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Posts posted by Rimjack

  1. The 1981 New York Jets had their "New York Sack Exchange" defensive front. Sacks were not official as a statistic until 1982, but in 1981 the New York Jets led the league with 66 sacks, including:


    1) Joe Klecko - 20.5

    2) Mark Gastineau - 20

    3) Abdul Salaam - 7

    4) Marty Lyons - 6


    I know this doesn't match the exact criteria of the original post, but it is still quite impressive. However, it's also difficult to guage exactly how accurate pre-1982 sack numbers are, given they were not an official statistic, so I guess you need to consider these numbers in that context. Still, I think most would agree that getting these numbers out of four defensive players would be something special.


    BTW, I think Gastineau also led the league in insanity for several years during this era as well...

  2. A couple of things I dislike:


    1) Repeated shots of family members of the players/coaches. Why? I don't care about them, and showing them doesn't add a single thing to the experience. The worst would be Pittsburgh games where they'd show Bill Cowher's wife 300 times a quarter...


    2) Noting that a play in the last 2-3 minutes of a tight game is "a big play." Man, you really gotta know your stuff to recognize a 3rd and 8 on the oppenent's 32, with 58 seconds left and no time outs might be a big play - talk about earning your salary.


    3) Keith Olberman (and Rush Limbaugh, etc.). They are polarizing personalities, and not for anything related to sports. If I want to listen to them, I'll tune in to their shows...


    4) The unwillingness to criticize the officiating. Not as bad in the NFL broadcasts as in other leagues (*cough* NBA *cough*), but still, don't shill. I get particularly irritated when a replay documents the poor call, and the announcers back-pedal in the opposite direction.


    5) Non-football guests, especially on MNF. Again, who cares? I understand they are trying to appeal to non-ffotball fanatics, but why irritate your core constituency?


    Other than that...let's get on with preseason!!!

  3. I was in Long Island visiting family that day, and pumped because I would get to see the game. At the half, however, I was so friggin' upset I almost went SHOPPING with some of my family. I decided to stick around, made a phone call, and sat back down. My dad had a tennis match on ESPN2 or something. I asked him to switch back real quick, and we saw the recovered onside kick.


    Didn't move an inch after that, and I've never even thought about leaving the house at halftime ever again... :oops:

  4. I just heard on 104.3 Denver, "The Sports Guys," that Pat Bowlen put out a press release saying Jay Cutler would be traded, per his request. The release noted numerous efforts to contact Cutler, by both McDaniel and Bowlen, have been ignored, and Cutler's agent stated Cutler "no longer has any desire to play for the Broncos." The radio guys noted local reports that indicated Bowlen was fed up with Cutler's refusal to answer his calls, or to show up for any of the meetings or workouts.


    Let the speculation begin!!!

  5. Look, the Bills weren't very good last year, and the limited success of the year before was something of a mirage. The real question is how bad were they last year, and whether they are turning it around. What I mean is, are they a team that, with some upgrades (especially on the lines), can compete, or do they need a complete overhaul? No one knows the answer to that yet. We also don't know yet if the Bills are moving in the right direction. We've heard a lot from the experts that the Bills didn't get good value from the draft - that may be true, but that doesn't necessarily mean we didn't get good players. What Bills fans may need to recognize is that a bad year this year doesn't mean we aren't heading in the right direction - that all depends on how badly we've fallen. The talent level of this team seems to have dropped off quite a bit over the last few years, and now Moulds, Milloy, etc. are gone, so it could be that a 4-12 or 5-11 season is actually a pretty good one, especially if we are grooming difference-makers. I'd rather go through another season or two of building than go 7-9 to 9-7 for 5 years, but that is all predicated on the new regime doing a better job of building a team than the old one. Remember Dallas in J. Johnson's first year - they went 1-15 (almost a winless season), but were clearly building something. Then there's the Bengals of the 1990s - which one is it gonna be, Marv? :D


    BTW, who was the Denver expert? I used to live there, and I'm betting it was either Sandy Kleogh (spelling?) or Joe Williams...

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