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Posts posted by buddyboy

  1. I don't know exactly what his worth would be to either the Ravens or Cardinals, especially since he would be a great fit for both. That said, if Nix took anything less than a 3rd round pick in next years draft for Evans I'd lose what little faith I have left in his general managers skills. Evans is one of the few good to very good players we have. Trading him away for anything less than a third would be insane. Even then I'd be bummed about losing him.

  2. By now most of us have read all the sterling reviews of Johnny White by writers, teammates, etc.


    In a troubled program down in Chapel Hill, White is one of the most respected and well-liked players to suit up for the Tarheels in a long time.


    What is the most memorable moment in Johnny White’s college career?

    We were playing Clemson this year at home. It was 4th-and-4 and we were in four-minute offense trying to win the game. If we got a first down, game over. If we do not, they get the ball and a chance to win. Our quarterback audibled to an option route with Johnny White one-on-one with DeAndre McDaniel – an All-American safety for them – and Johnny just broke his ankles. He made a great catch and we won the game. It was one of my favorite plays of the year.


    His position coach, John Shoop was glowing in his comments about White:


    In reading these comments, consider the source (Shoop):


    John Shoop (born August 1, 1969, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) is the offensive coordinator and quarterback coach for the University of North Carolina. Previously, he served as the offensive coordinator for the National Football League's Oakland Raiders and Chicago Bears. He coached for 12 years in the NFL, and served as a positions coach for the Carolina Panthers and Tampa Bay Buccaneers.




    I liked this pick when it was made and like it even more as I read more about him. If Spiller doesn't improve on his blitz pickups, I could see White as a third down back once he learns the offense. If Fred Jackson gets hurt, I think he might turn out to be our between the tackles workhorse back. He sounds like a good locker room guy who can play special teams.


    I know this may not be the right forum, but fantasy football wise unless Spiller falls to a later round than I expect, I'll try to draft Jackson a couple rounds later and take a late (20th) round flyer on White.

  3. I think I'll be happy with using a 7th round pick on Jasper if he shows enough promise to make the practice squad his first year. I don't expect his skills to be refined enough his first year where he will contribute on a regular basis, much less meet the lofty expectations being posted by a few on this board. I also think this has been an awfully long off-season with the lockout, things being tied up in court and no free agency to talk about. I am thankful we had a good draft this year to help tied us over. With nothing else going on and no movement in the labor talks, I can understand the desire to want to fantasize about a 7th rounder being our savior at NT. I just hope to hell things get settled soon and we can open camp with a few needed free agents to visulize as future all pros at positions of need.

  4. Depending on what the contract between players and owners does to the existing free agency, I'd like the Bills to look at Tyler Thigpen as a possible back up to Fitz. He and Chan were a good combination in K.C and I don't think he's cost much in way of compensation (7th round pick?)if free agency stayed the same and the Dolphins don't match the Bills offer to him.

  5. If Newton had his choice of teams that offered him the best chance for long term success I don't doubt the Bills would be at, or near the top of his list. Having a coach that can design an offense around his quarterbacks skill set, and being able to sit for a year to learn how to be an NFL quarterback makes Buffalo a great choice for Newton. I'm just not too sure Newton is the best choice for Buffalo. Kinda like Scarlett Johansson would be a great choice for me, I just have the feeling somehow I might not be the best choice available for her. At least Newton was taken out to dinner by the Bills.

  6. 1. Dareus

    2. Von Miller

    3. Peterson


    Personally I'd take DT, OLB, ILB with first three picks to shore up our front seven.


    Agree with your order. I'm hopeful Bower's workout on Friday will convince Denver to draft him as a DE for their new 4-3 alignment and Darius is there for us at 3. I'm not sure how good an end Bowers would be in a 3-4 else he'd be my top choice since his knee is suppose to be absolutely fine now. I'm hopeful if there is a good LT, or very good RT available in the second we take him, otherwise please draft defense.

  7. Much tougher schedule this year, only 7 home games and the 1st couple games without Lynch make me predict a 6 - 10 record this year. Good news is as a result we will have new coaches next year and I think this years draft will turn out producing at least 4 long term starters for us.

  8. Long time lurker whom seldom posts.


    There are some very nice memories of the Braves being shared here. Names I haven't thought of for some time. The Braves team that played Philly was my favorite group of Braves and Ramsey our best coach.


    John Y. Brown was not one of my favorite people back then. It was painful to watch the dismantling of a once promising franchise. We had some very good teams and great players. My two older brothers bought season tickets, first row, center court orange, great seats. Attendance wasn't the reason the Braves moved. Games were well attended by supportative fans. My brothers were 16 + 19 old students at the time so it was affordable too. I'm glad I had the chance to see Walt Frasier, Havlichek, McAdoo, Dr. J, West, Chamberlin before the Braves were sold off. Whenever I hear the phrase "Greed is Good" it makes me think of John Y. Brown. I would have loved to have seen Jordan, Bird, Johnson, etc. in Buffalo. College is the only basketball I watch now.

  9. Is that what your crystal ball says. He may lose a step. Do you have the lottery numbers to? You pay a guy for what he has done and if there is anyone deserving of the payoff it is Fletcher.



    You DON't pay a player for what he has done for you. You pay a player for what you feel he can do for you during the length of the new contract. A club may very well based it's opinion of what the player may do for them by what the player did for them previously. The NFL is a business that happends to be a sport, and with the advent of free agency you look towards future productivity...just ask Eric Moulds, or Thurman Thomas, or Bruce Smith......

  10. I just called my local provider and was told hey have had many calls requesting that Time Warner make the NFL Network available. I was told they have no current expected date for when or if this network will be offered, but are currently in negoiations. I don't know if this is the standard blow off answer or not. I do not want to miss any NFL games that may be available through a different service. I expect they will eventually offer it, but I also think it's going to be at an additional cost, or as part of a higher tiered sevice package., mo money, mo money, mo money.

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