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Posts posted by 83evans83

  1. I think that the Buffalo Bills 2000 Draft ranks up there as one of the worst drafts in the history of the franchise. Others have busts, sure, but most also have key players picked up in later rounds. The 2000 draft is led by one of our bigger bust, Flowers, followed by absolutely no one recognizable.

    Travares Tillman was ok, and Sammy Morris is still playing, although he is nothing special!!

  2. Looking back at previous Bills drafts ( http://www.nfl.com/draft/history/fulldraft...0&type=team ) I have noticed one thing the draft is such a crapshoot!!! Look at the Bills drafts, most of the guys they have drafted have turned out to be garbage!!!


    Quick trivia question however, looking back at the drafts, I noticed that in 1983 the Bills drafted Jim Kelly in the first round with the 14th overall pick. The Bills had another first round pick, at 12. I never knew that. The question is who did the Bills select before Jim Kelly?!!??!!

  3. The two Stu's think the Bill are the best team in the AFC. However, Skip bayless says that he wouldn't put one AFC team in his top 5 best teams in the league!!! I can't stand this guy he thinks that he is so knowledgable, when he is truly an idiot.

  4. Besides Hardy's touchdown catch last week, and McKelvin's nice return this week, our rookies haven't had to do much; and we are still winning; Unlike last year when we had to rely on Lynch, Edwards, Fred Jackson, and Poz!!! Just imagine once Hardy and McKelvin get a little more experienced like Lynch, Edwards, Jackson, and Poz have. Once they work themselves in a little more, this team will be unstoppable. The only problem I have is with McKelvin. I don't see him getting much playing time at all, besides returning kicks. Jabari Greer and McGee are playing like Probowlers, not to mention Youboty. Youboty looks incredible!!! This guy looks like the real deal.

  5. Im going to say the Colts will beat the Patriots. The Saints will beat the Bears.


    So my Superbowl 41 will pin the Colts against the Saints, and I'm saying Peyton Manning will beat his favorite team as a child.


    Indianapolis Colts are going to be the Superbowl Champs,and Peyton Manning will be named Superbowl MVP, what's your take on this???

  6. I don't understand it, I mean I don't completely love the guy either but im sick and tired of seeing everyone wanting to trade him. It reminds me of when I am on the Mets message boards and everyone wants to trade Shawn Green. I dont know if that is a very good analogy though. I'll just say this I'm willing to bet you that next year if the Bills add atleast 1-2 decent offensive lineman, that Willis will rush for atleast 1300 yards and 10 TD's, pending that he doesnt get hurt. That's all I have to say about Willis. Any thoughts?

  7. Okay, I'm just looking for everyone's personal opinions. What do you least like about sports today? Ill start off by saying I don't like the huge contracts athletes sign. Especially in baseball. Look at Barry Zito for example, the guy signed a $120 million+ dollar contract with San Fran, yet players 20-30 years ago were lucky if they even made a 10th of that in their entire careers. The other thing I don't like about lengthy, pricey contracts is the fact that it seems like alot of the time once the athlete signs it they usually play sub-par to their true abilities. Take for example the Bills first round pick "Fat-a@@" Mike Williams out of Texas. I mean I loved that pick that year in the draft I thought he was going to be a stud, as well as Mel Kiper and hundreds of other professional NFL Draft analysts. But once Mike Williams inked that contract it seemed like he went down hill fast. I think he spent the majority of his contract at The Anchor Bar eating as many wings as he could. Actually he probably didn't even have to pay Im sure fans, or even the bar itself might have picked up his tab. Well thats enough on the Mike WIlliams issue, I was just venting my frustration. But anyways the thing I like least about Pro-sports today are THE CONTRACTS.

  8. Hey All


    I am doing research for a sports management class. Please complete to the best of your abilities. It is greatly appreciated!! Thanks!


    Research Survey


    Gender: Male X Female


    Age: ____18___


    1) To what degree would you consider yourself a sports fan?


    Fanatic X

    Above Avg



    Not at all


    2) Would you consider yourself a fan of the following sports?


    Pro Football X

    College Football X

    Arena Football

    Pro Basketball X

    College Basketball

    Pro Baseball X

    Pro Hockey X

    Pro Soccer

    Indoor Lacrosse

    Outdoor Lacrosse


    3) While attending a sporting event, what type of environment do you prefer to have take place?


    Raucous, wild, loud, etc X

    Family Friendly

    Casual, laid back

    Other (specify)


    4) What qualities/characteristics do you enjoy most at a sporting event (circle top 3)?


    The Sport Itself X

    Social Outing

    The Competition X


    Goal/TD Celebration

    Athletes Ability Level

    Intermission Entertainment

    Support of Favorite Athletes

    Hometown Team X

    Other (specify)


    5) What qualities/characteristics do you least enjoy at a sporting event (circle top 3)?


    Prices X

    Intermission Entertainment

    Music During Play

    Attendees Arriving Late

    Poor Refereeing X

    Raucous Environment

    Family Friendly Environment

    Specific Athletes X

    Other (specify)


    6) What are your favorite characteristics of today’s sports (check up to five)?


    High Scoring


    Physical Play (tackles, hits, etc) X


    Game Winning Shots/Goals X

    Playmaking X



    Home Runs X

    Highlight Reel Goals

    Strategy X

    Other (specify)


    7) In a given year how often do you attend/watch “new age” sports (ex: arena football, pro lacrosse, UFC, etc)?






    Semi-Annually X



    8) What about the concepts of “new age” sports do you/do not enjoy? (Please explain) I don't enjoy the fact that free agents in some sports like baseball; take for example a pitcher like Barry Zito, gets a contract of 100+ million dollars, meanwhile the players of "old age sports" were lucky if the made a 10th of that in there entire pro careers. I like the fact that the games are easily accessable through the internet or television/direct tv.

  9. Who would be a suitable team that we could trade Willis to, for decent value, that we wouldn't have to face that often and it wouldn't give him the opportunity to come back and bite us in the arse all that often?


    I would say the New York Giants. They are going to lose Tiki Barber and i think that they are a team where Willis could be the star that he has always thought he is. The publicity factor would be something that he would not want to pass up and i think that New York would love to have a big name like him in their back field.


    We could also probably get a decent second round or third round pick based on their position in the draft and would not be asking them to give up too much. If anything, the New York media would help push this through because of how over hyped McGahee truly is. I can hear it now; Sports radio shows in New York saying "pull the trigger and get Willis McGahee here".


    Just a thought, who do you think would be a suitable trade partner?

    Would you trade him to the Texans for there second and fourth round pics? Possibly the Browns?

  10. Ive been searching the web for a good site on Bills trivia, and have found none. So I was thinking why dont we have like a trivia game here on the board... heres how it should go ill start it by asking a question and whoever answers it correctly gets to ask another question, then the next guy who got it right can ask another question and so-on. If you all think this is stupid I understand, but I just wanted to see how knowledgable everyone is...


    Ill start it off with a simple question...

    What pair of Buffalo Bills players won Defensive Player of the Year honors in consecutive seasons in 1995 and 1996?

  11. I am 18, and a big Bills fan, I live in Florida. I come on the board alot but just have been to lazy to ever create an account but I love it on here, so that is why I finally decided to join. All you guys are diehard Bills fans like myself, and I like seeing all of your opinions on things. Here where I live in Florida, there are few Bills fans; mostly Dolphin fans. Put it this way I dont get along with many people, always arguing with the Phins fans. Every Sunday I watch the games, because I have the NFL Sunday Ticket. I just hope you all welcome me with open arms. Thanks. And GO BILLS!!

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