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Bungee Jumper

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Posts posted by Bungee Jumper

  1. Long story short, Buenos Aires is AWESOME! This was the third time I've been there and this trip was the best. Sad thing is, is that I might not be going back there until I'm out of college. How sad. :devil: I love seeing my family down there plus the weather was great. Even though it's Fall there, the temperature is around 70 during the day and doesn't get below 50 at night. Now I'm back in the awful cold weather with a major storm on the way. Hopefully I won't have school Monday.


    You weren't even gone. You went to Argentina, and posted just as usual. What kind of loser does that? :devil:

  2. My sentiments exactly.

    I guess some people are just too educated to consider that as a possibility.



    We can't be wrong about the 68 million years part. Just think what that might imply. A creator (shudder), perish the thought.



    I was kidding.


    Please tell me you are, too.

  3. Sure, it's easy for the Sharptons of the world to get mad about this and get their names in the headlines and use it as an excuse to stand up and say "See, I am mad at Imus and racism." But they also need to look at the big picture and realize that nappy-headed hos are finally getting the respect they deserve.


    Sharpton should be ecstatic, nappy-headed ho that he is.

  4. What? No one bashed Bush yet? Figueres!


    Bush would let you drown, just like he left al-Zarquari sit safe and pretty in the Northern part of Iraq--the part Saddam didn't control--before invading so he could have an excuse to invade. Bush would then claim Iran was behind you being pulled out to sea and left to die. Most experts would say this was not true, but Fox 'news' would take up the crusade, O'Reilly would be screaming, Hannity would be yelling and Alan Colmes would say, "yes but Democrats think appeasement works, and you have to give them credit for at least being consistent." Gotta love the 'balance' in the fascist propaganda network!



    I tried...I just couldn't get a good handle to make a funny joke out of. I thought of going with your joke...but then, I was trying to be amusing, not totally bug-!@#$ insane.

  5. Would you call the 5 Iranians that the U.S. took out of their consulate in Iraq (which is supposed to be soverign territory) and are still being held kidnapped hostages?


    I'd call it a completely different situation. From all accounts, the Iranians entered Iraqi waters to detain the British sailors. At worst, there's a dispute as to exactly where the sailors were. There's no dispute that Iranians were detained in Iraq.


    Had US forces actually crossed the border into Iran and "detained" five Iranians...yeah, that would be kidnapping. Detaining them in Baghdad...not so much.

  6. Actually, I believe that the Bush White house was upset with some of them because of the midterm election. Seems several of the democrats were under investigation and the Bush WH wanted the indictments served before the election. Cases like Johnson etc... were moving too slow and it was felt the Attorneys were holding it up, either to spite the WH or just inept at their jobs. Either way it's felt that they caused the election to swing into the favor of the dems and now the dems are sticking up for them knowing how much they cost the repubs the election.



    That actually makes the most sense of any tale I've heard so far. It's completely unsupported, of course - but then, so are most of the rest I've heard.


    And if you think about it, "Bush was pushing for indictments for political gain" is far more worrisome than "Bush was firing attorneys for political reasons". :beer:

  7. Diane Sawyer was not "made" to wear it, she chose to wear it as a sign of respect for their customs, as do other women reporters in Muslim countries when meeting with officials. Just as non-Jewish men wear a yahmaka (sp?) when in a Jewish temple. If you don't want to respect others customs, don't go there.


    The British woman detainee is not there by choice, so in her case I'm sure they insisted she respect their custom.



    Actually, I suspect Sawyer didn't have much choice in the matter. I'm sure she wasn't "made" to wear it...but I'm equally sure it wasn't "pretty please with sugar on top, respect our customs when you're here?" It was probably "We require, by Islamic law, women be covered. If you don't respect Islamic law...no story," and Sawyer chose the story and the scarf.


    And the head scarf isn't intended as something demeaning...not originally, at least. It's original intent was...well, rather complicated, actually. Too much so for this crowd, now that I think of it.

  8. Isn't that why people buy car insurance? It isnt just to pay for a car being repaired.



    The kid's liability cover should cover EVERYTHING (depending on state laws, but I doubt CA's any less protective of car accident victims than VA). Your medical bills, therapy bills, lost income, cost to repair or replace the car. Everything. That's what liability coverage is for. You shouldn't be out a damned cent. Neither, for that matter, should your insurance company.

