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Posts posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. What over the past 8 years have you, or any other democrat done, to demonstrate bi-partisanship? Cooperation with Republicans? reaching accross the aisle?


    Funny, now I hear an echo . . . .


    Personally I've co-sponsored bills with Senator Burr of North Carolina, Senator Collins of Maine, and Senator Thune of South Dakota.

  2. Seriously, what is so bad about Sarah Palin? While I don't want her running for President, she is a very impressive woman. She became the governor of Alaska by taking on corruption in her own party. I really don't want to have the "she's stupid" debate with you, but i would argue that she's accomplished much more with her life than that of Ms Kennedy without being born with a silver spoon in her mouth.


    Let's not get carried away here. All she's really accomplished was getting 50% of the vote once while running as a Republican in one of the reddest states in the country. I don't know if that counts as an accomplishment for Palin or just an indication of the sheer ignorance of the Alaska populace.

  3. Okay, so someone who continually says stupid shiiit and proves to be a major embarrassment isn't an idiot.


    I have to remember; if you're a Republican and misspeak, it's idiocy and if you're a Democrat and misspeak, it's "rhetorical flourish." ;)




    Waaaaa, but Biden said J-O-B-S and Obama says "ummmmm"!!!!!

  4. Neither.


    Rudy is not cut out for the legislative branch. Agreed that he'd be a disaster.


    Kennedy is just another useless silver spoon. By the way, it's amazing how all the Democrats who used the 'out of touch' argument during the Presidential campaign are now supporting this woman for Senate.


    That's because the 'out of touch' card was just a nice way of saying that John McCain is too old to be President.

  5. You have no idea of what BDS is , do you?


    Of course I do, it stands for Bush Derangment Syndrome and it's something I happen to be a strong believer in. I mean Bush has done such an incredible job as President it's obvious to me that anyone who is critical of him must be suffering from a mental disorder.

  6. It's not a friggin question. It's a statement. It's not class warfare, because he's pointing out the obvious pay differential among people in the same economic class.


    Figures, the one time you should use Google to educate yourself, you don't.


    Hence - idiot, and not even an elegant one.


    Actually you'd be well advised to check out Google to find out the meaning of class warfare. I know it's inconvenient to your narrow right wing worldview but class warfare isn't limited to just railing on CEO compensation. And while you're at it you should work on your dissing and dismissing skills, you seem to have regressed a bit since yesterday.

  7. Your repetitive idiocy only serves to set your cause back by providing ample evidence of the stupidity most reasonable folks are tired of.

    You're exactly the same as simple-minded dolts like Boomer and Wacka.


    1) "Repetitive idiocy" implies that he responded to my question in the first place.

    2) That's ironic seeing how often he repeated the "Why do union workers deserve 4 more dollars an hour?" question.

  8. I didn't mean to imply that UAW can't build quality cars. I was replying to someone else's hypothetical. Clearly much of the fault for the crappy cars is in the design process for the Big 3. The problem with labor costs is that they drive the cost to build the car higher, meaning that the Big 3 has to either a) increase prices, which hurts them competitively b) cut costs in other places, which lowers quality, or c) lose billions of dollars and ask the taxpayers to bail out their business.


    Seems to me that creating a workable cost structure makes a whole lot more sense than any of those 3 options. I've yet to hear an intelligent argument for why that isn't reasonable or seen any evidence that it can be accomplished without a major change in the cost of labor. Instead what we hear is excuses like "but if healthcare was cheaper" or "but look what Japan does" or "but they've already given up blah, blah, blah", all of which is irrelevant to the fact that the problem hasn't been solved and won't be solved until there is major fundamental shift in the thinking of operations of the Big 3 and its unions.


    ~Anxiously awaiting your explanation of how shrieking "Hey! Look at what those UAW workers have!" is not playing class warfare~

  9. Oh, it's been appropriated, so I guess that means it's free money. :wallbash:



    Asking the companies to provide evidence that they have some idea how to run their businesses so that this isn't simply throwing good money after bad now = "grandstanding"? Grow up.


    There's nothing like a little class warfare to start one's weekend on the right foot!

  10. Good lord, man...now you're resorting to posting links to the thread you're posting in?


    Looks like another wild and crazy late Friday message board hopping for Talking Point Tom! Man your life must be exciting! Just some advice, there is much more to life than flexing your talking points on the politics sub-forum of a Buffalo Bills message board to impress idiots like KD in CT (who is against class warfare). It's past midnight on a Friday and it's not even like you're working on your own personal blog, or posting on National Review Online, or Redstate, or Free Republic, where people may actually read your rants, you're posting like there's no tomorrow on the politics sub-forum of a Buffalo Bills message board. Your claim to fame is spamming the Siberia of online political discourse, nice life!


    And by the way isn't it ironic that your only rebuttal to my exposition of you misrepresenting the "computer models" talking point as your own thoughts is that I link to my sources (something blowhards like yourself can't do when you're just making sh-- up) has through your own repetition and the subsequent diffusion to your cadre of brain dead fanboys has in fact become a TALKING POINT! Congratulations on living up to your well deserved moniker Talking Point Tom!

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