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Posts posted by capetide

  1. I've watched all the Pats games this preason, multiple times.





    Tom Brady is Tom Brady. If we make mistakes he will capitalize. We've all seen what that looks like.


    As of now, I am not convinced that they have the best O line in football. I'm not even sure it is top 5. They can be beaten. They can be thoroughly whipped by a creative and/or disruptive front 7. Perhaps the biggest distortion coming out of the Lions game is the fumbles = the reason they got blown out. Yeah, they didn't help, but, the Lions D, and O, lines dominated them. Every time you say fumbles? I will say Matt Stafford sucks, or it could've been 50+ Lions in the first half. Only one fumble had nothing to do with the lines. However, it was clear that the Lions phyiscal play, and, even their dumb late/taunting penalties, got to the Patriots. They can say "preseason" and "the Lions were playing in their SB" all they like. They were intimidated, and we've all seen what that looks like as well.


    The one bright spot was Kenbrell Thompkins. I believe he made the roster with his game that day, and I wouldn't be surprised if we see him a whole lot on Sunday. We need to shut that guy down. If we do, we can win. Amendola simply doesn't scare me at all. The rest of the WRs are JAGs.


    EDIT: The Rbs are JAGs. Ridley will only be as good as the O line. It's like the old Denver running game. They can run block very well. So, Ridley should be able to get some good runs. However, getting up on the Pats takes the run away, just like it does for everybody else. However again, the Pats may very well run it no matter what.


    They can run it, and it's on us to stop it. Simple. The Lions stopped it cold, and that was before the Pats got down. Frankly, with our D line, there's no excuse why we can't do the same. No excuse whatsoever. IF we don't stop the run, then that is on our players lack of effort.


    Aside: You know when they do that double TE and a WR "bunch" set? I want to see us have the LDE or OLB not rush and head straight for the WR and knock him on his ass inside 5 yards. That is where the ball is going 90% of the time. That would screw up the timing, and, we wouldn't have to live through yet another crossing rout for 15-25 yards, when we all know it's coming. The best they could do is throw to one of the TEs, who isn't expecting the ball. Bring the CB in to "rush", but really, just to cover the outside guy's area.






    Here's where I hate to say this, but I will anyway: The Pats LBs are a problem. I've been saying this since they lost their LBs from the SB years. They've never had the same D since. None of their stop gap fixes have worked. But, they've won anyway...with their O. This makes me look "wrong". :rolleyes:


    However, I'm not. Their LBs aren't good. They are average, at best. They are slow to read, react, and, they are just slow, period. Belechick protects them with scheme, and by only asking them to do 1 thing well. We can cause trouble by forcing them to do what they don't do well. I just hope we don't overthink it.


    The elephant = Spikes is a liability in coverage, and if Chandler/EJ are on the same page? They will have to bring safety help, and that opens the door for the bomb(and helps Stevie, screens, etc.). This has always been true, since 2007, however, we haven't had a QB who can torch them with the bomb, consistently. So, the Pats, rightly, haven't cared. Spikes creates a huge problem, but, only if you can exploit it.


    Mayo has played up and down recently. Example: Against the Eagles he got driven backwards by the RB :blink: But, on the next play, he corrected and stopped the run for no gain. The Lions game? He seemed to quit on some plays. And, it wasn't just him. Against the Bucs, he looked OK, but he got burned a few times, and the O line got on him easily. Not sure if that's all his fault, as the D line didn't help him.


    Hightower has a chance to play like the old SB LBs did. I really like this guy. However, he is only one guy. I'm not sure that the quitting and the liabilities can be overcome by one guy.


    Their D line is really good against the run, as it has been. It will be interesting to see what our O line can do, and what Spiller can do.


    Finally? The even bigger elephant? The Pats haven't had this much trouble rushing the passer since before Parcells was there. If preseason is any indication at all? The Pats are in big trouble in this area. If it isn't, then once again, Bill Belechik coaching is amazing. It would be truly impressive if this gets fixed.


    However, I don't know how you fix this, other than by bringing more people. But, even the lowly Eagles were able to pick up the blitzers. I don't know how you get a guy to be more talented/faster/stronger/quicker/whatever going from the preseason to the regular.


