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Posts posted by coachhillenbrand

  1. I don't want to overanalyze or anything but when someone goes around calling people "moron", yet they themselves don't know how to spell "truly" and also use the word "Your" when it should be "You're", it can become quite amusing. :):w00t:

    Oh, and I don't have a problem with you being Polish at all.

    Obviously that problem has affected you though. ;)



    Your a moron if you truley believe Preston and Pennington will BEAT out Walker for a Starting job


    With what Walkers being payed, he was brought here as a starter because the Bills know that one (or both) of those 2 are not starting caliber. The only way Walker doesn't start is if he is injured in Training camp/preseason

  2. You're absolutely right, he's being paid "starter money". Now he has to match that with "starter level play" or else he will sit his butt on the bench. Marv, Jaruon and Co see some obvious potential in him that if he plays up to, he will no doubt start. Since he has yet to prove himself as anything more then an average RT, nothing is given and he will have to earn it, regardless of how much he is being paid.

    Oh, by the way..............you wouldn't happen to be Polish, would you? :w00t:


    Your a moron if you truley believe Preston and Pennington will BEAT out Walker for a Starting job


    With what Walkers being payed, he was brought here as a starter because the Bills know that one (or both) of those 2 are not starting caliber. The only way Walker doesn't start is if he is injured in Training camp/preseason

  3. Oh, you're right................the Bills way overpaid this average at best RT and gave him the position strictly because of the money they're dishing out.

    Nice job bonehead but things don't work that way in the NFL, nothing is given to anyone.

    No one is saying Pennington is definitely penciled in as our starting RT just like nobody, including from the Bills organization have confirmed that Walker is starting. Things will play out and the best player by the end of the pre-season will take it.


    So you think we paid Walker 25 mil to sit on the bench?


    There is no way he won't start and most likely RT.

  4. I tried to delete the original post not realizing there were so many other similar threads out there and all I could find was the "edit" or "reply" comment.

    So I changed the subject, started a new thread, and was hoping you would delete your original response.

    Obviously that didn't happen so while you keep dwelling on the original post and continuing to cry about things, other people are moving on and only responding to the new subject. Get over it!



    I'm freakin speechless (yet I continue...how odd). You changed the subject of the thread, AND your intro post, after there had already been several replies?


    I LOVE (or hate) that. Think of the fun to be had...

  5. I agree with everything you said. The one thing that concerns me though is that I always give people the benefit of the doubt and respect their posts without being a wise guy about it. There is a right way and wrong way to disagree. I think you and I both know what I'm talking about and the integrity of this board. Yes, sometimes you have to have thick skin with some of the comments but it soon becomes a little tiresome after awhile when you know its only a matter of minutes before someone finds something in your post that they are just dying to rip apart. Sometimes I have even found myself being a wise guy back and that just makes things worse so I'm not going down that road anymore. I would think people would have better things to do with their time but maybe not. I guess to each his/her own and if thats what make some people happy, all the more power to them.

    I also talked with a guy from my job who went to Cal and saw Marshawn Lynch in person but he seemed to be on the Marshawn Lynch bandwagon so the perspective he gave me on Lynch seemed to be tainted where as this guy last night talking about Willis seemed the utmost sincere and honest, regardless of whether he got that from his nephew. I think if the nephew has been going to school with Willis during his tenure there, he would know based on school talk alone what kind of person Willis basically is from the people who actually do know him. Its not that far fetched and unrealistic for his uncle's statements to be on the money when everyone else's comments seem to back it up. Find me one source that gives Patrick Willis the football player or Patrick Willis the person, a bad review. I'm not saying he is the savior for our franchise but it sure looks alot better with a player of his on and off field potential in a Bills uniform then a Willis (give me another woman to get pregnant) McGahee.



    All I'm saying is that you you seem to be getting riled up over someone not believing your "inside info" you have on a player that came from a fan of the school that the player comes from. Its not like you spoke to his agent, or his parents, or a scout with the Bills, or Marv, or DJ, or Willis himself, and they said that he was top in their books, and they were pursuing him. All your telling us is that some fans of him and his school had good things to say about him. Its not really "inside info" on him, its more common knowledge from guys that watch him play.


