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Steve From Roch

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Posts posted by Steve From Roch

  1. Happy b-day Rock!


    kick back and enjoy!



    I just updated my profile; it used to be on the calendar. :lol:


    I am working today but taking a three day weekend. At 5 o'clock, I will be on my way to the Merchants Grill for a few cold ones. Then my wife, 3 of my 4 kids, and 5 grandkids are coming over for a BBQ.


    AND the sun is shining too!  :lol:  :huh:  :doh:


  2. I really struggled with this draft, and the reason behind TD first 2 picks.


    At first I thought that Moulds might be "on the way out" or that our TE might be a little bit behind in rehab.  Why else would he bypass drafting an O-lineman.  :lol:


    The more I think about it the more I believe that TD really believes that we are very close to a playoff caliber team.  He has drafted for depth at skill positions... something we have not seen from 1 bills drive in many years! 


    lets see not counting the rookies.


    Runningback WM-running for 1400

    WRs - Moulds and Evans (I bet losman gets a woody every time he thinks about those two  :lol: )

    J - jack-be-nimble- P Losman - not Bledsoe!

    Mike Williams - came to minicamp in shape!


    A Defense that should be in the top 5


    My god I think I'm starting to believe!  :D





    Believe what? That the Bills are a play-off team or that TD has is own version of what constitutes a good draft?


    I believe that the Bills are a 9-7 team this year and maybe a 10 – 6 team next year and I doubt that we make the play-off until 2007. Here is why.


    One: the team last year lacked the mental toughness (Remember TD said they would correct that) to win any of their first 4 games. I don’t know if DB or MM or TD is to blame for that but the result was a team that when it counted was not tough enough to WIN. I think they had the high skill players but no real win at all cost type attitude. But TD does have JPL so… on to number two JPL will be a leader with his voice, feet and actions, so DB is out. JP is the leader so TD had to get him some targets to throw at. As far as the OL, well you can sack what you can’t catch so no OL first pick. I think TD believes that a run orientated OL does not have to be the highest skilled, just the highest motivated.


    I think the highest skilled players the team needs to be successful were already on the team, JPL and WM. I Think that is why the draft went the way it did.


    Back to my earlier point you can’t just give a team a Toughness transfusion. It takes a few years to build up. When the talk in the locker room goes from “We have what it takes we just need to execute” to “we won because we wanted it more” that’s when I’ll start to believe. BTW that will be when Tom Brady and the PATs look at the schedule and say “Man we gotta play these guys Three times a year to make it to the super-bowl”.

  3. I have been coaching soccer for over 10 years.  I think it is about time to quit.  Tired of parents bitching all the time.  If its not one parent its another parent.  I don't get paid.  I volunteer my time.  I coach a U-13 premier girls soccer team.  5 players were late to league game because of track meet.  So whenever one showed up I benched them for only 15 mins.  I did that to my star player when she showed up with 18 minutes left in game.  She got to play for only a few minutes.  Parents freaked out.  Calls me up and quits.  I think that's what I am about to do.  It wears on you over the years.





    Man I feel your pain but I think quitting would be a decision you regret. The point being is that the right decisions are not always popular, but if someone has your back, the pain is easier to deal with. I’m sure that there are some parents that support you and respect you for how you conduct your self as the coach and roll model for these kids. Some life lessons are meant to be taught on the field, that’s why we play sports. Other lessons can only be taught on the bench. Stick to your convictions you have my respect and the respect of a lot of other parents out there.

  4. QB

    RJ over Flutie, then Drew and now JP and Holcomb.

    Grade D-.

    At least for now. JP can change all of that.



    TH and WM

    Grade B+ and rising!



    Reed, Aiken, Smith, Shaw, Jett, Wright, Smith and Evans.

    Grade D+

    Evans stops this from being a F, but a otherwise weak group of receivers.



    MW, CV, TT, JJ, Ross Tucker, Lawrence Smith, Mike Pucillo, M. Price, Ben Sobieski and Dylan McFarland.

    Grade C- and falling. JJ is gone and uncertainty at the LG and LT positions



    Mark Campbell, Euhus, Moore, Nuefeld

    Grade D+



    Aaron Schobel, Sam Adams, Ryan Denney, Chris Kelsay, Justin Bannon Ron Edwards & Tim Anderson

    Grade B-



    Spikes, Fletcher, Posey, Stamer, Crowell & Haggan

    Grade A-

    Arguably one of TD's strongest positions.



