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Posts posted by catchescannonballs

  1. Well that must prove your case then  ;)  :doh:


    Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is the second most common indication for liver transplants in the U.S. and Europe. Although reported survival rates after transplantation were similar between alcoholics and non-alcoholics (up to 60 percent at 7 years following transplant), concerns about alcohol relapse post-transplant have made the practice somewhat controversial, especially in light of the shortage of donor organs. To offset this risk, it is common practice to establish a 6 month period of abstinence from alcohol before listing a patient for liver transplant. Not only may improvement in liver function result, but higher rates of relapse have been reported in patients who have abstained for less than 6 months before undergoing transplantation. Although several previous studies analyzed the rate of alcohol relapse after liver transplantation and its influence on patient survival and transplant success, researchers had previously not studied patients for a longer follow-up period.




  2. And what source are you pulling this "information" from?  A house worth $100K is really not worth that much.  So how do you know this person actually did not have the money? Are you a doctor?  There can be multitude of legitimate reasons a non drunk can loose their liver. As said before, the chances of a drunk getting a new liver are minimal at best.


    Look right here, all they say is you cant CONTINUE to use drugs and alcohol after the transplant. Sign a I promise note and you are good to go



  3. I'm calling BS.  They almost never give a new liver to someone who lost theirs via alcoholism.  The list of otherwise-healthy recipients is far too long.



    It's 100% true. And think about it, how many non-drinkrers lose there liver? Most everyone who gets a transplant is a drunk

  4. I don't recall his really doing much to improve the ferry system here, but if you look at his maintaining the status quo with the Staten Island Ferry still running for free in addition to the others, I suppose you're right.  Good call.  We should stop wasting our tax dollars on ferrys.  No possessive apostrophe in that, just so you know, though.


    did i touch a raw nerve?

  5. wants a phased pullout over the next few months. 


    Says let Iraq figure out what they want whether a full scale civil war is up to them. 


    Yeah good thing he speaks for the people on defense.  What about outside influences if we left.  What about an outside invasion (Iran) if we left.  Damn I love idiot politicians, they make it so easy.


    Well go figure. Cut and run it is. Democrats are just gun shy. We lose a few soldiers here and there and they want to throw in the towel. But if you compare how many Americans who are dieing to how many Iraqis are and the number of Americans is really very small. How many die on the road each day? Or of accidents at work? We need to stay and finish the mission. Its very much worth the cost. Plus our soldiers are gaining valuable combat experience they can use in the next war. That is very important. If I was Bush I'd go to the nation and ask for 500,000 volunteers to join the army and go over and finish the job of pacifying Iraq. Men would go if asked. No one has asked. The congress would approve the funds once they saw all the young men asking to join and go over to serve a noble cause and Bush would be remembered for ever for putting together a great army that got the job done

  6. May I remind everyone that there is freedom of speech in this country.


    bush fumbles is simply expressing his mindset.


    That said, we also have the freedom to pile on to bush fumbles and let him know what a jerk he is for picking on a child...even if the child was used by her politician father, that doesn't make an 8 year old fair game. 


    Are we so devoid of basic human decency that to go after a child whose father's politics you don't agree with is somehow OK?  You must be a really bitter person.


    I will now express my freedom by calling bush fumbles a no-talent assclown.


    blah, blah, blah freedom of speech has gone way to far in this country. These liberal flag burners should be tossed off message boards and such.

  7. Several democraps won last week by demonizing the free trade agreements that allowed us to have cheaper goods. Some jobs have been lost as overweight union workers were forced to look for real work



    Exactly what will the Democraps do? Repeakl the free trade agreements? Know what that will do to the economy????


    Please explain what plan the Dems have here

  8. After the Pats lost ( :P ) to the Jets, BB walked into the vincinity of EM and barely looked at him and didn't shake hands with him.  He reached out with his hand but barely touched Mangini's.  Nice way to congratulate someone who worked for you.  !@#$ing poor sport douchebag.  I love it.  :devil:


    Come back and talk to me after Magioni wins a few super bowls. He should be kissing BB feet

  9. I'm pretty sure you have your answer when the Colts were able to kill the last 6 minutes of the game by just stuffing the ball down our throats.  Lindell's miss only made the game 17-16 instead of 20-19, Colts.


    My question is: did anyone else feel it in the pit of their stomach that Lindell would miss as soon as Losman took that sack?  I sure did.  Lindell has strung together a couple of good seasons for us now, but I still don't trust that guy in the clutch.


    Missing that field goal was such a let down it contributed to the lackluster effort on defense that followed. If he had made that kick the defense would have played better

  10. yeah...in this case it was the tight end who whiffed on his block and was standing there with his head up his ass as the qb was sacked.  I don't think passing to him would have done much.


    Wouldn't hurt if Losman could get rid of the ball before he gets sacked

  11. Excuse me.  Watch a game.  He has probably 1 second to get rid of the ball before getting hit.  If you look at good o-lines, ie: the colts.  d-linemen don't even get close to the QB.  And if they do, it's AFTER about 3 seconds tick on by.


    The o line may not be the best but losman doesn't hurt a team that blitzes because he can't find the open reciever and get him the ball.

  12. There has to be something wrong with the blocking scheme we employ. Every game there seems to be a defender running unblocked at JP at some point. Since we have made this shuffle it has gotten 10 times worse so that now he doesn't even have the chance to setup. It's one thing to have a TE chip a DE but another to have him blocking one. CV got hurt later in the game and let's hope it last another week and that Reyes is healthy. Then maybe we can plug him in and he can be an upgrade over CV.


    If someone is coming unblocked it generally means someone should be open for a quick pass.

  13. If you blame this loss on Losman, I believe you are a fool.  The guy only had 13 opportunities to throw the ball in the game and completed 9 of them.  He was sacked what?  4 times?  I would hate to see how many times he was either knocked down or hurried.



    Peace out — go bills.


    Excuse me, maybe he wasn't throwing the ball because he holds it too long, fumbles, throws intercetons and can't throw the ball away.



  14. Direct from Nancy Pelosi's website



    So what, exactly, is wrong with this?  The fact that there aren't as many American troops as there were before?


    What's wrong with it is that its a pipe dream. Can't you see through her little game. Everyone knows the iraqis can't run that place, not for a long time. We need to stay there for a long time and let them evolve into a democracy. This will outlast the Bush presidency just like he said it would.

  15. Oh great, look at the emotional knee jerk reaction of the far left lib leadership! I told ya!






    WASHINGTON - Emboldened by their congressional election triumph and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's resignation, Democrats say they will use their new clout to force a change in Iraq policy and demand that President Bush start bringing troops home.

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