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Joey Balls

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Posts posted by Joey Balls

  1. I'm guessing I know a hell of a lot more about abnormal psychology and psychopharmacology than you.



    And I'm sure you do Tom.



    Ya miss my original point though dude.....how was someone in this day and age able to play the state of Virginia for the fools they are?



    Hence my original post.




    That is the hidden story behind this tragedy.

  2. I'm just curious Tom...have you even heard about this story? Your complete ignorance is astounding...even by your standards.



    12/05 A Montgomery county court judge Paul Barnett orders out-patient treatment for Cho after a psychological evaluation reveals that the gunman "presents an imminent danger to self or others". It also classifies Cho as "mentally ill".

    This follows on the heels of being detained by police for harrasement of two female students, strange voyeuristic photography of female student's lower bodies while actually in class, and the spouting of gruesomely violent fantasies in English class...so violent in fact that some students refused to sit in the same classroom with him. And like I said forget the fact that this deranged individual was able to purchase a gun like he was walking into the 7-11 for a can of Red Bull, the friggin' state knew he was coo-coo for his cocoa puffs and let him go on his way practically unhindered.


    You know Tom you are proof positive that it is possible for someone to be educated beyond all instinct. I think maybe after you're finished injecting your dose of "reality" into this sad scenario you should check back onto planet earth again.





    Funny statement from White House spokesperson Anthony Fratto in this morning's paper. He claims that embattled US Attorney General Alberto G. "can be effective going forward".


    This following on the heels of Gonzales' testimony yesterday which included a whopping total of 71 convenient memory lapses.


    Gotta say this for the Bushies they can sure stand by their Brownie...opps I mean man no matter how incredibly inept and unqualified they may be.

  4. And how's about me? The military isn't a welfare program so this kids can get three warms and a rack at night. They are getting trained, fed and paid to defend the people and interests of this country that the Commander in Chief deam important.


    You going to call me disgusting? Go ahead. I served, I got my pretty little medals. I've been in areas of unrest. It was my job, and what I got paid to do. What's disgusting is those folks who abandoned their posts, refused orders and endangered the lives of their fellow service members because they were cowards.



    This is an interesting post. In the last sentence it spells out what might end this conflict before the next president or congress ever acts.



    Having been involved in many protests over the last four years against US involvement in Iraq, I have noticed the growing number of veterans groups at these affairs, including many from the recent conflict.



    Will we eventually lose the will to fight this war? Have we already?




  5. Jeezuz H Christ and belzeebub! I'm not Joe pasta, or molson export.



    But I'm pretty convinced Gekko, Toolbox Tommy and Potsie Derwood are all the same character, throw mezza meatball in there too.



    Dismiss the vote as some might (what with the pork and the riders and all that-as if the previous republican dominated congress never attempted such a thing goodness gracious no), scoff at the anti-war movement, or keep fighting for your neo-con world order.


    Won't make a bit of difference...you've already proven your irrelevence

  6. Your blatant ignorance of how Washington works shouldn't surprise anyone here. The bills are political pandering to the bases, and even Dems weren't going to support them if they weren't laden with pork. Nice way to eat the cake. Knowing that there's ZERO chance of becoming law, the Dem Hillpeople can go back to the constituents and tell the ignorant masses that they either fought against the war or tried to bring bacon to the home district, but evil Bush took it away.


    Let's see what Pelosi & Reid drag to the floor that Bush signs, before you and the other dimbulbs declare victory in Congress.


    Nice analogy to Vietnam. How did that one fare with respect to confidence in the military and the US?



    And your inability to be unable to recognize a groundswell of anti-war sentiment among most in the country shouldn't come as a shocker to anyone here as well.

  7. Run out of pasta, already?


    Can you spare a synapse to think what the two chambers' bills really are? The House vote was a close one, and only happened after Pelosi stuffed it with pork to line up reluctant Dems. Reps from both houses didn't oppose nor filibuster because they know a veto is coming. If veto wasn't certain, these bills don't make it off the floor (or even our of committees), because Reps would block them and center-right Dems who were elected on more conservative platforms in Nov wouldn't back them.


    But, carry on with your happy day.



    You missed the point Gekko! Both house and senate have opposed Bush with a timeline by a majority. That's a first!

