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Posts posted by jjsiepierski34

  1. Trent Edwards is the problem? Are you kidding me? Trent Edwards is the problem? The problem has been around LOOONNNGGGGGGG before Trent Edwards got here. So think of all the cute little nicknames you can instead of spending time learning anything logically. While you're at it, delete your account because stupidity is like a virus and this place needs to be quarantined. Our children are already looking at a future in bad enough shape, no need for more stupidity added to it.


    Hope this helps!


    !@#$ YOU

  2. the Brinkworths own a few bars. I'd hardly consider them to be aing remotely resembling prominent developers

    Is this the thread that claims the Brinkworths as CREDIBLE!? Haha. That's funny. I have gone to high school and college with three of these guys who I call "friend." I assure you that this is all balderdash...


    The only thing "credible" about the Brinkworths that I know, is they're in"credibly" full of **** B-):D

  3. Seems as though "Cash To Cap" used to be the motto coming from OBD yet I haven't heard one mention of this cap philosophy since we received the up-front cash from the Rogers Group...is this coincidence?


    I hate the front office. :nana:

  4. For the young ones, rivalries come and go. A little history may be needed. All four teams in our division were AFL teams, Miami being the last.


    The patriots* were our first rivalry, with the New york Titans (jets) a close second during the 60's.


    Miami was an expansion team that we didn't care about until Shula turned them into a Super team in the 70's, during which time we we always fall short, much as we do this decade with the Pats*.


    During the 80's we were so pathetic through the early years we really didn't have much of a rivalry with anyone.


    Then the late 80's and 90's arrived, a 12 yr run of success against everyone, especially Miami. Beating Shula and Marino consistently renewedthe rivalry. Payback was sweet.


    Now we are at the low end trying to remove the dominance of the Pats*, our original rival. Unfortunately we maybe one to two years removed.



    Don't know about everyone else, but I'm 34, and I HATE MIAMI as much as I ever have. Dan Marino is my least favorite athlete OF ALL TIME still to this day. I watch the ticker to make sure Miami's losing. There used to be a saying that is if the Bills went 2-14, 2-0 against Miami, it was a good year because we would be 2-0 vs the Phins and have the 1st pick in the draft...I believe there's some truth to this statement.


    If anyone's ever been to a road Miami/Bills game, they hate us down there more than ever before...I went 2 or 3 seasons ago when beast mode made the unreal run from the 2 or 3 yard line to seal the game...I needed a police escort out of the game because I was being rowdy in a Bills jersey and the fans didnt appreciate them remaining 0-for the season...it was great.


    This rivalry isn't dead, its just sleeping a bit until we play them in a meaningful game in the last quadrant of the season.


    The Tuna's FAT and Dan Marino....SUCKS!!!!! :rolleyes:


    Go Bills.

  5. You know, if I recall, didn't Trent lace in a nice ball to TO on a skinny post near the end of the New England game?


    I was too drunk to remember the 4th qtr of the Patsies' game.


    I am not trying to 2nd guess, so I apologize if this came off in that manner. Reading the original post, I guess it was 2nd guessing. I guess I was just having deja vu between the 2 plays, and thought I'd point that out, and see if others on the board recognized that as well...?

  6. First off, I love the way Edwards is playing.


    My question for the group is: why is Trent overthrowing the skinny post to Lee Evans to the QB's downfield right?


    As I watched the Bucs' highlights again this morning, the Piscatelli interception was eerily similar to the first pick Trent threw vs the Browns in the Hall OF Fame game. Both defenses were dropped in zone coverage. Looks like he's got good footwork, and minimal pressure in his face, but the ball sailed on him in the same exact manner. Maybe AVP should have TE & Lee running an "out" in this situation; Trent has the arm strength in my opinion...




    Go Bills

  7. Here in Chicago, I was forced to watch the Vikings/Browns. Besides for the Adrian Peterson performance which was quite obvious, what else stood out to me was how dominant Pat Williams is on the Vikings D Line and how solid Antoine Winfield is. Those two RUN that entire Defense; Sad we let those two get away....along with Clements. Mis-managed cap space, although we were never gonna re-sign Clements. Fat Pat was a GREAT Bill.

  8. www.twobillsdrive.com works fantastic on my Blackberry. Any chance we can get a logo/app with a kick butt Bills logo that I can use to shortcut my way there when I need my daily fix while in a boring meeting or something? The kind of app logo you see on all of the iPhone commercials....


    Just curious.


    Go Bills.

  9. It's funny because it's so frickin' believable. :)



    Things will never change because the coach doesn't seem to care and he is about as exciting as watching paint dry. The fans care more about a loss than the team and coach do. At least Ralph seems to get p*ssed off when we lose. Jauron is so boring. The Bills games are so boring. These preseason games have been yawners. We need someone leading these guys with some balls. Some fire. Jauron being a players' coach; I'm just so sick about hearing about what a nice guy he is and how they all like him so much....even that;s BORING. The organization as a whole has become as boring as I have ever remembered. Even when we had Ferregamo under center, at least it was exciting to see him read the play incorrectly off of his playcalling wristband.

