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Posts posted by Fastro

  1. This week's victory has me looking forward to next week's game.  I am active duty Air Force and I usually try to make a game a year in Buffalo where it's easy to figure out my tailgating options with family and friends.  Just curious if anyone has any suggestions for Lambeau Field?  Thanks! 

  2. I was listening to sports talk radio today here in Cali and one of the ESPN announcers made several points worth repeating. He essentially said that teams usually have a huge fall off in ability and success from their 1st to 2nd string quarterback. Unlike the teams of the past built on defensive line pressure and running the ball (Giants come to mind), the successful teams of the future will be built on the Offensive line and their ability to protect their starting QB.


    He cited the fact that 85% of the playoff teams over some stretch of the last few years (3-4?) have had their 1st string QB start at least 14 games. He also used the Pats, Pack and Colts as examples of team following this trend to build their Oline through the recent draft to protect their QBs. I have always been a big believer that success starts in the trenches on both sides of the ball. Hopefully our O line will be healthy and play better this year.

  3. Ponder, Locker, Cam Heyward, Kyle Rudolph and Andy Dalton are on the board who do u take? I would say if we get Von Miller in the 1st we should go Cam Heyward if he's there in the 2nd. Though Rudolph would be good to.


    From what I have read and seen online it sounds like there is a good chance that Locker, Heyward and Rudolph will already be off the board. I'd love to get Rudolph but would not be too upset if we looked to a ILB or DE to help solidify our Run D.

  4. I'm hoping the Panthers take Newton because I really don't want the Bills to have to take that kind of a gamble. I'm speaking in general that I don't think those two players are as good at they're being advertised.


    I agree, Newton worries me. I'd hate to invest big money in him with the uncertainty surrounding him.

  5. It's cool they're reaching out with the social networking sites


    It's great to get insight into what management thinks. I am not sure the Bill's would follow suit since most of their upper level management is a little bit older than the current social networking generation.

  6. Jason peters was probably the best undrafted rookie free agent the Bills ever had. But even Jason played for three years before he was put into the left tackle spot where he made the Pro Bowl. With this new group of rookies coming in I was wondering who might be the next "Jason Peters". Not in terms of who will play left tackle but who will turn out to be a solid contributor and great player over the next several years. In my mind the stand out is Jorge Guerra. Here is a few links on him.








    Thought I would get the discussion going anyway. Go Bills... :rolleyes:


    Seems like another high character pick up for the Bills. I am not sure how this kid will fit into the pro game given the competition he faced in college. It will be interesting to see how he does in camp.

  7. Thanks for posting.


    I'm gonna go out on a limb here (a very big and solid limb) and predict that no one in the Bills 2010 draft class is gonna get into any trouble with the law.


    Thanks for the link, it's nice to see a bit of background about him. When he was picked during the draft I wondered who the heck he was. Seems like an intelligent guy with some potential. His lack of experience is something to be concerned about but maybe he can contribute on special teams. I am still wondering if we will get anything from Hardy. Young WRs seem so hard to predict for failure or success in the NFL. I wonder how much success is dependent on desire or athleticism?

  8. I like all the young talent being added to the roster for training camp. Let them strap on the pads and see if any of them can play. The Bills need athletic playmakers in the front 7 to help create some turnovers. I'd love to have the D help score some points for them or at least make some stops and give our offense good field position.

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