    Thats cool that you got to meet famous people, a buddy of mine played golf with DJ last spring, and know has a photo of both of them together. To be pissed off, or not want to posty because someone isn't going to be overly thrilled you found this out, or question that fact that you actually received this info is stupid. Post what you want, thats what everyone else does, and if someone doesn't believe you, fine, show them proof if you want them too, or let it roll off your shoulders and continue on. There was a guy around here who went by Soprano, he had inside info for us Bills fans. I don't think one of his things ever came true, so maybe you can see why some become sceptical about people posting inside info, with evidence to back it up

  6. Thats indirect info from someone who goes to the same school, not "outside tidbits"

    Thats better info then you and I can come up with personally together on the guy


    I think you would get a lot less aggravation if you simply titled your posts properly. You should half expect people taking you to task about a thread titled "inside tidbits..." only to find that you waited on an uncle of a kid who goes to Ole Miss.
  7. Oh, by the way, about 3 weeks ago I waited on Art Monk, Darrell Green, and Ken Harvey in a private boardroom party of 14 to celebrate Art Monk and his wife's 25 Wedding Anniversary. All 3 guys and their wives were nothing but pure class. I wasn't familiar with the other people there but they were all extremely nice too. Art Monk bought his wife a brand new Mercedes SUV for the Anniversay gift and it was parked outside the restaurant to surprise her after dinner.

    Later on that week, Gilbert Areneas came in with Deshawn Stevenson and some other guys/gals for a late night dinner after the game. They too were totally cool and it was a fun experience. Now famous people and athletes come into Mortons all the time and I'm not always the one who gets to wait on these people but I had an extremely luck week. Its alot of fun for a part-time (second job) and besides, its incredible money. Now whether you want to believe this post or any other posts I make based on the fact you don't know me personally, thats totally up to you and basically, I could care less. Regardless of your negative perceptions, it doesn't change the fact that these things really happened.


    Dude, take it easy


    You are telling a bunch of people, whom you have probably never met before, and people who have no idea what kind of credibility you have, that you met someone who has been to games (but never actually met the guy) and made a personnal judgement of a top rated college players character and ability. You don't have any concrete proof that this even happened, or this persons credibility thats judging Willis, and are getting pissed bcause someone is taking your word with a grain of salt.


    Like no one on this board has ever lied about having "insider information" or having met a player/coach, etc.


    Sorry if your conversation with some football fans that have watched some Ole Miss games and think Willis is a great player isn't turning everyone on this board over to the "We have to draft Willis or else the franchise is doomed" side.

  8. No one is getting upset here, just stating two facts.

    I usually don't post because of the same few wiseguys and it happens every time I post.

    Just calling a spade a spade. Sorry if being honest gave you the perception I was upset.

    If you think I just made this whole story up, you're entitled to that opinion.

    Fortunately, I have better things to do with my time then post "made up stories" on this website.

    I thought by coming across someone who actually saw Willis play in person several times and by getting some campus scoop of what he was like as a person, some people might be interested.

    By the way, nobody is saying we should draft Patick Willis or else we're doomed.

    Its just a fun time of the year and exciting to think about Patrick Willis possibly coming to our team and hearing NOTHING BUT POSITIVE THINGS about this guy no matter what you read or who you talk to. Whether it be a professional scout, coach, Ole Miss student, or anyone who has come in contact with him or knows about him, this guy gets rave reviews and a Willis McGahee he is definitely NOT!





    Dude, take it easy


    You are telling a bunch of people, whom you have probably never met before, and people who have no idea what kind of credibility you have, that you met someone who has been to games (but never actually met the guy) and made a personnal judgement of a top rated college players character and ability. You don't have any concrete proof that this even happened, or this persons credibility thats judging Willis, and are getting pissed bcause someone is taking your word with a grain of salt.


    Like no one on this board has ever lied about having "insider information" or having met a player/coach, etc.


    Sorry if your conversation with some football fans that have watched some Ole Miss games and think Willis is a great player isn't turning everyone on this board over to the "We have to draft Willis or else the franchise is doomed" side.