  10. poz is a polack. any polacks on the bills are ok in my book. doesnt matter if they are good players or not.


    Na zdrowie!


    I agree with this post. I have a Poz jersey myself. My girlfriend (off the boat Polish) tells me his name translates to "obedient."

  11. I look forward to Favre playing for the Vikings myself. Everyone that criticizes Favre for waffeling all these years should place the blame where it belongs................on Ted Thompson.


    Sorry if this has been posted, is this along the same lines of animosity as when we cut Thurman and he signed for a year with Miami? I mean, of all places....MIAMI. I remember I was mad at him (I have since totally gotten over it...completely) but I believe there was a little more to Favre signing with Minn. Everyone talks about knowing the offense, and getting back to the playoffs for a run. What were Thurman's intentions in signing with the Fish? Maybe just play one more year in warm weather, and sticking it to the Bills...that's all I can remember....they were not very good at the time he signed.


    I guess I'm just wondering if everyone thinks the villanous feelings are the same between the two situations for the fans...?


    Go Bills.

  12. Another good thread topic would be, how does your SPOUSE cope with your coping? I am sure that over the years the Bills have tested many marriages...


    You're on to something here. The Bills certainly DID NOT break up my marraige, but me going to the "Bills Bar" (Delilah's) here in Chicago every weekend certainly did not help our issues....considering that me going was not even up for debate...


    Tragedy: my ex wife was/is from Buffalo! You'd think I'd get a free pass...?


    That was 4 years ago...now, my girl is "off the boat" from Europe and she thinks Football is actually Soccer and she thinks we're all nuts....in a good way. Gives me no gump whatsoever...Encourages me to follow my heart and do what makes me happy regarding the Bills....


    Isn't this story ironic?


    Bills for liiiiife.

  13. Blasphemy.....The Bills Offense and Defense put him in such a hard position......


    The Bills could have run Thurman Thomas more during that drive....He would have got it to a 35 yard field goal....


    The defense could not stop the Giants for 8 minutes on the drive.....Not a single lick on their QB.....



  14. I don't. If the Bills win I have a great week. If the Bills lose my week is rather melancholy until I get excited for the upcoming week on Wed.


    I am quite aware how sad this is...


    I could not have said it better myself. My frustration on gameday while its actually going down cannot be hidden. Screaming loudly, drinking heavily, wanting to kill Jauron...Usually by Monday morning, I start looking at the positives from an optimistic point of view. A lot of "if we only did this," or "if this would have happened." By Wednesday, like you, I'm focused on what we need to do the following week, and I start getting excited.


    I just hope we're alive for the wild card (although the Bills' fan in me tells me we're going 14-2) so every game this upcoming season allows me to get excited. There is nothing worse than being mathematically eliminated...especially being a Bills fan in Chicago, the ribbing never ends....

  15. The guy lived a few blocks from down from me on West Ferry near Elmwood Ave in the late 70's. Very pleasant man. RIP.


    I used to play in the Randy Smith summer basketball league every summer down at Martin Luther King Park. What an atmosphere...they would roll out 4, 6 foot speakers and put each one at each corner of the court, connect them to turn tables where a DJ would start mixing, and then they had a play-by-play guy on the mic pumping up the crowd and giving all of the players nicknames...This is in the late 80's, early 90's, LONG before you see what you see on the And 1 Mix Tape Tour on ESPN where Rafer Alston got his start, but same idea....


    I specifically remember a man nicknamed "Hammer" who was 1/4 homeless, 1/4 special-needs, 1/4 wine-o, 1/4 crack-head that would come out during the halftime break and do the Running Man in the jump-ball circle to MC Hammer's "Let's Get It Started..." Of course the crowd was screaming "Go Hammer, Go Hammer, Go hammer" in unison the entire performance...this was a lot to handle for a young white kid from Williamsville, but it sure was fun to watch...The best was that Hammer would show up every weekend and do the same exact thing...the refs would have to drag him off the court to resume play.


    Randy Smith would be there every weekend and would man the hot dog grill...the man was in incredible shape! It does not surprise me to hear he was on the treadmill when it all ended. He was always willing to sign autographs, and I don't believe he was taking money for the food he was grilling...


    A good man, and a great basketball experience I will always remember....


    RIP Randy Smith.

  16. Jauron is the man, thank god we extended him.


    We got beat today; is it acceptable?...no! But, DJ is the perfect coach for the situation we are in, and you people that wanna throw him under the bus rather than have stability, every time we lose....you people are stupid, and crazy


    So we lost.


