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Posts posted by MattF2000

  1. We have watched every game.Sheppard looks bad . Out of position many times. Hasn`t shed blocks or came up to fill holes. I don`t know what you were watching.One play a game doesn`t cut it. He`s playing because Buddy or Edwards are cluless. Just like starting a fat slow Spencer Johnson at OLB. No wonder we lose.



    I think he's better than Davis. He's atleast faster even though he seems to be out of position quite a bit. Wondering why Morrison has only sniffed the field in garbage time. When he has played he has looked solid. I'd like to see what he can do as well.

  2. He was awesome on special teams today. Can't say he's not trying.


    Agreed. Was quite impressed with him on special teams today. Not what you want from a first round pick but that's a sunk cost. Use him for what he's good at for now. Hope his injury isn't serious.

  3. I agree with the OP. Clayton has no idea what's going on half the time. I felt the Bills had a good chance of getting 7 - 9 wins before the season started. Probably leaned closer to the lower number. Clayton on the other hand felt we were going to have 0 - 2 wins, had us ranked as the 31st or 32nd team in the NFL. That type of prediction was way off. Not even in the ballpark.


    If you look at the Bills body of work last year it was rather obvious that we couldn't be much worse than 4 - 12. We lost 4 games by a field goal to playoff teams, 3 of which were in OT. We had the benefit of drafting high and having a full year with a new coaching staff. For any expert to predict we'd be significantly worse (which 0 to 2 wins would have been) means the expert is completely out of touch with reality.


    Again, most of of probably didn't think we'd be doing this well but I think a lot of us that pay attention to the finer points of the team and personnel knew that we would have to improve. If nto for being in the same system and upgraded personnel than simply by the ball bouncing our way a time or two in close games when it didn't last year.


    Go Bills.

  4. Am I reading the posted articles in correctly or are players only paying tax on these checks for the number of days they're in that city? That seemed to be how it was explained in the LA Times article. If it's only two days then it would seem the state or city gets a little bit of money but most of their income tax would still be paid where they spend 181 days of the year. This article seems to shwo that also http://www.nationalfootballpost.com/a-taxing-day-for-nfl-players.html




    I think the state generate a boat load of money from the Buffalo Bills and paying $100 million is well worth it. While one can easily argue that government should not be supporting private businesses, the fact is the states are competing with eachother for these teams. If one state is willing to provide similar or better stadium improvements/construction then New York has to compete to keep its sports teams. This is no different than a state providing businesses with tax incentives to come and set up shop in their state. NYS will make a profit on this deal. The writer is clueless.

  5. I will say this. While I don't know that 10 - 6 is a reasonable expectation for the year I do think we're much better than people think. I think this years team is significantly better than the team we had last year. The same team that lost 4 games by a field goal to playoffs teams, 3 of which were in overtime. Vegas has the over/under at 5.5 and I'm taking the over. We do have a tough schedule but we had that least year. 6 wins is reasonable, 8 is possible, I'd be very surprised if we got to 10. I would not be surprised if we won one of the four games against the Jets/Pats. We've been very close the past couple years in atleast one game with the Pats.

  6. Let's see: we averaged 1.8 yards per carry and our QB was hit or hurried on about 3/4 of the pass plays. I saw Meredith get beat on every single passing play that I watched him and Bell "had his hands full" with Peppers. I would say that it was much more than Hangartner's fault.


    Completely agree. It's amazing watching other games and seeing the time the quarterback gets and the holes the running backs get. We just dont have that on any consistent basis. It seems our rushing yards are usually because Lynch and Jackson break tackles. I do think Fitzpatrick is better at not doing dumb things when he has pressure. I also think some of his throws are way off. But I do think if the line played better our offense would be much improved.

  7. I was at the game, too. There is no friggin way anybody but Roscoe was going to catch that guy. If Trent catches him in another ten yards, guess where they are - the end zone.


    It was incredible hustle on Roscoe's part. It may have been the first time I've seen somebody catch up from that far behind and make one of those desperation lunge tackles that actually worked.