    Couple all of this with a so/so secondary? And, I say that only because we haven't seen this group play together much. They could be decent. They could be bad.


    Perhaps this is the year that the bad drafting, bad FAs, and trading down, finally catches up with them.

    You are evaluating veteran talent on the basis of preseason game performance? That's insane.
  2. Once SpyGate came out they stopped looking invincible. A defense that knows what plays are coming tend to look better. I always suspected the Pats cheated. Look at games in the early 2000's. Their D looked like they had ESP.



    Since Spygate, they went 18-1 in 2007and have the highest winning percentage in the NFL from 2007-2012. Yeah, they must have been cheating.

  3. Once SpyGate came out they stopped looking invincible. A defense that knows what plays are coming tend to look better. I always suspected the Pats cheated. Look at games in the early 2000's. Their D looked like they had ESP.



    Since Spygate, they went 18-1 in 2007and have the highest winning percentage in the NFL from 2007-2012. Yeah, they must have been cheating.

  4. He just passed for the second highest single season yardage in history, but he's on his way down?




    I know....13-3.....5000 yards passing,.,,,,offense averages 32 points a game... set record for most completions without interception,,,etc.. and on his way down?????,,,,someone doesnt know football..,,,unbelievable.

  5. While I agree with what you're saying about the Bills, if the Pats, who have Brady, took Mallett, why should the Packers shy away from him, if they think he'll be good? The point I was making is no one liked him enough to take him where top prospects are taken, i.e. 1st round/beginning of 2nd round. Moreover the kid has done nothing in the NFL for even warranting trading any pick for him.



    First of all, the reason Mallett dropped out of the 1st round had nothing to do with his football skills, dedication, or football IQ. Many have said Mallett was the best or 2nd best QB in last years draft. He dropped due to allegations of off the field issues. The Patriots saw good value and made the pick. Mallett has had no issues this year. Mallet may have "done nothing" in the NFL but he has done as much in the NFL as Luck to this point and you'd have no problem trading up to get Luck.


    As far as the Patriots not developing other starting QB's (other than free agent turned into 2nd round pick Cassell), over the years they havent been drafting for a starting Qb. Obviously, you're not going to waste a high pick on someone who likely will never play, They drafted potential backkups and signed veterans to hold a clipboard. Only in the past 2 years have they been spending resources (e.g. scouting and bringing potential draftees in for interviews)looking for a down-the-road backup with the potential to develop into a starting QB.

  6. I am SOOO done with everyone on WEEI Sports talk radio, as well as Comcast Sports Net, ESPN Boston, NBC locally, and every writer and color commentary guy as well as every ex-Patriots player who ever lived giving us NO CHANCE against the Pats tomorrow. I wish some would step up an eat their words after we smoke them. I have no doubts we are going to bring them down a peg and knock Marcia on his lily rump tomorrow!



    Soooo, you are shocked and dismayed that Boston area media favor the Patriots ???? Born yesterday ???

  7. Albert was supposedly the reason they went to 4-3(although I suspect wilforks unacknowledged decline had something to do with it). Our guys match up very well against their back up DBs if they want to play man. That's what I'm anticipating belli tries some 3 - 3 nickel formations.


    Wilfork's unacknowledged decline? Wow. I guess the games I've watched must be from last year.

  8. And one more thing to dislike.


    They always seem to come up with extra draft picks, since they know when to unload veteran stars, and then usually parlay a pick into a next year pick.


    Just too damn smart in their draft/front office...



    Yup. Patriots got 2 1sts, 2 2nds, and 2 3rds in this year's draft. Getting back starters from IR too. They should be alot better next year. Something to look forward too. :)

  9. If that performance was Brady when rusty then hang on tight for when he gets back in gear and starts cranking it up. :wallbash:


    A rusty Brady was Offensive Player of the Week and everyone hear who cricitizes his performance would kill to have him setting up behind center for the Bills next week.

