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Posts posted by bflobarry

  1. In every thread I keep reading about how Nelson and Bowen are going to be big factors this year (according to some po sters). I certainly would love to see that, but we're talking about 4th and 5th round rookies here people. Hellooooo? Why would every team in the league pass on Nelson 3 times if he's such a miracle man? Let's layer in a little reality here, people: Fine, or Shouman, will be playing, and so will Ellison, with his 3 years of starters experience vs Bowens never having seen an NFL field. Just my opinion, but not too many 4th or 5th round rookies start.....

  2. Mitchell may have been 'listed' as the SAM but Ellison played the position far more often than Mitchell did last season. May be one of the reasons Ellison had a drop off last year. He was playing out of position most of the time.


    GO BILLS!!!

    Yes, Ellison WAS out of position all year. His natural position, and where he did well as a rookie, was WILL. And they may LIST Mitchell as Sam, but he plays Weak Side ALL the time, away from the TE. Remember, Ellison was a semi-revelation as a rookie, starting at WILL. He was pretty good over there as a rook, remember?

  3. I'm pretty sure Bowen was drafted to be the SAM starter for years. I'm hoping to be pleasently surprized by his performance.


    That OBD hasn't addressed a 3-down replacement for Ellison implies to me that it will be done by committe and down/distance scenarios. Maybin recently stated they have plans for him to come after the QB from many different places and Digiorgio, Thomas, Harris and Ellison are all the same 'type' of player.


    IMO, the only thing that will blow the whole thing up is if Jauron and staff get canned at season's end and the new regime wants to go 4-3. Then we have nobody.

    Really? You think we drafted a 5th round unknown, who didn't play a down all year last year, as our SAM "for years to come"? I think you might temper ypur enthusiasm until he gets on the field. No harm intended, but this kid has proven nothing yet.

  4. Wait. Brian's your brother? Are you a Bona guy too? And yeah, that deal (nuking the Panthers beat and bouncing him to the Fins) stunk, although he's handled it like a pro.

    Lori: Yea, Brian's my brother. He's the Bona guy, I was U.B., many moons ago. Been in Tampa for 20+years. Love your great posts, btw.....

  5. I'm a member of a Dolphins board from my days covering the team, but I visit that site maybe once or twice a month. I rarely post anything there. Including my time at the Palm Beach Post, I think my post count is in the single digits.


    I come here because I like to hang out with Buffalo sports fans.

    Tim: You would know my brother, Brian Biggane, PB Post. He's back on the DOLFAGS beat. Things be looking scary in the news biz, I'm afraid. Too bad, 'cuz I'm a newspaper junky. Thanks for what you do for all of us (mostly annonymous) Bills Fans....Barry

  6. Anyone who thnks Ralph is greedy or somehow scheming to make the Bills bad so they are easier to move is at worst crazy and at least ungrateful to a an owner who's heart is in the right place.


    If Ralph really were the greedy SOB some of you accuse him of being this team would be gone 10 years ago. Ralph Wilson could have sold the Bills and made 10 times more money than he makes now and he wouldn't have to put up with moronic comments like these. And while the Bills were in Buffalo tickets and parking would 2-3x higher.


    As for the Bills being bad, I think Ralph as much as any of us wants a winner. He just doesn't know how to build one. True he had Bill Polian here and fired him, but we don't really know what Bill did to piss off Ralph. Polian wasn't known for his people skills. Since then we've had John Butler who was a Polian disciple, Tom Donahoe who was supposed to be such a football guru, then Marv who was supposed to ressurect the 90's Bills. All have failed. Now Ralph probably feels like he can't make a good decision so he's just going to stick with what he has an hope for the best.


    I think when you are in your 90's and your end can occur at any moment, your perspective on things changes. The whining of frustrated fans doesn't mean so much, especially when your daughter goes before you do. Despite what many say here, there is little Ralph can really do to absolutely guarantee the Bills stay in Buffalo. Like so many of you Republican-types like to point out we live in a market economy and businesses should be free to make the most money they can. So why do you expect any new owner of the Bills to keep the team here when they can make double in L.A.?


