe and Spiller caught one. I couldn't see much more from where I was sitting.


    It looked like the defense did better than the offense in the goal line drills. In 11 on 11's we run well and struggled with passing. Chad Jackson had a lot of nice catches. I would put him on a fantasy team. Joique Bell ran well. David Nelson went down holding his leg.


    Trent is our best QB.

    Spiller is the real deal.

    Wood was practicing.

    Levi Brown isn't ready to play.

    We will run the ball well this year.


    I really liked the way that camp was run. I don't know if this team has the talent (oline and Qb's) to succeed this year but I believe in what the staff is doing and I think this team will get better and better.

  8. I can't believe how bad things are with the Bills. People are actually having fond memories of TD? When he left everyone on the team was pissed and paranoid. Wilson hired Marv just to mend the fences that TD had broke down. I guess everything is relative and this tread is an indication of how bad the current management of the team is. I would suggest that we as fans lament the way this team has come apart at the seams without rewriting history.


    On another note I am almost hoping for a lock out next year. Maybe then this organization will have time to repair the damage and get back to playing winning football.

  9. As of now, there's no federal estate tax in 2010. But there are a lot of questions swirling around it, in whether Congress can retroactively reimpose the tax on 1/1/10. There may also be ambiguities in how someone constructed their estate plan that may not work now that there's no federal tax.


    Bottom line, even if Ralph moves on to the great gig up in the sky, there's no estate tax if his wife inherits everything.

    Thanks for the info. Nice to see that its possible for posters to add to the conversation instead of showing everyone how wonderfully they are by criticizing what everyone else does, thinks, or has the nerve to post.

  10. I did see a little bit of info at the end of a long thread after I posted. Thanks for the nice, polite, insightful responses.


    I don't want anyone to off Ralph. I have a lot of respect for him and I get annoyed by the post here that call him a fool and cheap when they haven't accomplished anything close to what Ralph has with his life. That being said he is 91 years old, and my wife thought he was drooling on himself in his last news conference when Buddy Nixes hire was announced. The news story about the estate tax seemed like a good topic to post. Maybe I should have just posted more speculation about our next coach.

  11. I heard a breif news story on NPR that said congress failed to renew the estate tax and it isn't in effect right now but it may be put in effect retroactive. Does anyone know the details. This could have a big effect on Ralphie's estate and the ownership of the Bills.

  12. I like his game but he should get a -1 for his complete idiocy on the last play. It was 10X stupider than Nate Clements mental mistake vs Jimmy Smith, yet I haven't heard one person take him or Wilson to task for it.

    John Madden was right, winning is a great deodorant!-)


    You will have to explain this. I remember him and Wilson pulling in a int. on the Hail Mary. I thought he was pretty smart to let Wilson pull it in even though he could have had it and padded his stats. I also give him credit with being right there for another int.

  13. Drew Brees has gotten into the leagues head with his performance so far. He has done a great job of beating the blitz and now you hear over and over that if you blitz him you will pay. It reminds me of the pats* 2 years ago. They had the whole league freaked out until the Giants decided they were going to make Brady pay a price for every pass, the rest is history.


    On the Saint's first offensive series send a jail house blitz. I don't care if Brees gets a touchdown, or we pick up a roughing the passer penalty as long a K. Mitchell picks Brees up and pancakes him as hard as he can. For the rest of the game we can play cover 2, run FJ and play for field position. We need to send a message that this is our house and we aren't afraid to blitz. If Brees thinks we are afraid to blitz then he is going to sit back and tear us apart.


    Who Dat Saying They Gonna Beat dem Saints. The Bills are!

  14. Maybe these Bills will learn the lesson that those Bills learned. After that game they knew how to play to win. They put teams away and kept their foot on the opponents neck. They pulled games out if given a chance at the end (like the Pats* did). Remember the game where Nate Odomes mugged a Denver receiver and took the ball to the house to win a game. I remember a game against the Chargers that the Bills had no business winning but Jim Kelley found a way at the last minute. The Miami game that Jim ran in for a score at the last second to win. The 49's game with no punts that the Bills refused to lose. This team has enough talent maybe this stupid loss will spark that kind of play. I agree that Harmon was different and his comments after the game were the reason that he was traded. McKelvin has a whole season to help fans forget this mistake. I am willing to give him a chance but none of us will ever forget this play. How many of us remember what a great kicker Scoot Norwood was?

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