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Eric in Akron

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Posts posted by Eric in Akron

  1. I know I'm gonna get razed here but Marv Levy had many losing seasons with KC from 78-83. As a fact he had only one winning season going 9-7 in '81.


    I don't believe you can evaluate a coach on past W-L records alone. It takes a team from the Owner to the waterboy to be successful. Everyone has to be on the same page. Who knows if that was the case in Chicago? You really need to look at how he delegated to his assistants and how he managed a game on gameday. How were adjustments made. All those don't necessarily point to a win but they point to how he coaches.


    With all that said, I think on the surface the Bills made a bad choice. I have been wrong in the past, though.

  2. I think you are oversimplifying things....you'd be very please if Bill Cowher, Jerome Bettis, and their NT came here



    Pittsburgh cronies are:





    Clements (OC)


    After we took Mularkey, who was Pitts' OC, and Clements away they went 15-1. Hmmm..... You can say it was because of Rothesberger (sp?) but he really didn't need to do much. I think it was more of the new OC using the talent he had wisely.

  3. That team in Detroit, and its coach was a heck of a lot better than we were led to believe......didn't Fontes average around 10 wins per season, despite having just 1 player on the roster?



    Yeah the whole team was good for about 3 of Barry's 10 years with the team. However, Barry always had good years:


    89: Team 7-9 Barry: 1470 yards 5.3 ypc

    90: Team 6-10 Barry: 1304 yards 5.1 ypc

    91: Team 12-4 Barry: 1548 yards 4.5 ypc

    92: Team 5-11 Barry: 1352 yards 4.3 ypc - Worst ypc

    93: Team 10-6 Barry: 1115 yards 4.6 ypc - Worst yards

    94: Team 9-7 Barry: 1883 yards 5.7 ypc

    95: Team 10-6 Barry: 1500 yards 4.8 ypc

    96: Team 5-11 Barry: 1553 yards 5.1 ypc

    97: Team 9-7 Barry: 2053 yards 6.1 ypc (Wow)

    98: Team 5-11 Barry: 1491 yards 4.3 ypc - Tied worst ypc


    Detriot finished top in their division only twice (91 & 93). Despite being on some bad teams, Barry never averaged less than 4.3 ypc. That is elite.

  4. McGahee ran his mouth about being the best running back prior to the SD game. That was the last straw for me about the currently fielded Bills team. I got news for McGahee, elite backs make plays happen without much support. Barry Sanders produced even though his O-Line sucked. LT can produce and if you watch him run, it takes a few touches on him before he goes down.


    This whole team from the beginning of the year did a lot of talking but when it came to backing it up on the field, they couldn't. This team gets pushed around and I see no fight in them. Not even a flare to give a glimpse to the possible future. Yep, after the SD game I haven't watched a Bills game since. I've never been less proud to be a Bills fan. I used to be proud of the team even when they were having a bad season because the character of the team was at least honorable. Not this team, this is the type of team that alienates the fan base. Ugh.


    sorry for the rant, had to get it out, you can now continue with your lives as previously scheduled...

  5. Seems so.


    Games like this happen every Sunday - a club has a wide statistical margin, but gets beat. Like BUF - NE.


    I'd be more critical of the Chief's offensive playcalling than the Bills' - It looked to me as the 1st half was ending, that Green was having a bad day, and would continue to do so. 


    Given that their running was very effective, they dug their own hole.




    No kidding... I thought it was going to be only a matter of time until KC realizes that they should just run and then we would be done for. It never happened and we won.


    Anyone who thought the 'D' did well today, must've missed the fact that we still can't stop the run. Johnson almost averaged 5 ypc. KC should've just kept running the ball at the start of the 2nd half, but they insisted on trying to establish some kind of passing game. I would've kept running until the Bills could stop it consistently. Our D was getting handled in the running game.

  6. never enough mcgahee...  not enough cowbell.



    When everyone in the nation knows you're going to run on first down, you will be stopped no matter how you block it. It is called being predictable. A play action long ball pass on first down would've been sweet in the third quarter.


    They continue to send in these kind of play calls you will not win a game. Why do you think the 2nd half of every game has been atrocious? We have been very predictable on our play calls.

  7. Why in the H E L L do they continue to run on first down?????? I know that they are going to. They have done so for all but two friggen times!!!!!!! I thought they were setting up play action but they haven't. Heads up their respective butts.