    Milloy, Clements, Vincent, McGee, Thomas, Baker, Greer, Wire, PP, Raion Hill

    Grade B-



    Lindell & Hollis

    Grade D+

    D+ thanks to Hollis






    Overall Grade



    I looked at your assessments and I find fault with a lot of what you have to say. Here is why. At each and every pick the Bills had, position and need were dictated by either getting out of cap hell or fill gaping holes created by retirements, injury, or as GW use to say wrong type of player for his scheme. A lot of the players you listed where the best of the options that was available at the time. Remember picking players in the draft is part skill, part art and part luck. It is impossible to know if a collage player that has potential to make it in the NFL will in fact be a success. There are to many intangibles that goes into finding a player that make it in the league much less be a super star, which seems to be your criteria for success.


    The only problem I have with TD picks has been his head coaching pick of GW. But again I think he did not have much to go with at the time but needed a change, and Greg seemed to have a plan for success. Alas, he will only prove to be a competent as an assistant coach. Of course you don’t know until you place the person in the position and roll the dice.


    Here is why I think TD is a good GM.

    1. He got us out of cap hell and the QB controversy that divided the Bills and this board

    2. When RJ proved he was not the right fit, moved on and brought in DB.

    3. Fielded a team that has showed improvement every year (IMHO)

    4. When DB proved he was not the right fit moved on…


    Will TD get us to a Super bowl? I don not know. But I think he will put us in a position to get there. :doh:

  5. One of the nuns at Marywood (where I went to school) went to Fordham. She was the scariest woman I ever met - like a tank with eyes!  ;)




    My wife went to Marywood


    MSW '94


    Some of those Nuns were scary! most of them were very nice to her!

  6. That my friend gets you banned from all future FATs  :blush:






    Glad your back at FAT.


    Looking forward to next week!


    I'm only posting this so my wife (Christina) can see my avatar. She seems to think mine will be similar to yours. Ha mine is much better.

  7. My thoughts…


    I really enjoyed watching our defense playing yesterday. I have always wondered why they have not played at that level all year. Did the one or two roster moves give that much of a spark or was it just a case of a unit that need a few games to build momentum? I’m not sure but I hope it lasts.


    Kudos to the coaching staff for hiding our TE for the last three games then “Whamo” :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: spring him on the Rams. It’s nice to see a plan four weeks in the making come to fruition, WTG. I might just claim our TE off of my FFL waver wire in three weeks or so when the Bills might spring him again on their next long range victim.


    Special Teams has become fun to watch again. :blink:


    I’m still in shock that JP did not get a few snaps when there was less then 4 minutes left in the game. Even if Drew is slated to be the #1 QB all season, I would have thought that to build JP’s confidence up after last weeks debacle the coaching staff would have thrown him in just to hand off on running plays. :blink: I am beginning to think that rookie head coache’s bad decision making is the real reason why there are so many retreads of old coaches.

  8. Dear TBD'ers


    I just wanted to thank you all for the kind words and warm thoughts (For those who did not post) sent our way.


    I thought I would give an update:


    Both Mrs. Steve and Alexandra are now home and are doing great. So far we have been blessed with 4 and 5 hours sleep the last two nights. Alexandra is a good eater and sleeper, she loves to be held and wraped up tight in blanckets.


    The labor went about 10 hours and the pushing part about 1.5 hours. Mrs. Steve did great and everyone was very proud of how well she did. We delivered at Highland Hosp. in Rochester and I have to say the staff was great. They treated Mrs Steve and Alex like gold and the attention was second to none. :D


    But all that is over and we are at home without a safetynet of nurses and doctors to help out. Luckly for us Mr and Mrs. Rachacha live only minutes away and are the best parents in the area so help is just around the corner.


    I just wanted to say that the day my wife went into labor the D&C ran a story on the increasing cost of College education. (The gray hairs are coming in fast now). :unsure:

  9. As I watched the last two game one question has continued to jump out at me. Where is the mental toughness that the Bills were supposed to develop during the off-season and demonstrate during the season? If anyone has seen it please let me know I might have blinked and missed it.


    Also I do not believe that the Bills offence is as bad as some are saying. The o-line is struggling but even a blind person saw that coming. Come on, after the preseason misshapes with this unit (under conditioned, absenteeism, injury, etc). Even if all that did not take place a line needs time playing together to start to jell. So I’ll be honest, I thought the Bills would struggle during the first half of the season. New head coach and all that.


    But what has lead to the defeats is the lack of mental toughness, AKA discipline that any team needs to win. I will not list the broken plays, penalties, dropped passed, missed blocking assignments, special team blunders, :) etc we all saw them so there is no need to rehash. But I will say that if Buffalo had improved on the mental aspect of the game during the off-season then we would have been 2 – 0 facing the Pats.


    One other note, TD cannot fix the mental part of this game. You can take him behind the woodshed and hold his feet to the fire all you want but the responsibility rests in one place only….

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