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Posts posted by BillsFanInRochester

  1. Ok Bills fans, we have heard all the whining and crying about our team.

    Let's move forward and get this team fixed and the guys that are now in control are going to do just that, pay attention here is how it will happen in 10 easy steps


    1. Sign best available OT in free agency

    2. Draft best available OT in 1st round

    3. Sign best available NT or DT in free agency

    4. Teach Trent Edwards how to read defenses and protect the ball , Coach Gailey's very good at this.

    5. Moving Maybin to OLB in 3-4, with Poz & Mitchell on inside, need 1 other ball hawk, watch for kid from Georgia Tech

    6. Sign a decent WR in Free agency, several out there

    7. Get in Marshawn's head and teach him how to act like a Pro athlete

    8. Draft Tebow late 3rd or 4th if he there, will be a good Pro QB with some coaching (Gailey's specialty)


    With the existing Offensive line players (resign Incognito) and these additions, and a coach that can teach Trent, you will see a lot of improvement, with these additions the defense will also improve, with a few things here and there, this team can improve quickly, it may take a few years to get to the Super Bowl but they will get there.....Mark it Down!


    If they do not do the following two, I am canceling my season tickets:

    #2 Draft best available OT in the 1st round


    #8 I would be fine with Tebow or LeFevour, or another QB to groom


    Doing both of those things makes me feel like there's a future -- surely not in 2010, but I will wait out the storm. If they do not do either of those, I am out. I feel like a schmuck for having renewed over the past ten years (I have had them for 25 years), thinking each year would be different. To increase season ticket prices $10 per game without having a product to back it up is a slap in the face. I cannot stomach watching a senseless debacle of effort and shoddy management of football operations.

  2. I thought Edwards played well, but except for the pass that Owens dropped, it looked like all of this deep passes were underthrown.


    The one to Evans was certainly underthrown. I could give a crepe because it went for a TD, but we can't put on the blinders and pretend they were perfect passes. It's constructive criticism. I like what I have seen out of Trent over the past two weeks, especially with the increased chances he took down the field. I agree with a later poster that the timing will improve. Like I said, I am just happy to see Edwards throwing deep. It may not be a question of arm strength. It's timing, confidence, ... I think someone eluded that Schonert would put pressure on Edwards to be perfect. Van Pelt says take the chances. Go AVP!

  3. It was nice to hear the input from the old games -- long before I was born and watching. And the mid-80's games were played before my brain was recording football memories.


    Putting aside the Oilers "comeback" (which everyone has agreed was a comeback, more than an upset), it has been a long time since the team has surprised. Here's to hoping that we pull an upset for the younger Generation X'ers and the Generation Y'ers!

  4. Thank you all very much for the input. I was thinking about heading up to Saratoga, but I might have been talked out of it. There was a cool sports bar on their main drag that I used to watch Sabres games at, but it doesn't sound too promising.


    I might have to try to Clifton Park route. If I think it's going to be a horrible game, and I'm going to be having more than a couple "sodas" then I'll stick closer to home. I appreciate all the recommendations! Thanks! Go Bills!

  5. I was just scheduled for work in Albany next week, and will have to catch the Bills game at a bar, or alone in my hotel room. What bar would you recommend? I would prefer a place with sound on the television, a good viewing, a pleasant crowd. And as few Mass-holes as possible. Are there any Bills bars in the Albany area? Thank you!

  6. Last time that I checked, fans can be just as loud sitting as they can be standing.

    Have some respect,and consideration for those behind you who aren't in their 20's anymore.

    (not holding my breath)


    Yeah, well you can also have sex with yourself, but it's a lot more fun when you really get into it and enjoy it with someone else, or even other people.


    I sympathize if you are handicapped or elderly and are required to sit, but if you have two good legs, you are just as able to stand, as the people in front of you.

  7. Ah, a topic that is dear to my heart. There is one thing much more annoying than the fan that stands up throughout the game -- the fan that is constantly yelling for that fan to sit down. Please, focus that energy on cheering on the Bills. I'm sure on the field, it all sounds the same. But from my seat, "D-FENSE" and "sit down" just don't mesh. I swear, some people go to the game just to yell at those people because they're having too much fun!


