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Philly McButterpants

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Posts posted by Philly McButterpants

  1. I don't think Edmunds is a "bust."  He is however, just a "guy." He makes no impact plays and for $12MM/year and a #16 over all pick, I want more from him.  


    He could be replaced with just about anyone and there would be no drop-off in the defense's performance.


    Those of you who site:

     - But he's only 19

     - Two Pro Bowls

     - Captain of a top defense

     - blah, blah, blah...


    That's all fine and dandy, but show me a game, a half, a quarter, a series where he dominated and I'll never speak ill of him again. (Because you can't). I can show you Milano and Klein doing that.  Not Edmunds.  Save the $$$ and move on.

  2. So, in the same draft, 9 picks difference....  Look at what Josh brings to the team.  Now look at what 49 brings to the team.  Can you Edmunds defenders honestly tell me that he is on par??


    I stand by my 3 year comment that a street free agent could have as big an impact as 49.  He brings NOTHING to this team in terms of difference making plays. He is "a guy." 


    But then again , he's only 19 so.... (sarcasm off)


  3. 37 minutes ago, SydneyBillsFan said:

    Playoff geeks - does the Browns loss help us if we fail to beat the cheats?

    I heard ion the radio yesterday that if the Browns had won, the Bills playoff chances are 72%; with the Browns loss, the Bills are 82% likely to make the playoffs. 

  4. Just now, streetkings01 said:

    Is Olsen gonna be one of those guys that spends the whole game trying to Will the Pats into a comeback? They’re getting dominated on both sides of the ball and all he’s talking about is how the Pats are gonna adjust blah blah blah……how about talking more about how the Colts whipped the Pats in this 1st half?

    Agree. Let’s hope this week and next week derail the hype train a bit. 

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