  10. Umm yes actually he did HANDILY out-play Tom Brady. If you extrapolate Trent's numbers across the same number of plays, the comparison would look like this:


    Trent: 32/53 (15/25 = 60% | 32/53 = 60%) 450 yards (8.5 ypa x 53 attempts); 4 TDs (53 attempts / 12.5 attempts per TD); 0 ints

    Brady: 39/53 378 yards; 2 TDs; 1 int


    This extrapolation was based on the individual passing statistics listed on espn:




    Surely you would recognize that the quarterback with substantially more attempts would have more yardage and TD opportunities. So if you apply Trents actual numbers across the same numbers of attempts, you can make a very reasonable argument that Trents actual numbers were FAR more impressive than Tom Brady. So yea, the rating was in this case a very accurate indicator of performance for those two QBs. But thanks for playing.


    Also, if you think Trent wasn't looking down field enough, we can observe the comparison between yards per *completion*:


    Trent: 212 yards/15 completions = 14.1 yards per completion (which is effing RIGHTEOUS)

    Brady: 378 yards /39 completions = 9.7 yards per completion (good but not Trent Edwards good)


    So clearly, he was getting more plays down field for more yards per capita than Tom Brady. If we didn't have at least 3 balls dropped that should have been caught, even *if* they weren't exactly perfect, the difference between Edwards and Brady would be even more profound.


    This post was originally posted in response on like the fourth page of a thread started by another forum member, but I found it so intriguing after I did the calculations that I thought you would all appreciate a new thread for it.


    Not only is Trent a better QB than Brady, as you proved, you should have noted that he rushed 2X for 25 yds. Now, if you extrapolate that to, let's say 25 attempts, you can say that at 12,5 yds percarry he would have run for 312.5 yds for the game!!!! Not only is Trent better than Brady, he is also the GREATEST RUNNING BACK IN THE HISTORY OF THE NFL!!!

  11. Yea Tom Brady was Tom Brady. But Trent Edwards was better. His 114 passer rating vs Tom Brady's 98 passer rating agrees. Expect big things this year. The loss hurts - but the silver lining looks pretty good. I'm not saying "we played tough" or "we have heart". I am saying we have a better team than most in the league, and this season will prove it.



    Trent was better? He was playing against a new defense. Should have been able to get downfield more instead of dinkin and dunkin. Makes his stats look good though. Did you stay up for the 2nd half? Brady started playin like himself after shakin off the rust in the 1st half. Imagine what the Bills would be like with him behind center.

  12. From Don Banks today:


    "New York's opening onslaught shredded the Patriots for 206 yards and three touchdowns, all in the first quarter. The completions went for 44 yards to tight end Kevin Boss, nine yards to Boss, 23 yards to Sinorice Moss for a touchdown (all from Eli Manning), 38 yards to Domenik Hixon, 12 yards to Moss for another touchdown, 16 yards to Mario Manningham, and a 64-yard dagger to the heart for another touchdown, this one by rookie Hakeem Nicks.


    Backup David Carr threw the last four of those passes, for 130 yards and two scores, after Manning had finished his one series of work 3 for 3 for 76 yards. Overall, Manning and Carr completed all nine of their attempts in the game, for 229 yards and three scores. Both finished with perfect 158.3 passer ratings for the game. Has an NFL team ever had two quarterbacks finish with perfect passer ratings in the same game, when they each threw more than a pass?


    I get the feeling New England's secondary might just get some extra attention from Bill Belichick in the coming week, and that's never a good thing in Foxboro."


    All the off-season and pre-season hype is over. It's showtime on a grand stage. Owens, Evans, Johnson & Nelson will get open in this secondary. Will the Bills -and Edwards, specifically- go after this Pats* weakness? I also expect their LB's and safety's to cheat up to jump short routes, further exposing openings deep. I certainly expect Brady to attack deep with his weapons, and we have fine talent in our secondary.


    IMO, attacking through the air is our best chance to win the opener, but it seems to go against everything we've seen since Edwards began starting. All that's required is enough time for Trent to set his feet and we've seen that the new OL can provide this. If ever there's an opportunity to step up and compete, I think the Pats* secondary provides it.