    It sucks but enjoy the Bills while we have them. Maybe we end up splitting the team with Toronto if we're lucky.



    Great, cogent post. Dead on.

  7. As someone who had season tickets the last couple years and as someone who works in the development field, I think there is plenty of money here to support this team. They don't need everyone in WNY, all 1.2 milloin of us, to be independently wealthy, they need 70,000 to be in good shape and a handful of viable businesses.


    RW's problem is he refuses to raise the prices to see what the market will bear when in fact, most would agree not only that they're cheap but that they'd pay more. Even more, with the advent of Stubhub and other brokerages that have no problem get much higher prices for tickets, it would seem that this region can pay more.


    Is a 16th row seat on the 50 yeard line behind the Bills bench for a MNF a $70 ticket while a Sabres ticket for a meaningless game in December on a Thursday sells for more?


    You can't tell me that we can't and we won't. RW's idea is simple: continue to talk down the region to attract an out of state buyer willing to pay a higher price because he feels he needs to move it, which puts more money in the greedy curmudgeon's family's pockets.


    I'm hoping he gets booed as loudly as possible at the HOF ceremony. I know 4 people who are going that are hoping that RW is inducted last and Bruce right before it so they can all walk out proudly in their Bills jerseys before RW's induction!

    Hey Pal: That Greedy Curmudgeon" has provided us w/ our soul and a heightened quality of life in WNY and beyond for 50 years. He easily could have walked, often, for more $. I say "Thank you, Ralph".

  8. I think we need to pinn an explanation on the way the Bills LB's are set up...


    Mitchell is a Sam LB playing in the Will spot...Buffalo switches its LB's arround...they play the Sam in the Will's spot and the Will in the Sam's spot...or the weak side LB plays in the Strong side LB spot and the Strong plays in the Weaks spot...so Pisa would be a WILL-LB playing in the SAM-LB side...and Mitchell is the teams SAM-LB playing in the WILL-LB spot.

    Thank you. Confusing, but very helpful.

  9. How does he have a winning record? I thought they're 11 players on offense and defense. I thought this is a team sport. Can we put down the total win, lost records of the teams we beat when he was a starting QB since his rookie year. You'll find out that we won those games, because we had better overall talent. That funny, everytime I here about his won and lost record.

    Hey Genius: 12 and 11 is a WINNING record. Pack up the rest of your negative drivel pls. Thanks.

  10. I was watching NFL network and they were talking about Jason Campbell qb of the Redskins. He started off with 8 tds and 0 int. the first eight games and a QB rating of 100. The second half year 5 tds and 6 int. and 70 qb rating. they said he only had 6 int. in over 500 att. They said that tells them that he doesn't throw down field enough. If he threw more down field he be a better qb. Better start than Edwards had first 8 games and second half about the same as Edwards. Campbell doesn't turn the ball over very much 6 int in 500 att. Thats very good. So why do the Redskins want to give up on this kid? Isn't this the same reason people worship Edwards, because he doesn't turn over the ball? And one of the problems they have with Cambell is he doesn't throw down field enough. Doesn't that make him a smart qb? They have Santana Moss who is another Lee Evans. Both starting recievers are 5' 10''. Plus a pretty good te in Chris Cooley. I think a Qb like that is good if you have a great defense. but you can't settle for F.G.s, when the other team is scoring T.Ds. Thats a problem with Edwards can't get us in the endzone. Sure he doesn't turn the ball over but I want T.Ds. He has to take more chances down field.

    Edwards "can't get us into the end zone"? Well, I'll have to say true enough mostly so far. But, out of aprox 18 starts, about 3 or 4 have been in blizzard or 50 mph wind games. He's had no TE, and no center, and poor coaching. And he STILL has a winning record, w/ a bad defense. I think the kid is going to be smokin' good. Just give him a chance. My worry is still at LOLB and (ugh) Kelsay. Keep the faith, kids, you've gotta Billieve!........