    It can be annoying when someone stands up for the entire game, but from 99% of my observations, and in my section, most fans are standing when the Bills are on defense, or they are celebrating a nice offensive play. It feels funny to sit and cheer. <yay, team... okay, now let's sit still.> You just can't get enough into it. Unless, of course, you're sitting and yelling for someone in front of you to sit down. Then of course, you have more annoying exuberance and energy than a crying baby.

  8. Whitner and Simpson both got smoked on that TD to #15. I'm still trying to figure why Whitner tackled the dude 10 yards in the end zone. I realize the WR slowed down at about the 10 yard line but come on. It's not like the whole T.O.- George Teague thing when TO stomped on the Dallas star at the 50 yard line then rightfully was slammed by Teague. I expected more composure from a guy who's one of our leader's on D. And I will maintain he's a better leader than player for what that's worth.


    I wish Whitner would have laid a little bit harder hit on that bastage.

  9. I guess I would be in favor of dropping the drinking age to 18. But, if it has to stay at 21, then allow kids over 18, but under 21 to drink under adult supervision. You could add another clause that says the guardian/supervisor is responsible for the kid's drinking and actions. So if he gets in a car and drives, the guardian is also fu$%ed.

  10. How many of those tickets for MNF were picked up by scalpers? Like I have seen at Sabres games, extra tickets get bought cheap by scalpers, and then scalpers rape the fans trying to go to the game. The end result is local fans cannot afford tickets at the resale price, but the other team's fans who are desperate for seats pay the price to go. I have seen Sabres games where it looks like Montreal/Toronto/Ottawa had more fans than Buffalo. I hope that doesn't happen with the MNF game.

  11. http://www.sportingnews.com/yourturn/viewtopic.php?t=420003



    Allen Wilson talks up the Bills in the article as to how this is the most talented team Jauron has put on the field, but when you get down to the season prediction, it says the Bills will go 5-11 and finish third in the AFC East.


    I really don't care about people's predictions, but it was surprising to me because the tone of the article would lead you to believe he would have more optimism for the coming season, then he drops that bomb at the end of the article.


    Although, thinking about it now, it does say Sporting News prediction--maybe its not his personal prediction?


    Well said. After reading the article, and seeing the projected finish, I thought about starting a thread that said exactly what you said.

  12. I don't see it working out. You have two quarterbacks that have skill sets to flourish under completely different schemes. JP should be a scrambling, out-of-the-pocket QB. Trent is a pocket QB with a quick release. With each style, you have plays developing further, or quick dump-offs. Both systems have their advantages and both have disadvantages. But one certainty is that once you have your scheme, you build your team. You should not force a player to adapt to a scheme. If this is a conservative passing system, then JP might have the ability to fight for the starting job, but he is being set up to fail.

  13. Unfortuantly most fans want instant gratification and the team to win NOW.


    As for the Sabres, this is the first year they have sold out the Arena all year in a long time (if ever). They would have never done this if they did not come within a couple injuries of making (and winning the cup. Wheres everyone complaining about TG not getting Regier to sign a ton of Big name FA's? Most fans are content letting the heart and sole of this team walk in the offseason (Briere or Drury) because they feel that they have someone in the minors ready to come up and take their place and don't want to overspend on players, yet when it comes to the Bills its all about getting a big name FA and Spending every dime. The Sabres are a gereat example of what building a young team witha solid core can do to keep you successful for more then a year or 2.


    I agree with a couple of the earlier posts that point out you cannot compare the NFL to other leagues. But, if you want to compare the Bills to the Sabres, you're way off base. First of all, the Sabres spent to the cap for this season. In fact, they cannot pick up a free agent now because they would go over cap-- it must be a trade to free up some cap.


    As close as the Sabres were last year, they were not complacent with coasting into this season. They picked up Spacek for help on defense. That's all I am asking for from the Bills. The Bills need help, so spend the money to add depth and improve. Way too much cash to sit on your hands.


