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Posts posted by XXX XXXX

  1. State police aren't laughing about the person who allegedly passed some funny money - a $200 bill with President Bush's picture on it - at a women's clothing store.


    Among other things, the bill had a hokey serial number - DUBYA4U2001 - and didn't bear the signature of the secretary of the treasury. Instead, the bill was "signed" by Ronald Reagan, whose title was "Political Mentor" and by Bush's father, who is listed as "Campaign Advisor and Mentor."


    The back of the bill was even goofier.


    It depicted the White House with several signs erected on the lawn, including those reading "We Like Broccoli" and "USA Deserves A Tax Cut."




    Not exactly a bright move but some Lawyer will argue she was just exercising 'political speech'.

  2. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...bi_ge/greenspan

    In his remarks, Greenspan said that the projected doubling of the U.S. population over the age of 65 by 2035 would add to the government's budget deficit woes.


    But he said it was important to be careful in how those deficits were addressed. He said that relying entirely on an increase in the payroll tax on workers to deal with the funding shortfall in Social Security and Medicare would make it more costly for employers to hire workers.


    Greenspan said policymakers must consider all the economic impacts that changes in the government's two biggest benefit programs would entail such as the effect on retirement decisions, the size of the labor force and the saving behavior of Americans.


    Greenspan acknowledged that any decisions to trim benefits or boost payroll taxes could be difficult politically, but he said those decisions must be made and made quickly to give baby boomers time to adjust.


    So here is willing to work to 75 and considering number of younger people who will not be able to get work if older workers do not retire, how will that help economy?

  3. he Navy task force overseeing John Kerry's swift boat squadron in Vietnam reported that his group of boats came under enemy fire during a March 13, 1969, incident that three decades later is being challenged by the Democratic presidential nominee's critics.


    The March 18, 1969, weekly report from Task Force 115, which was located by The Associated Press during a search of Navy archives, is the latest document to surface that supports Kerry's description of an event for which he won a Bronze Star and a third Purple Heart.


    The Task Force report twice mentions the incident five days earlier and both times calls it ``an enemy initiated firefight'' that included automatic weapons fire and underwater mines used against a group of five boats that included Kerry's.


    Task Force 115 was commanded at the time by retired Rear Adm. Roy Hoffmann, the founder of the group Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, which has been running ads challenging Kerry's account of the episode.




    No way does that report go in saying enemy fire and not have Hoffmann contradicting it in report if there was not fire. It appears this is entirely a political group unhappy with Kerry's politics and nothing to do with Vietnam. A shame and a disgrace by these veterans.

  4. AP


    Not many people foresaw the postwar difficulties the administration has endured in Iraq. Of the few who did, two stand out, both lions of the Republican Party.


    One was President George H.W. Bush. The other was his secretary of state, James A. Baker.


    "Incalculable human and political costs" would have been the result, the senior Bush has said, if his administration had pushed all the way to Baghdad and sought to overthrow Saddam Hussein after the U.S.-led coalition ousted the Iraqi army from Kuwait during the Persian Gulf war in 1991.


    Advice for a previous war which applied to the latest one as well.

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