    I've got to agree with you on this one over the poster above you. Roscoe dove and grabbed the guys ankles to trip him up at the eight yard light. Trent being there 10 yards later wouldn't have meant anything. And I'd agree I haven't seen someone run a DB down from behind from that far either.

  8. I really don't remember Trent being anywhere near the tackle but again I was at the game. It seemed there was close to ten yard difference between Parrish and the defender and he really gained ground. I was impressed by the hustle that's all. Not saying Parrish should or shouldn't be traded. Anyone know where to see a clip of this?


    If Parrish blew the block then that is not good. However, the fumble was clearly Jackson's fault and had almost nothing to do with a possible missed block. With that being said, I'll take a fumble like that in exchange for how well Jackson has been playing.

  9. I couldn't find a thread anywhere so was just curious about the thoughts on the play. Being at the game it looked like Piscitelli was going to return it for a touchdown with ease. Seemed Roscoe really turned it on and caught up to him to save a TD. I know TB scored on the next play but I thought it was a pretty serious effort on Roscoe's part to run him down. Especially considering he hasn't been the happiest with his role in the offense. I'm not sure most receivers put that much effort to run down an opposing DB with that big of a head start. I was at the game so maybe it looked better than it really was too.. Anyone else impressed by this play? Thoughts?

  10. I dont have a problem with him taking the ball out of the endzone if he thinks he can get beyond the 20 yard line... But to be foolish enough to think that there is a good chance he could have returned it for a touchdown with the hands team on the field is quite foolish. Return men are only as good as their blocking (generally). As soon as he was touched he should have taken a classic Wes Welker dive to the ground. This had little to do with coaching and more to do with stupidity. And obviously he was trying to hold on to the ball. The pats just made a good play knocking it out.

  11. I really can't fault Jauron at all on this one. Do you people honestly think the Bills coaches are so stupid that we don't teach our guys to strip the ball late in the game or fall down instead of fighting for an extra yard in this type of situation? This stuff is taught at the Pop Warner level.. Lets be serious. Jauron having the team prepared to win a game at New England in the first game with Brady back. Although I do wonder what took so long to get rid of Turk and Walker, I have to commend him for finally making some bold moves. Regardless of what you think of the no-huddle, I commend Jauron for trying something new as well. He's shaking things up and atleast trying to change things from being status quo.. Whether it works or not we'll find out.


    I am by no means a huge fan of Jauron. I would like Cowher, Shanahan, or Gruden as our coach as well. But I can't blame Jauron on this one. Now what he needs to do is get this team ready for a win at home against Tampa.. It is the coaches job to make sure a team forgets about this game and is prepared for the next.


    Go Bills

  12. As for as Ralph not being happy, hire a real HC Ralph. Move Russ back to marketing, hire a Ron Wolf or Charlie Casserly and let them bring in someone. PAY to bring in Holmgren, Shanahan....someone with a proven track record and let them have at it.


    This entire team has to be rebuilt again.


    Charlie Casserly is my professor. I'll have to let him know there are Bills fans calling for his hiring. Now we just need Ralph to do it!

  13. Since win did UFL teams play against NFL teams in the preseason? Honestly, we dont even belong on the same field.. This was beyond disappointing.. I can handle a bad preseason game. But one where your first team is dominated by a team that was not very good last year? Raji looked darn good for Green Bay.. It's also torture living in D.C. and seeing Orkapo play fairly well for Washington. Who know whats Maybin will be but GB and the Skins look like they may have done well with their first picks (I know it's early). Then there's us. 4 picks in the first two rounds, two don't even play, and the other two are part of an Oline that was DOMINATED.. Man I'm disappointed... as usual

  14. Been to Gillette two of the last three years for the Bills games and will be going this year as well. Pats fans are pretty subdued. Maybe cuz they beat us all the time. Then again, I haven't been to a stadium that rivals the Ralph. I did go to Philly 2 years ago for the Bills game and it was calm there also. Probably cuz we were both out of it.


    Find the Bills backers tailgate. It was a complete rage last year. I brought my buddies that are Pats fans and they had a blast. They were thoroughly impressed. Stadium is pretty nice. Outcome usually sucks but hopefully that will be different this year.

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