  9. Gotta go with your strengths, I'll keep an eye out for you on non-food service jobs ;)


    Yeah...can you see me at McHolcomb's?


    "D'you want fries with that?"


    "No, thank you..."


    "Why not? What kind of a moron are you?"





    I think I'm going for a service job more like, oh, I don't know, maybe pharmaceutical manufacturing...

  10. I'm not looking for snotty political feedback merely and answer to a question I can't seem to find an answer to....


    Why is it a scandal that 9 Federal Prosecutors were fired and that the White House may have encouraged it? I was under the impression that the DAs employment was at the discretion of the Attorney General and since the Attorney General is a political appointee, why wouldn't political decisions come into play in the decision of who to keep.


    I'm not looking for Its the medias fault or Bush Sucks or its the Libs fault.... I really am trying to understand what is the actual "controversy" here?



    The actual controversy, as far as I can understand it, is that they were investigating Bush's friends/cronies/fellow conspirators/whatever, and apparently there's a hidden clause that says the President can only make decisions when he has no interest in the outcome of said decisions.


    At least, that's the story I've seen. I don't know if it's true, and I don't particularly care.

  11. No I wouldn't have. But I did have a group of people around me who were always willing to knock me off of my high horse and hammer some common sense into my thick skull whenever I became too full of myself...


    So, now I'm just passing it on and paying it back...



    Yeah, and I argue statistics with retards. We share the same interest in abject futility. :nana:

  12. Will's sermon got what it deserved. To suggest that the public anger directed toward this administration is some fad is insulting and entirely wrong. His disingenuous horror at the public discourse and criticism leveled at George W Bush is the true act of theatre here. Poor Will can't fathom that all the "hate" directed at this president could possibly be the very real psyche of the people—it must be pretend criticism, it must be anger manufactured to impress their peers, it couldn't possibly have it's motives based on how an informed electorate actually feels about this administration. And to prove this he mentions blogs and angry liberal "road rage" in San Francisco? The thesis of his column is complete nonsense, and I bet he knows it's complete nonsense.


    Will can't fathom much from his ivory tower, frankly.


    Really, columnists like him and Buckley...do they ever leave the friggin' house? They all have the same ridiculous "Everyone I know agrees with me, so I must be right" attitude that the rest of the press has, but compounded by the mistake of believing that their eight martini-sipping old-money goofball tennis buddies are somehow representative of the entire nation.

  13. Are you trying to out do Wacka for the "Idiot of the Board" award this year? If the system was designed to target my ignorance, stupidity and retardation, then why am I the one questioning the stupid thing? Do you think at all before you write your moronic posts? How many times do you bang your leg with knee jerk reactions?


    And BTW, you get my vote! Sorry Wacka



    Anyone can question something, bozo. It doesn't mean you have insight.

  14. Here's a guarantee for you kid; Whenever you and your buddies return from whatever shooting war you eventually participate in, (if you ever do, which remains to be seen) you will look back on your current attitudes and worldview and wonder how you managed to breathe with your head jammed that far up your own a$$.


    I can confidently predict that, because I've experienced it first hand.


    That's not exclusive to military service. That pretty much goes for any 18-year old, no matter what they do.


    Of course, the only way 18-year olds figure that out is to have life beat the experience into them...so why are you wasting your time? Would you have listened to your advice when you were his age?

  15. I sure hope not. It wasn't supposed to be funny. It was supposed to be patently stupid so it would match 99% of the other threads on this board.


    Now I'm actually more confused. You see, upon my first impression that it was serious, I though "Well, that's pretty !@#$ing dumb." (I also thought "It's really not like KD to post something so dumb".) Then I read Joey Spaghetti's reply and thought "Well, that's just the sort of shallow, non-sensical reply a post like that deserves. Good for you, Joe."


    But now, it turns out your original post was satire...so now both my estimation of that and Joe's reply are off kilter, and I'm forced to admit that maybe both posts were satire...or not. Now I don't know who the !@#$ing retard is. I don't like that. I'm uncomfortable being unable to spot the retard. When you can't spot the retard, before you know it retards are sneaking up behind you, eating your house plants and drooling on your shoes, and you're standing there saying "But you're a retard, why didn't I see you coming?" There's clearly only one solution to this dilemma: I must go back to just naturally assuming that PastaJoe is the retard.


    Aaaah...that feels much better now. :nana:

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