  11. I was at the game in AZ, when Trent got his bell rung, as you say. Adrian Wilson crushed him. left him stiff like a UFC knockout. If he stays healthy I think he will be a top 15, maybe a top 10 QB and inline for a big payday. The jury is still out on Trent but I think he will be Buffalos QB for quite a few years to come and will do good things for the Bills.

    Totally agree, dude. Trent's got game, and he's still very young. I'm gonna enjoy watching him lift this team again this year, as he did w/ skill in last year's first games before A. Wilson concussed him. All the nay-sayers will always see things as "half empty". I see Trent as a great asset to this team, and as a winner. I'm just sick of the negativity about this kid. I just think he's got "it". Let's Go, Buffalo!!........

  12. Some "fans" we have: "Oh my God, when Trent sucks this year, what WILL we do?" BLah, blah, blah. Try this one out for size: Believe in our YOUNG, bright, committed kid, and give him a chance to grow into the role. He has LESS than 2 years under this belt. Eli barely hit his srtide into year 4. Trent had some poor games last year; some good ones too. Let's get behind him. This doom and gloom is friggin' annoying. Have a little faith, kids!!

  13. He's a player's coach because he doesn't throw his players to the wolves by commenting on them to the press to appease a message board.


    I'm so sick of people just talking crap about Jauron as a coach. Players talk about the respect they have for the guy as a man. DJ has accomplished more in his life than anyone here could probably dream over. He treats his players like men. In the game against the Jets, he could have easily said it was Turk's playcall (which it was). But he took the blame. Additionally, he has one of the least penaltized teams in the NFL almost every year. It speaks to the respect people have for him.


    Obviously, he's not the best Xs and Os guy in the world. And he's probably loyal to a fault. But by all accounts, he's as good as person as there is in the NFL.

    Good post. DJ, while hugely unpopular here among the proletariat, is a Yale graduate, and most assuredly NOT the dope that the frothing masses paint him. He also was a pro bowl player in this league. Given that he and his staff work at this stuff about 80 hours a week, year round, I suspect that he knows a little more than we do about ALL things Bills-related. I think a pass rush and a better offensive line would make him look pretty smart indeed. And BTW, who REALLY thinks he has ANY say over JP's contract status? Are you kidding me? We all (should) know that tho$e decisions come from the "inner circle" in Detroit (read: Jeff "Let's fire Bill Polian" Littman, Ralph's personal waterboy and the power behind the throne).

  14. Ok, something needs to be said here. Are the majority of the people on this board clinically insane? You have a 2 time pro bowl left tackle on the team, who is under contract for 2 more freakin years and you want to trade him????


    Did he deserve to go to the pro bowl last year? Maybe not. But I'm sick of seeing this stupid "sacks allowed" pseudo-stat that everyone has got their panties in a bunch over. You do realize that it is not an official stat kept by the NFL because it is way too ambiguous. And please don't forget that he was playing next to dockery the pylon who was atrocious this year. The only time I remember him getting burned legitimately was the Edwards fumble against jacksonville (his first game back). The JP fumble against the jets that everyone places on Peters was a perfectly timed CB blitz and would have been tough for anyone to stop. Not to mention JP held onto the ball way too long.





    1. He did not have nearly as bad a year as most people here believe


    2. He is the Bills' most valuable player by a wide margin. Please don't argue this. Think of what everyone is throwing around as to what we could get for him and see if any other player on the roster could even come close to that


    3. The most important factor...the team still has all the leverage here. He is under contract for two more years at a serious discount. It would be completely asinine to trade him


    4. Me saying he is awesome doesn't mean much but does the fact Jason Taylor said that he's the toughest lineman he's faced mean anything??


    5. He wants as much money as he can get. As fans this bothers us, but this is his life...it's important to note the distinction. Like most people, he wants to maximize his earning power.


    6. Save the crap about how he should take a hometown discount because the bills took a chance on him. They did so because they saw he had talent and could potentially help their team. Give whoever pushed for him (Bobby April) a raise if anything, not punish Peters. It wasn't like it was done out of charity.