  9. I was waiting on a table of 11 people last night at Morton's of Chicago Steakhouse where I have worked my second job for the last 7 1/2 years. I heard one of the guys mention "Ole Miss" in his conversations and I just had to churp in since they seemed like such a cool group to begin with and wouldn't mind my curiousity.

    I asked if they were talking about Ole Miss University and if they knew anything about Patrick Willis.

    The one guy mentioned to me that his nephew presently attends Ole Miss and he was able to catch a few games in person this year. He said Willis is just an unbelievably awesome player but more importantly, he ALSO is a high character guy who would be a great person to have on our team (both on and off the field). Very fast and strong player. He also said that Willis is a tireless worker when it comes to improving and becoming a better player/person and never forgets his roots or where he came from. I asked him if he ever met Patrick in person and although he said no, he was more then happy tjust to be able to see him play in person. He said everyone who follows Ole Miss is following every bit of conversation leading up to the draft and where Patrick may land and he seems to agree with me that if its not the 49ers first, the Bills will be primed to snatch him up. It also seemed like he got his perception of Patrick Willis from his nephew who obviously might know better then all of us what kind of person he must be. The more I hear about this kid, the more I want him playing LB for the Bills in 2007 and anything short of that would be disappointing.

    He would be a great centerpiece of our defense for the next decade.

  10. Regardless of Spikes injury problems and large contract, I will really miss Takeo and everything he brought to the table each and every time he put on a Bills uniform. He was a class act and his heart and soul was matched by our other classy and fearless former leader, London Fletcher. I'm curious how the other members of the Bills team are handling all these changes.

    Who will step up and be our new leaders of this young and talented team? Maybe Crowell or Jason Peters?

    I agree with the moves the Bills are making but I only wish we could have been a more productive team during Spike's and London's tenure. I don't think it was their fault for not making the playoffs but rather Tom (Bonehead) Donohue for failing to address our offensive line and for trading multiple high draft picks for an overrated and overpaid stiff in Bledsoe that arguably set our franchise back a couple of years. Bledsoe never won a big game in a Bills uniform, never. When the game was on the line against a tough opponent, his production was horrendous. I just hope that the current crop of good young Bills players (along with another solid draft this year by Marv and Co.) will truly believe in themselves, be highly productive, and bring a winning tradition back to the Buffalo Bills to stay. Marv has really won me over with all these moves, regardless of how much I will miss Spikes and Fletch and even Clements (minus the fat contract). The surprises are not over and I'm sure they have something big up their sleeve for draft day, especially considering the Bills have traded back up into the first round 2 of the last 3 drafts. I know its a dream but if Peterson fell to 12, and Willis fell to somewhere in the 20's and we traded back up in the first round once again to get him too, I would be estatic, regardless of what happened the rest of the draft.

    I know those two things happening are a dream but not totally impossible.

  11. Michael Turner looks like the real deal but it seems as if teams are not giving S.D. what they are looking for in terms of fair trade value. I think San Diego is starting to realize they need to get something decent for him as opposed to losing him next year and receiving nothing in return. San Diego has the cap room to easily acquire Spikes as well as an opening at LB with Donnie Edwards back in K.C. No one knows for sure the status on Spikes health but that is one dude you can never bet against and he did start to come on during the last couple of games and now has a whole offseason to get back to 100%. He may never get to the level he once was but I still think he's got some good mileage left on him at only age 30 and if the Bills are determined to unload him, I would at least like to see something decent in return. No one can question is heart and his motor.

    I'm curious if the injury he had at the beginning of the year completely stalled his progress from the ACH injury because that first play of the season when he pounced on Brady, I thought for sure that was a sign of things to come and Spikes was back.

    How about a Turner for Spikes trade with the Bills also giving S.D. one of our two 3rd round picks???

    We gave away McGahee for just a 3rd round pick so maybe the Chargers bite and pick up two needs for insurance in case they get nothing for Turner next year when he walks.

