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Posts posted by NWPABillsfan

  1.       I raised my sons correct.  My middle son got married in Georgia at Jekyll Island. The next week we had a reception up here. His bride and him came into the reception to the shout song while wearing Bills jerseys. Plus their 2 girls also had Bills jerseys on.All 4 of them are big Bills fans now. Along with my wife and I. Plus my youngest son and his 6 kids complete family.  We watch the BIlls every game,unless the TV in Erie doesn't show it. But then they gets a letter from me just about every time. But I alway have the radio on listening to the game or streaming it to my phone or computer

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  2. I always Liked Steve Young. I still do but when he was announcing the Monday Night Game against the Cowgirls.  They were in the endzone it seemed like at every break he would turn his chair around and face the field instead of sitting there and interacting with the fans, a bit disappointed with the way he acted but I still like him as a football player. 



  3. In junior high I played Football and wrestled. Starting center and nose tackle and started on the wrestling team. Varsity Football for my freshmen year and just focused on wrestling for the rest of my high school years. Coach kept asking me to come back out, but didn't want to get hurt for wrestling season. Varsity Wrestling for my 4 year high school years. I never had a losing record in all 4 years of wrestling. Now i wish I had play varsity football also.  But I guess there is nothing I can do now after 43 years. I coached kids football for 14 years also.

  4.       Back in 1981 between Christmas and New Years I went to a party and got totally smashed  my wife was 6 month prego and they had to help me to the truck across the ice and snow. My wife was on her own to get to the truck. The next morning I got up and said I put my wife and baby in jeopardy so I said I am drinking any more. So I have not had any since 1981. I do not miss it at all. I don't hold it against anyone that does drink it just isn't for me anymore.

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  5.                         Back in 1972-73 I entered 7th grade. I decided the Cowboys was my team. I than followed the cowboys until 1981. I than decided I wanted to follow a local team, that I could go see sometimes. So because of where I live just south of Erie Pa. The browns and the Steelers and the BILLS are all about 2 hour drive. So without telling anyone what I was thinking I sort of just watch the 3 for the 1981 season. There is a lot of Steeler fans around there. The Browns are well the Browns. So starting with the 1982 season I was a Bills fan for life. I have been ever since. My wife says if I ever change teams I would have to get a totally new wardrobe. I make it to 2 or 3 games a year.    GO BILLS

  6. 2 hours ago, Shaw66 said:

    All week I've had trouble getting a handle on Sunday's game.  I simply haven't known how to think about the matchup.   After watching last night, I got it.  Here's what I think about Sunday:


    I think the Bills and the Pats are built the same.  In his presser on Wednesday, Belichick described the Bills the way people describe the Patriots: solid in all aspects of the game, they don't make mistakes, they disguise what they're doing, they have good players at all positions, they have good coaches.  The Patriots have been at it longer than the Bills, so I think the Pats actually have an edge in overall effectiveness, but I think the Bills should be competitive. 


    However, watching the game last night, it was impossible not to recognize how great Rodgers is and, despite being very good himself, how Wentz's abilities simply don't approach the mastery Rodgers displayed.   Brady is like Rodgers, and Allen is like Wentz.  


    Brady and Rodgers have combined their talents with years and years of experience in the league.  They give the impression, and Brady actually said it about himself, that they understand everything he sees going on in the defense.   One thing they said the Packers new head coach did when he arrived was tell Rodgers and the offense that they should go back to doing whatever it was that worked so well for so many years.  Essentially, he said he wanted to take advantage of all the experience Rodgers had.   Time and again last night, Rodgers knew exactly where to go with the ball.  He had a really quick release occasionally, to take advantage of a window that he knew would be closing, he knew how to buy himself time in and outside of the pocket to get the receiver to the spot on the field where Rodgers could make a throw.   He drilled some balls, floated some balls, all with great accuracy.  You could SEE it on the field all night long. 


    Brady has that kind of mastery, too.   


    Wentz and Allen have great skills.   I think Allen is a better thrower and also a better scrambler, but Wentz is certainly no slouch.   And most of the time, they can match the big boys, throw for throw.   But every once in a while they don't know what to do with the ball, because the defense has crossed them up, or because the primary receiver didn't run the route right or something.   When one of those things happens, Wentz and Allen are improvising; Rodgers and Brady know what to do.  It's as though Rodgers and Brady are chefs, and no matter what collection of ingredients you give them, they can make you something to eat.  Allen and Wentz will give you plenty of tasty meals, but every once in a while they give you a plate of crap. 


    Those skills that Rodgers and Brady have are the result of having thousands of on-field, in-game repetitions, film study, coaching, thinking, practice.   They've learned to throw side-arm and over the top, to make quick releases, to make subtle moves in the pocket to buy time, when to bail, when to run, when to slide, when to do each of the little things that add up to their being truly excellent at what they do.  Wentz and Allen show some of those things, some of the time, but they're still figuring it out, putting the pieces of the puzzle together.  If their progress continues, and I expect it will for both of them, in another three years we'll see a couple of young QBs who are deadly weapons, like Rodgers and Brady are. 


    So what do I expect on Sunday?  I expect Brady will be the difference, because QB is such an important position and he's the best in the business.  That could mean the Bills get blown out, it could mean the Bills lose a close one.   Or it could mean the Bills find a way to play with the Pats despite Brady's obvious superiority over Allen, just like the Eagles did.   Keep it close, compete on every play, and then, when you're about to lose the game to the best QB in the game (who didn't think Rodgers was going to march the Pack down the field i=and tie the game?), catch a break in the end to win the game.  


    Oh, and one more thing.   Don't ask me how in heaven's name Mahomes is already able to play so much like a seasoned veteran.  I'd guess that the combination of Reid and a lot of talent around him minimizes the impact of the things that Mahomes doesn't understandyet.   Whatever it is, he's the only young QB who seems to demonstrate the kind of the breadth of skills that only the old masters have.   

    I agree 100% with this. But this the reason I hate Brady so much. Because he is so good and so hard to confuse and all. I still think we can stay with the Cheatriots and hopefully pull it out in the end.( AKA Eagles last night.)

  7.         Things said in this thread is why I am selling my motorcycle. I am tired of watching people pull up beside me and text or getting cut off going down the road. There too many people out there that do not watch what they are going and only think about them self. Add to that the fact that when you are on 2 wheels you have less protection. I am done with Motorcycles and i was at time the biggest component of riding motorcycles around. Just give me 4 wheels now.

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  8.          Well a few years ago some one on here said draft a QB every year until we get a good one. Now I see this OL off season as the some what the same. Bring in a lot of OL and let them complete until the starting 5 show up and take the jobs. GO BILLS

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  9. I coached little league baseball for 8 years, coached kids wrestling for 10 years, and kids football for 12 years. All the teams were 4th thru 6th grade boys. Just tried to teach them the fundamentals of the sports. I had this one boy in football that was not understanding what I was trying to teach him. so about half way though the season he came up to me and said " coach I am very sorry but I just don't think i am cut out to play football."  This really was very funny I just loved the way he said it too me.  I really loved coaching that age group.

  10.           Back when I was in high school you could lose all the weight for wrestling that you wanted too. So I went down 35 pounds. I wouldn't eat or drink all day until the weigh in. To make a long story short. I got all ready to go out and wrestle my match. As i went out onto the mat to wrestle, i got the worst charlie horse I ever had. I went down on the edge of the mat and grabbed my leg. i was in alot of pain. After I used all my injury time up i went out and wrestled the match i believe i won but my leg hurt for 3 or 4 days after very embarrassing.  

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