    The Patriots were playing 3rd and 4th stringers, including a WR as a safety. Do you really think that their performance means anythnig positive for the Bills? How many of those guys will see the field during the season? Besides, maybe Don Banks should actually watch the games he writes about before drawing ridiculous conclusions.

  13. ...is how phony Bill Belichick is when he talks about other teams. He always heaps such ridiculous praise upon the team that it becomes no longer the standard, every team is good, every game is hard, but some pathetic farce.


    He's doing it now with all this talk about how dangerous the Bills are and how all these "stars" have hurt the Patriots so badly in years past. Remember how much he would kiss up to Bledsoe but then in his biography he would say how he knew that Bledsoe would always choke, always force the ball etc. and that's why he traded him within his division.


    The guy does barely enough to win against weak teams like the Bills. That is why the Bills almost won. He kept the trickery and the strategy to a minimum. But it almost back-fired against him. This time, he will crush the Bills most likely.


    Here's hoping that the Bills can wipe the smirk off of that homeless-bum-looking, wife-stealing smarta$$.





    ...And, instead of praising the Bills, BB said "The Bills are a team that would have trouble beating a Division 1AA college team....etc." you would be less indignant?

  14. I think the Bills brdt hopes of winning lie in two areas which seem quite obvious to identify:


    1. The Bills O performs even better than is expected-  I think it is reasonable to asaum it has improved if only because it was so pathetic last year.


    2. NE finally implodes as happens at some point to every SB winner.


    Though I think these points are likely to be the focus, it is another question as to how these two points will actually turn out in reality.


    My sense is that though the O production should be much improved over the disrupted cluster thang that was the end of last season.


    A. The OL has better players than the crew which started last season.  The back-ups are best unproven (and I mean at best) the early games are when this crew may be at its best and at any rate a unit based around Reyes, Fowler and Peters should be better than a unit based around Anderson, Teague and Wiiliams.

    B. WM will be used as a 3rd down back which is better than his non-use last year and better than a Shaud Williams led attack on 3rd down.

    C. Losman was putrid last year and should be a season better than last year.

    D. The WRs have more deptg and speed than last year.


    The question is how much is much and we will see.  My guess this unit has better personnel and seems to have a better structure as Fairchild learns at Martz's knee.


    The question I think is whether NE has begun the implosion which always occurs with SB teams with their finally missing the SB last year,


    My guess is that Brady has in the past and can make marginal players better.  However the bragging of some Pats fans of 14 wins really sounds like whistling in the dark as the loss of their top two receivers from last year could easily become a struggle.  Seau escaping from retirement to actually win a starting job is a clear demonstration of the limits of the talents at LB.  The last two seasons have seen Seau play 8 games and 7 games.  Anyone who does not have an expectation that he is gonna be around for less than half the season is simply deluding themselves.


    The Pats probably will not break down in this game, but it really is merely a question of when rather than if.




    THey missed the playoffs after winning the SB in 2001 then won 2 more SBs afer that. Last year they were decimated by injuries, playing 4th and 5th strings DBs and 3rd string OL. AND they said Harrison was washed up when he left San Diego so lets wait on Seau before saying they are weak at LB. They still have Brushi, Vrabel, and Colvin, 3 or 4 starters from last year. And McGinnest was like 50 years old or something.

  15. No. Do you ever tire of spending so much time on a Bills message board?


    Look, I get it. You're a die-hard fan. There are bound to be a few of you. But it's a pretty well-known fact that Pats fans are second only to Miami fans when it comes to being fair-weathered.


    Oh, yes, the Patriot's website says the games were all soldout back when the team sucked, and I guess that must make it gospel. But let's face it. You know as well as we do that when your team starts to suck, no one will really be there to watch except the people who got their tickets free with every Mach III razor they buy.


    The only delusion comes from you thinking that people actually paid money to watch the team when it sucked.



    It's a fact that EVERY game since Kraft bought the team has been sold-out. So, it's not a delusion. Look up the word if you don't understand.


    BTW Your logic tells you that, "they supported the team in the past when the team sucked; therefore they won't support the team if its sucks in the future? "



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