    The third round pick the Chargers acquire from us can be used to draft a WR they so desperately need and we can fill a hole (RB) that we desperately need to fill. Taking Spikes money off our cap can be used to sign Turner to a new contract before we make the deal so we ensure he won't be leaving us anytime soon.

    What do you guys/gals think??

  12. I have "potential" to be President of the United States some day but its not likely that will happen, even though its totally possible. You might want to refer to the exact definition of "potential" in your little dictionary to confirm this statement.


    You have problems following simple concepts.

    I never said these guys will make a probowl.....I even said Whitner would obviously have more of a chance. What I pointed out was that you said these guys won't make a probowl. (humorously after saying it's too early to tell how good they will be)


    .....& again YES......Everett is a potential Pro Bowl player. It is possible that he comes on & by the end of his career makes a pro bowl.


    POTENTIAL (meaning #2)


    :D and what possible reason is there to think it impossible that Butler improves & develops into a probowl player. Again, not likely......but totally possible.


    How is it possible that this is an argument?????

  13. You're about as funny as the picture next to your name. Kyle Williams a Pro Bowl DT and Keith Ellison a Pro Bowl LB...............yup I can see that. :D

    I just want to let you know that Kevin Everett is a Potential Pro Bowl player too because he just had injuries and is fully healthy now so since he hasn't reached his "potential" yet, he is due to break out.

    Oh, and Josh Reed improved at the end of last year and should be reaching his prime so he is Pro Bowl Potential too.

    While I'm at it, I would also like to nominate Butler as the next big dominating RT for years to come and he's on his way to Hawaii in a few years when he too reaches his full potential.

    Thanks for the feedback. :wallbash:



    I'm gonna ignore your please & tell you that both Williams & Ellison are Pro Bowl Potential players.......as is every young player that has not reached their full potential yet.....that includes our 1st round picks Whitner & McCargo.....our 4th round pick Simpson.....even our 5th & 6th round picks Williams, Butler & Ellison.

    There is obviously more chance that Whitner makes the probowl than Ellison.....but at this point how can anybody(you included) say that these(or any other) young guys won't become the next Zack Thomas, Jason Peters or John Randle? :D

  14. You're correct, who was his competition again...............Troy (ouch my hamstring) Vincent.

    I agree that Whitner turned out to be a very good pick and yes a definitely capable starter in the secondary as a rookie.

    While he made some nice plays, he also seemed to miss some big plays, including some missed tackles and often got beat by big fast TE's like Watson. So while I agree with your comment and I think Whitner is only going to get better and did quite well for a rookie, I'm looking to see him step it up a notch before I'm 100% sold on his playmaking ability. Don't forget in the Tampa 2 Defense, its designed to not give up big plays so while he and Ko did a nice job of that, they still need to improve on the underneath routes and the solid tackling (AKA Antoine Winfield). I think they will both do that as they continue to get better, just have to wait and see.


    If they draft another player in the 1st round that proves to be a very capable starter as a rookie, that's a damn good return for a rookie S. There's no getting around that fact.
  15. If Kiper's job isn't to evaluate players, how come thats what his book is all about, EVALUATING PLAYERS.

    How come his free agent list that is published every year does the same thing.

    Regardless of you or anyone else's interpretation of Kiper's actual job duties, his draft book is a valuable resource, especially one that goes past the first two rounds of player projections for people who are not GM's, scouts, etc...

    You're right, he doesn't have insight to a team's personnel plan and scouting information, nor should he............NOBODY DOES SHERLOCK!!!!

    Its strictly a matter of personal opinion on what you think of his draft work so if you don't like it, thats one less resource you can use on Draft Day. I don't just like his work, there are many others I enjoy too like Gil Brandt and Pat Kirwan just to name a few. I try and find as many NFL Draft resource books and websites on the draft as possible to learn as much as I can as a "fan" of every potential Buffalo Bills draft pick. Is there something wrong with that?

    As far as Buffalo's scouts being such great evaluators. They are pretty good, but like all talent scouts, GM's, head coach's, etc.... they think that they are the ones who had the best draft and they are the ones who got exactly the player they wanted all along. You can't base an organizations track record on ONE DRAFT and although the Bills got great value for the players they got in the later rounds of last years draft, its way too early to tell how good those picks will really be and some of them like a Kyle Williams and Keith Ellison are not going to Hawaii anytime in this lifetime.

