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Posts posted by bruceleeroy100

  1. I was just wondering if our new def coordinator could be one of the coaches from the colts or saints and maybe we have already hired him but cannot say anything until after the game. It is just odd to me that we are hiring linebacker coaches and not letting the def coordinator pick his own staff. And this could be why.

  2. How can you talk about Fine(a great KU player) like that, look at those p***ies from Mizzoura. Only 2 got drafted and both are hurt and doubtful for the start of the season. Will Franklin and Rucker both with knee problems.


  3. he was really bad today for this game.he really over compensated alot and at times he really did sound like a guy who has no feelings for the bills. I do know this is not the case he played here to long and gave to much to the city for it to be any other way in my opinion. But just for the record he really did sound like a homer.......but for the chargers. :D

  4. i think what im saying is exactly on par with you guys.No they didnt play great but they played way better than expexted and they have alot of good points to work on and get even better in. And yes there were alot of mistakes but were a totally different team from last year as far as coaches and alot of personal too. And not just that there are alot of rookies or 2nd to 3rd year guys that are still getting themselves aquanted with what is expected of them from this team. So in my opinion yes there were alot of mistakes like penalties and blown plays but it was the first game of a whole new team and i thought they looked great.

  5. Buffalo Bills fans this is not a time to be so negative. Its time to look at the positive. I mean seriously how many actually thought we would have a chance to beat NE in Foxboro on Saturday. Probably not to many, even die hard fans were looking at this game and the whole season in an objective manner and realizing that honestly we probably werent going to win. Lets not lose that focus now please. The fact is that the BB came close to beating NE but came up just short. They had some bad calls and some bad bounces but they still lost themselves the game. They played well doing it though, especailly the D.Was there mistakes absolutely. But overall anyone saying things along the lines of.....Willis shouldnt start put in A-Train, Losman lost us the game, blah blah blah. Didnt watch the game i did. To tell you the truth i think it was because losman and willis that we even had a chance to win. Losman made some throws that in my opinion were not easy to make and willis although disapearring almost for the enitre second half had a great first half and both have a ton to build on and learn from this game. Fans, i dont expect this team to be great the first half of the season but by the second half this team will look like night and day to the team now. The oline will get better(although it will still not be great) Willis will get comfortable in his role and be a great weapon in not only running but the passing game as well. And JP will not have to win us games he just wont have to lose em with this defense and special teams. And i think he will do just that.



    Playoffs this year nope probably not.



    Playoffs next year.........

  6. Did any of the people who hated this draft think anyone we had a chance to draft would have made that much of a difference. I personally think the picks we got were good ones, would i have liked more OL of course but they werent there.This team is being built for the future (how many underclassmen?) not to win now and personally im glad.We werent going anywhere next year anyways i mean look at our main competition(miami, NE, and yes even the jets got alot better.) So just sit back and get ready for another non-playoff year but be ready for one in a couple years.



    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!

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