    Finally, to say that Sabres fans do not care about Drury and Briere is crazy. Many Sabres fans want those two re-signed, partly because of leadership. Now look at the Bills... London Fletcher will probably not return, and now I'm hearing things don't look good for Spikes. Who is the heart-and-soul of that defense? Schobel might have some skills but aside from sacking the QB, he lacks what Spikes and London offered.

  14. Great. Find someone here you trust, anyone that has been here a long time, and we will both send him or her a $100 check to hold right now. I'm saying that there will be one or less non-sellouts this coming year 2007. You are saying there will be two or more. Not TV blackouts, sellouts by game time. Unless some catastrophe happens like I said, where the season is over before October, and everyone here can decide that, not me.


    Your post gives me an idea. Why don't we all send $100 to someone, say Ralph Wilson, and tell him to buy us a better $*&^ing team!



  15. The total amount of seats that were empty for the Bills four non-sellouts this year was less than the amount of seats for one Sabres game. The ONLY reason the Sabres sold out every game this year is because they have one of the top 2-3 teams in the league, and they haven't been good for awhile. I will bet anyone here $100 right now that there will not be more than one non-sellout this year for the Bills, unless something catastrophic happens like JP and Evans and Peters and three other players get season ending injuries and they lose every game.



    You are on!


    I'll take that action!



  16. 2006 was an average year for the Bills. They proved they could be competitive, yet clearly not a dominating team, or a team capable of making a trip to the Super Bowl. If the front office is not interested in retaining key free-agents, or adding players to make the team better, can we draw a conclusion that the Super Bowl will not happen in the next year, or two, or even more?


    Every season starts with the goal and aspiration to be Super Bowl champs. If you know your team cannot make it, do you get as excited and pumped up as when you believe the team has a chance? That being said, is it any wonder that they had a hard time selling out games in 2006? Why would someone, who is not a die-hard Bills fan, attend a Bills game? Early on in 2006, when it looked like the Bills were mathematically eliminated, I think some people decided not to buy tickets to the games because the team had no post-season hopes. (I have season tickets so do not criticize me. But you have to admit that it is human nature to support a winning team.)


    What are they giving the fans to look forward to? In 2006, at least we could watch a young quarterback develop in front of us. But, 2006 was the year to see if Losman was our quarterback. Fans will not tolerate nothing more than a science experiment in 2007-- this team needs to start winning! Losman definitely needs some upgrades around him if that is to happen. And the defense is taking a couple of hits this year with the apparant departure of three free agents.


    I think their cash-to-cap approach is too cheap for this league and will not result in a competitive team that can take down the dominant teams. Translation, even if they make the playoffs, it's a first round out. I think next year's ticket sales will again be disappointing, resulting in more involvement by Schumer and revenue-sharing criticism by Ralph. And at some point, some media yahoo is going to question the desire of the fans to keep a team in Buffalo. I will say now, don't blame the fans or the fan base. It lies with the conscious decision and announcement by management not to take this team to the next level.

  17. In addition to having them broadcast each game in HD, could we also lobby that they improve their camera and broadcast equipment. Their HD sucks compared to ESPN, ABC, and Fox-- it's simply not on the same level. My understanding is that they are supposed to roll out new equipment for a better HD broadcast, but for a network that wanted the NFL, you would think they would have their act together.

  18. 1. PAY NATE


    3. sign a strong run stuffing DT

    4. sign a strong run blocking G

    5. sign a tall #2 WR

    6. Draft a DT&T early, then a strong RB late day 1 or early day 2, use the rest of the draft for depth



    The best summary I have seen yet! Right on.

  19. This is no longer true.  They apply local laws now.  I sold Bills tickets on EBay and I was required to enter the face value - it then told me what the top price would be and that the auction would end when that price was hit.



    I believe that to be true. Additionally, if you are selling Bills tickets, on e-Bay, and are located outside of New York State, the maximum price does not apply to you. However, good luck getting a premium for a seat when there are 19,000 available at the box office!

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