    Just curious, when was the last time we were in the playoffs?

    Do I feel like we are on the right track? Yes, maybe, depending on how our offensive line turns out and what they do to improve the DL. Have they neglected both sides of the ball upfront all these years since Polian left? Yes they have and what has that done for us, nothing. Whether you want to admit it or not, the moves Marv and Co make on paper seem great and all, but we will never be a serious playoff contender unless we get things fixed up front on both sides of the ball. Dockery and Walker I like but they are not a sure thing, especially Walker!


    Exactly. Kiper's job isn't to evaluate players. His job is to figure out where people will go, create as much hype as possible, and sell magazines based on that hype. Kiper doesn't have insight into a team's personnel plan, the team's own scouting information, etc. We'd all be best to ignore that crap and enjoy the day, unless you think you can evaluate players better than Buffalo scouts.
  16. Um, sorry wrong again bro. I never mentioned Kiper and his comments about the Whitner pick, get your facts straight with who's posting what. All I said was that Whitner was a surprise pick at 8, whether it be mock draft analysts or Bills fans, everyone agrees they were shocked at that particular moment.

    You're still avoiding the point, give me some solid facts on a full 7 round draft over a period of years and then get back to me. You have the time based on your daily posts, get on it boy!!



    Man, your reading comprehension is even worse than I thought.


    RE: "my formula": If you think 1 point for every correctly rounded player is a "formula", then I'll bet your 8th grade math teacher has some terrible memories.


    Kiper's "highly sought after" blue book is indeed a pretty good seller (in the small market of draft rags that is). The question is, who seeks it? Fans. Why? Cuz he's a well-known name. He's on ESPN. People there call him a genius 46 times per draft presentation. You won't find any NFL scouting staffs using his blue book to make decisions, that's for sure.


    Don't get me wrong. I like watching the ESPN draft broadcast and I even enjoy listening to Kiper. But I don't hold his analysis in very high regard. If you do, hey, fine. Fine if you like ham sandwiches, too. This all started because of the implicit creedence you gave to his comments about the Whitner pick, which were ridiculous then and remain so. Just like his claim that Bunkley was the right pick for the Bills and if not him, then Winston Justice. Whaddya know, Bunkley could barely get on the field, is already in the Eagles doghouse, and Justice fell to the 2nd round. I guess he was dead on about his Whitner comments though. :lol:

  17. Like I said, try and do your ratings on a full 7 round draft over a period of years, then get back to me.

    Until then, your formula garbage (regardless of where you got it from) based on one round from one year is useless. You still haven't found me a better in-depth resource analysis for a full 7 round draft then his yearly published and highly sought after blue book.

    By the way, almost 8,000 posts??? You're my hero!! :lol:



    I wonder how you fared on the reading comprehension portion of the SAT. First, that post took me a whole 3 minutes to write, and it's not my own point system...that data on relative pundit scores is on the Web. Find it! And besides, it doesn't matter whose point system it is. It's *a measure*. What other measure would you use but 1 point for correctly identifying a first round pick? Got a special formula for us? An analysis of all 7 rounds WOULD be time consuming, and I'm not interested. But I'm sure it would only prove further that Kiper is no better than an average of any ten armchair Web scouts. And let me repeat this part since you obviously have trouble understanding the written word: Compare ANY year's first Kiper mock with his final mock. I've been in to mocks for years and his always changes the most. He does his scouting closer to his first mock than his last. It's widely known that Kiper talks to hundreds of scouts leading up to the draft. So, you decide, smart guy: What causes all the ups and downs and changes to his original scouting mock? CONVERSATIONS. And yes, it is amusing. It's amusing that you think he's really a scout when he's really just a compiler of information from other sources. That's his job. To compile and talk well enough to keep people from changing the channel. I'm on no high horse. At this time of year, I can't resist the urge to knock others off theirs. If you'd read any posts you might see that.
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