    The old republicrap, rubber stamp congress is no longer the rule of the day as I hope you witnessed last November and government is slowly reaching the same point as the majority of people in this country. Oh happy day!


    In the end though I think what will end this war is the same thing that ended Viet Nam.......a lingering feeling among the ranks that the situation is not only hopeless but pointless.

  8. Same opinion I had on the House vote, albiet not as strong (since the timeline is March, not September, hence it's not as much transparent political pandering).



    Um ok...can we accept that?



    Our judges have conferred and after some deliberation it is pretty clear to them that your response is the usual cheese you sling up on a daily basis.



    But thank you anyway.

  9. As to this Conservative Revolution, I think its already been beaten back into its little corner. It will never die, and maybe its good it doesn't, but it will be back in another form. David Brooks has an interesting op-ed in the Times today about the future of Conservatism. He argues that the small government platform is a real loser politically and they need to evolve. Conservatives evolving! LOL. Anyway:






    Well ever since the takeover in '94 they just keep shooting themselves in the foot with one strategic blunder (shutting down the government, Lewinsky, Ken Starr, pre-emptive war, Terry Schiavo, Harriet Miers, Katrina, Conaleeza Rice etc) after another. You know it's bad for the conservative movement when a kook like Gingrich is revered. Didn't he once say women couldn't be in a fox hole because it's biologically unsafe? And this was once the leader of a party that still goes out of their way to debunk global warming.




    Weird Science.

  10. If you think this is a big deal, then change the friggin Constitution. You can't go stomping around screaming about First Amendment protections when some pissant says something offensive, yet declare that the administration is wrong in this case.


    This is all about Constitutional separation of powers, and that is the only reason that the WH is drawing such a hard line. You can't cloak yourself around the Constitution in matters that you support, and toss out the items you don't care much for. Let me restate that, toss out the items used by the people you oppose.



    You are right Gekko, to the extent that if you carry out your logic any further why have US attorneys at all?



    Which I'm sure the administration would love....except around election time.

  11. Actually. You have no idea what my opinion is on this matter. You have no idea if I agree with good ol Al or vice versa. You have no clue wtf my "screwball" opinion is. What you do know is I consider you a !@#$ing idiot. Please don't assume that it is only the anti-Gw crowd that think you're a moron. I'm pretty sure people from all walks of life and ideologies have a very low opinion of you.



    And I don't care what your screwball opinion is. Judging by your neanderthal avatar I'm absolutely positive I don't want to know your opinions.

  12. And yet you still did, and still look like a moron.


    Good job.



    It ain't so much that twerp as it is amusing for me to behold the idiocy of the anti-environmentalists.

    It gives me every bit of optimism in the world that thanks to the jackasses who perpetuate these screwball "opinions" as if they were fact, we will soon be headed for planned obsolescence


    But heck don't let me burst your bubble champ.........just keep swallowing the lies Derwood and his ilk like to champion.

  13. <_<:P:censored::lol:


    It's even funnier that your lack of ability to think for yourself means you actually believe that. Please don't ever leave - I'd miss your hypocrisy.



    Gee whiz Darin I hope you realize I had no intention of even looking at this thread, given the thuddingly dull and redundant subject matter (debunking global warming by non-scientists and other wingnut conservatives) and the fact that you started it.


    But I guess I was weak.

  14. Oh yeah. Al Gore has decided to spend his time preaching about a problem that could negatively impact the human race. Just a wee little thing.

    And that makes him money grubbing? If he were pursuing the presidency, I'd allow that insight. If he were (like the scumbag Ron Regan) shilling for foreign companies after his political career was over, I'd accept that. If he were working for a pharmaceutical company trying to get drugs approved by using his political influence to trump the scientists (ala Rummey) I'd believe that.


    But since you have trumpeted that what 90% of scientists believe: that the earth is in involved in a general warming progression that could fundamently change our society, since you have declared that junk science, then it must be so. Hah.


    Your opinions on the Bills are entertaining. Your pompous political posturing in the face of real scientists who do this for a living; is just plain retarded.


    The boy who said the emperor had no clothes was just in it for the money too.


    Those self same scientists practicing "junk science" have given you a pretty cushy life. But you should join the portion of the human race that forever believes that their dogma is better than science - well, just because.


    Most consider you a diick. Now you are a stupid diick.


    Rock on.





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