  8. *SLAP!!*  Did you see what Beerstm said? IT'S FRIGGIN MIAMI WEEK!  THE DAMN DOLPHINS ARE COMING TO THE RALPH!!  I can understand a Bills fan can be bummed about how things have gone so far....even though I try and look on the bright side, I really CAN understand the negativity.....but for you to post this during MIAMI WEEK????  Are you  SURE you're a Bills fan??




    Needed that slap...


    Your right... It is MIAMI WEEK!! I just gotta think as to why I dispise them so much and it does get the blood going. I'm going to go call my Dad and get him fired up, take a shot of tequila chase with some Labatt Blue, get the wings ready, fire up the friggin' HD, take another shot, have my kids tell me that they secretly like the friggin' dolphins (wait.. no... scratch that - that'll get me pissed at them), have my wife tell me the dog likes the dolphins 0:) and I believe I will be ready for this game.



    Go BILLS!!!

  9. I'm sorry about that.  I don't remember a game where I wasn't excited.  Even during the strike year.. I was excited.. Man what is wrong with you?  It is MIAMI week.. How can You not be excited???




    Maybe I had my expectations so high that this season's disappointing results has just really put me into this mood. Don't get me wrong... I will watch today's game and deep down I will want the Bills to win but if they start to lose or calls are going against them, I won't be up in arms like I used to get. I don't know if I've finally been beaten to submission. 0:)


    My father and I were talking about it on the cell and he feels the same way. Believe me, that is odd for him because he would throw things at the TV when things were going wrong. This year he has just watches and sighs.

  10. I don't know what it is. Even during the Houston game, I just didn't feel excited watching them. Last year was exciting because the defense DOMINATED, whereas this year they seem to just be good. I dunno, it's like the team is in sleepwalk mode.


    However, watching the Sabres in the first two games, I saw a lot of high energy. I wish I could say the same for the Bills. They better come out hungry this game and show me something that will get the adrenaline flowing!

  11. Never has this been the case. They would have to produce it themselves, and fill in the time for commercials with analysis or something.


    Actually, this is what happens in the UK when they show the NFL.  Commercials are far more  than allowed by law, so they have two guys yabbering away during the TV timeouts



    Actually the following link discusses why Direct TV has to show commercials now and how in 1995 they didn't. In 1995, they stayed with the feed so you would have the commentators chatting, until the audience came back.


    Legal issue with NFL Sunday Tickets, Commercials, and Antitrust issues

  12. My concerns...


    #1. The game plan sucked. They talked how the first 10 plays for Buffalo were scripted, well they should've thrown the script out after 6 plays and 2 punts.


    #2. I didn't notice any halftime adjustments. Last year, this team was able to do a better job in the 2nd half of games because they adjusted to win.


    #3. The defense didn't adjust for the absence of Fletcher. The middle was exposed as weak and there was nothing done to tighten it up.


    I think the coaching staff went into this game unprepared. The players weren't motivated or charged and there was no creativity to get something going.

  13. I was thinking that yesterday as well. I think it had to do with the number of punts there were. However, I can't stand the score a touchdown, kick the extra point.. 2 mins of commercials... Watch a 10 second kickoff... 3 mins of commercials... Hey! Back to the game... 2 plays later a challenge or a injury... go to commercial. It is getting annoying! Plus as far as PPV games goes, what do you think Sunday Ticket is?

  14. My random thoughts on the scrimmage...


    JP is going to be a good quarterback. Holcombe who has started for half a year (in Cleveland where there offensive line was comparable to a sieve) looks better than JP at this point but I thought JP looked pretty good and will only improve in time when he gets more comfortable out there. I like what I saw there.


    JP was given about as much time as Drew had and I think that our OL will get stronger throughout the preseason. Dare I say it... they will gel.


    Two words about our defense... controlled chaos. I know it's an oxymoron. If there has every been a dominate defense that is exciting to watch then Buffalo has it right now. They are going to give me a heart attack because just when you think they've been beat on a play BAM they prove your thoughts wrong. Outstanding!


    Special teams still look pretty special. Considering this was nothing more than a scrimmage, I thought the team looked pretty good. Not too many mistakes and definetly a reduction of yellow flags than in years past. Can't wait till next week!

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