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Posts posted by Ski-Whiz

  1. Well, like the Seahawks, the Bills had plays they could have made to help their play. Neither team did though..


    I think the Bills might have scored a few more points, but the Bears D wears on ya. We did have two key DL out, which could have hurt.


    I just think the Bills need some more players to fill holes in the lineup.


    I think Gandy is a hole for sure. :D


    Again, this all falls under the "coulda, shoulda, woulda" saying, but that is my point.  This game "coulda, shoulda, woulda" been closer IF the Bills don't make the DUMB mistakes they did early!  That is all I'm saying!




    I understand.. The thing that separates a good team from a bad one, a good team makes those plays.. A bad one doesn't. Now are the Bills bad? Not really, however with all the mistakes, it makes you see that you guys are young.


    I just don't see a different outcome. I just see the Bears coming back the same as always.


    The thing to remember, our team is used to coming from behind. All of our starters returned this year. So we know what it's like to play the close one..


    The main reason for our explosive play, because of the comments that we aren't as good as our record..

  3. The Bears are playing the schedule they were given.


    Your reasoning is lame, and I would expect this type of response from a sore loser.


    Up until today, you thought the Bears were ajoke, and the Bills were going to expose it! Well, your reasoning doesn't hold water..


    So don't be disgruntled becuz you are in Bear country..

  4. Ok, I'm not sure how much beer you drank, but wow.. :D


    So leading the league on scoring, and holding our opponents to 7.2 points per game is a fluke?


    We have scored 156 points over 5 weeks. That's over 30 points per week. Yeah contest our opponents.. However, play the Vikings in Minnie, and play the Seahawks in Buffalo with Alexander.


    This isn't something we turned on. We are known for having a shut down D. Now imaging an offense that scores.. Hence the lopsidded vistory. It's not hard man.


    Sorry, but we scored on our first 5 possessions, I'm not sure an early TD slows us down. It's the case of "woulda, couldam, shoulda.."


    I don't mean to sound like we are the best thing since sliced bread, it's just that we are consistant. This isn't a one week blowout.


    On another note, what do ya think next week point spread is vs the Cards?? LOL


    I'm guessing over 20..

  5. Yeah sory about the mispelling..


    I'm not here to beat anyone up.. I think the Bills have a future. I just wanted to see how the game was through some Bills fan..


    Since I grew up in South Buffalo. :D


    I'm a die hard Bears fan though.


    With the Bears, it's going to take a good D to make it a game with us.


    Our offense is hard to cover right now. What made Indy hard to stop when they had James, they could pass and run... Their D killed them.. If you keep Manning off the field you could beat them. However, if you send our offense to the sidelines, our D will play good enough to put us back out there.


    So that's the big thing that is causing the Bears to be talked about.. :doh:

  6. Like you said, you guys are the Bears a few years ago..


    The thing that makes our defense, is Urlacher. He keeps everyone playing until the very end..


    If you watched the Seahawks game last week, when they talked about "loafs", they all play until the whistle..



    Alex Brown covers our flats sometimes.. I mean how many times do our DL make a tackle 5-10 yds down field.. One slows the guy down, then here comes pursuit..


    It takes time, but I could see a young Bears defense in the BIlls.

  7. I was praying on 2nd and inches they would not go downfield.  That had the nice drive going - just get a first down, move the chains and keep it going.  Think of it as 3 downs to get inches  - I don't care - just hand it off 3 times (run a QB sneak three times) but the priority at that point is just get the friggin 1st down when you have inches to go!  Don't mess around when you are playing a superior opponent on the road!




    The Bills staff did make some mistakes.. They didn't do anything to trick the Bears. They seemed to just want to play heads up ball.. In someone's house, it's not a good idea. You need to mix it up..


    Loseman didn't look bad. He did make some stupid throws, but then again, he is young.


    You guys have a future.. Let's just hope your OC learns to mix it up more.

  8. Huh, hmm...


    Not taking anything away from the Bears, but earlier you say they are not as good as they played?


    Now you are clearly someone who has not seen any highlights, or watched any sports shows.


    This is EXACTLY the same game we have played 4 out of 5.


    Yeah one could say you missed plays, but making plays, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that what separates the great teams from the bunch??


    Yes the Bills messed up on some plays, but how many mistakes have we made this season?? We aren't perfect, but we just haven't made them.


    So how do you say we aren't that good? You saying you are almost as good as the Seahawks??


    And you were luck to get the touchdown.

  9. As most probably got sick of, hearing that the Bears have a lot of strong suits.


    With stopping the Bears run, that leaves the pass open.. When the Bills tried to cover the passing monster we've seen in recent weeks in the Bears, that left open the run.


    That's mostly why the Bears are getting a lot of props. When a team puts men in the box to stop the run, we'll hit our WR's and deep. We'll take one on one with Berrian, Mushin or Davis.


    It's a very well balanced attack, and we seem to be able to use either one. Now the first four weeks we had to beat everyone by the air, because they stuffed the box with 7-8 bodies. Hence our poor rushing attack, which left open the pass..


    I can see the Bills going places though! You guys are young, and the WORSE thing to do is toy with a team that is young. This is a good learning experience for the Bills. Honestly. Every great player in NFL history, and every great team, usually has a bad season at first. It takes a good year to iron out the wrinkles. Loseman is going to learn.


    Look at Kelly back in '84 (?) when the Bills went like 2-14.. Great players aren't made over night..


    Dick is a decent coach. We dropped him becasue he protected our OC, John Shoop who would call a 2 yd dump play when it's 3rd and 15. So Dick jumped on a granade for our OC and lost his job. So he's not the worst coach..



  10. Like our team was a few years ago, sad to say, but these losses are a good building block for years to follow..


    We have the same players from last year, and our losses have shown that the Bears are on a mission.


    So yeah the game sucked for the Bills, but look what they gain.. Also you guys are young. A team that doesn't lose, isn't a very strong team, after they end up losing. Point being, the best teams are build off a losing team at some point. We are playing with a chip from last year.


    We got NO respect last year.. And when we needed to prove it, we lost to the panthers..

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