    7. Him not attending training camp is being overblown quite a bit. I'll bet the nagging knee injury that never gets mentioned had more to do with him not being as dominant as the year before. He didn't even partake in the pro bowl because of it and that was about two months after he had shut it down for the year. It stands to reason that it was more serious than anyone let on.


    8. As much as a lot of you hate him, he likes Buffalo. Said it himself after the game in Toronto how much they missed the fan support. Everyone else was being diplomatic except him. I appreciated that (and I'm from Toronto!).


    9. Best thing for the Bills to do would be to pay him. Contracts are just going to keep going up. The most economical, however, would be to refuse to renegotiate and let him play for 2 years at his current salary (and he would play, that's almost a guarantee..no way he sits out the first 9 games or whatever the number is) and try to find another LT in the draft in the meantime.



    I really hope this story about them shopping Peters is untrue. The front office can't afford to be this stupid, especially not this year with all the buzz they've generated. The Bills offense can be good this year but it will all unravel if Peters is gone.

    Wow, a thoughful, intelligent post. Nice job.

  15. Relax dude.


    Believe it or not, it's okay for people to think that Cutler is better than Edwards. In fact, most of the breathing, football-watching world thinks that Cutler is better than Edwards. Most of us watched Cutler light it up last season in Denver, while Edwards struggled mightily down the stretch, and played his worst football against the teams he needs to play the best against--his own division.


    Another major reason people doubt Edwards' ability is that he only plays well against horrible defenses. That's not even a debatable point, it's a statistic. Just because people don't believe Edwards is better than Cutler doesn't mean they're not fans. I am a rabid Bills supporter and have had season tickets for 21 of my 28 years on this Earth, but I don't think Edwards is very good (of course, at this point, I'm obligated to point out that I don't like JP Losman either, since I'm sure I'll be labled a "fanboy", whatever that means).


    It's fine to be positive about the team, and it's cool that you see Edwards' performances through rose-colored goggles. You just can't expect everyone to agree with you, and the fact that some of us don't doesn't make us "brain dead".


    Trent isn't taking a "mountain of crap", he's being evaluated based on his play. The team went 7-7 in games he started and the opponents were as follows:


    Opponent Def. Ranking


    Seattle 30

    Jacksonville 17

    Oakland 27

    St. Louis 28

    San Diego 25

    Kansas City 31

    Denver 29


    Contrast that against the teams Buffalo was defeated by when Edwards started:


    Opponent Def. Ranking


    Miami 15

    Arizona 19

    NY Jets 16

    New England 10

    San Francisco 13

    Cleveland 26


    All some of us are asking is that the guy play well against a decent defense. It's not being negative dude, it's being analytical.

    Points all well taken. But if you don't see some/many alleged "fans" trashing Edwards, you haven't read much of this thread prior. And I'm not saying he's "better" than Cutler (although he may be eventually- he has 2 years w/ DJ, vs Cutler's 4 years w/ Shanny). Differing viewpoints are cool. Trashing our young QB, as many regularly do, not so cool.

  16. You would never know this is a forum for Bills fans. Let's take our kid and rip him to shreds!! Yea!! Cutler's way better, Trent sucks, blah, blah, blah...After all,. our guy has had 2 whole years, on a bad team, with inept coaching, to lead us to the playoffs! He CAN'T WIN! (12-11). He CAN'T PLAY IN THE COLD!! (beat Denver in 17 degrees, led 4th qtr comeback w/ a great pass to Freddy J). He WEARS GLOVES!! (so does Kurt Warner, in AZ!). You negative nancy's make me sick. "BUT,BUT, BUT he played badly against Cleveland!!". Yes he did. And he STILL almost won that game w/ a gorgeous seam throw to Royal that put us in position to win. You'll recall the coaches then panicked and ran #23 3 times into the pile, then Lindell missed a long but makable kick. Is Trent all world? No. Does he deserve the absolute mountain of crap that many of these "fans" heap on him. Hardly. The kids got all the tools. How about we root FOR him, instead of the constant negative drivel? This is where the braindead say "So you're saying Trent is all world! Blah, blah, blah....".

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