    We're 5-2, still in 1st, and we're gonna whoop the Jets next week.


    Be happy. Get off Jauron

  17. Living in Chicago during the Jauron era and following the Bears then would give you a different perspective on Jauron and the magical 13-3 season. They were a very lucky team that year pulling out last minute victories several times on big defensive plays and special teams plays. Jauron has never been able to back up that performance with anything close from his teams or coaches. If you throw out his best and worst years, you see a dismal coaching record otherwise. Unless he makes some changes in his approach to the game, expect him to become the bottleneck for this team as the talent now and in the near future might exceed his ability to coach it. I look at one recent decision that he made which tells me a lot. Hiring Turk as the OC. To me, that was an opportunity to improve the club. Did he do it? We don't know. What we do know is that he did not make an exhaustive search or interview a number of outside candidates. He chose to take the path of least resistence and hire the guy in the office down the hall. He took the typical Dick Jauron "safe" approach. Maybe Turk proves to be a wonderful coordinator, time will tell. What really bothers me is the manner in which Jauron chose him without bringing in several qualified candidates for interviews. Jauron is all about the comfort zone and playing it safe. That might work as the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, but in football, I prefer a more aggressive approach. One that puts pressure on the opponent to win. I don't see that from this coach. 13-3 then means nothing now.


    By "throwing out a coach's best and worst years" we're Bell Curving, making every coach average, and basically saying we don't care, or take into consideration a coach's best and worst years? That's an odd way of looking at a coach's historical data in my opinion.


    By making game-winning special teams, and defensive plays for touchdowns, this constitutes lucky for the aforementioned Bears team? I don't believe they were lucky, I believe they were prepared, and opportunistic. Luck becomes such a bail-out term used by losers. The person usually referring to luck is the player/coach at the press table saying "if only we were a little lucky..." or "if luck would have been on our side tonight, we would have..." blah, blah, blah. A team going 13-3 in the NFL, and then the subsequent Coach winning the Coach of the Year award can't be based on luck...


    That being said, I see your point in his inability to back anything up following the performance that year, but he had a GM bail on him, and a rotating QB position us Bills fans can laugh at. I think he is the right man for the job considering the age demographic of this Bills team, and I think he chose stability when he chose Schonert; stability that a young QB needs to succeed in today's NFL. By choosing Turk, the philosophy and terminology will remain in tact, and the youngster will feel that much more comfortable going into season 2. I also believe he chose Turk with these same characteristics in mind to protect himself a bit, knowing that he needs to win this coming season, or his goose is probably cooked...hiring a new OC will just take that much more time for everyone to adjust. Despite our horrible pass efficiency, and ranking, I don't believe Jauron thinks we are that far off from being in the top 15 NFL offenses...

  18. Things are in place for a playoff season; we have talent and depth on defense; we have added receivers, running backs and tight ends on offense; we have drafted good replacement special teamers; plus, we have a number of starters returning from injury. Add this all up, and we SHOULD win more games than last year. I think, however, it will end up depending on Edwards' development and Jauron's game-day decisions.


    If Trent plays like a kid (which he still is), there won't be any playoff this year. If Jauron doesn't make the most of his team's game situations, but instead blows calls like the horrible sideline pass coverage in the Dallas game, there won't be any playoff.


    My feeling right now is that Edwards WILL make steady progress and Jauron will manage the games a bit better and the Bills will squeak into the playoffs.

    But...I have NO basis for this belief whatsoever. Edwards and Jauron have done absolutely nothing in their respective careers to justify my faith. What are your thoughts on these two? Will they come through or not?


    Edwards is young, and only in his second season; we all know what he did last year so having done "absolutely nothing" in his career is understandable. But using these terms to describe Dick Jauron is a bit careless in my opinion.


    Look at his stint with the Bears. Jauron, led the greatest turnaround in team history during his third season. Chicago finished 13-3 in 2001, where the team went 8-0 in games decided by seven points or less, including back-to-back overtime victories. Jauron was named 2001 AP Coach of the Year.


    I, for one, do believe he is an accomplished coach, and I have confidence in his ability to manage the game. Sometimes his brand may be a bit conservative, which translates to boredom for us fans, but winning 9-6 is the exact same as winning 42-17; being able to win both ways is the key, and I think our roster's talent allows for that flexibilty week by week...he preaches depth at each position to breed competition. This tells me that he has set the tone with every player up and down the roster, that no position is safe, and unproductive play will not be tolerated, or a change will be made.


    I believe the Bills will come in at 10-6, and earn a wild card. We have a favorable strength of schedule, we are going to impose our will in the running game, win the time of possession game, stop the run much better with Stroud clogging the middle, and we have a great kicking game. The mark that Marv has left on the way this team will play, and win football games cannot go unnoticed.


    Go Bills!

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