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Posts posted by D_House

  1. Here's a name I had forgotten:


    This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back, Duke said. We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. Thats what we believed in. Thats why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said hes going to take our country back.



  2. Well, if he lied and made a false report, that is another story, and that could be grounds for dismissal. I would have to imagine that the publics ire over this matter will be the main reason that the Dallas PD will look to dismiss him.

    Well, he is a public servant, and basic common sense is required for pretty much every job in both the public and private sectors. Here his supervisors are saying he lacks it, even in hindsight. He doesn't see anything wrong with how he handled the situation. Some folks just aren't cut out for police work.

  3. I saw the video and read the transcript, and there is no doubt that the police officer shouldn't lose his job. The only crime he committed was being a jerk. He's a young cop full of piss & vinegar, he should of let Moats go and see his stepmother. So what Powell lacked, was common sense and sympathy. Neither of the two are a crime and definitely nothing to lose his job over.


    I would have to say, the punishment for Powell is being served as we speak. Half the country believes he's an azz, and he will be ridiculed for years to come.

    According the the Dallas police chief, officer Powell may be charged for conduct reflecting poorly on the department, for his threats of arrest, and for possible false statements, any and all of which could lead to his dismissal. IMO, with the tone the Dallas PD is taking on this, he will lose his job.

  4. Dallas police chief's opinion: cop's behavior very embarrassing.


    Usually the party line is stick by your officers. This case was pretty egregious, and most folks with common sense would recognize that. I'm really glad for the dash cam. Pretty sure we'd be hearing a different story otherwise. The chief even indicates that the cop was lying to the Plano officer immediately after the fact about the details of the 'pursuit'.


    From the press conference:


    "I certainly hope anybody who saw the videotape immediately understood how serious the misconduct is," Chief Kunkle said Thursday afternoon. "I don't know how you train for these circumstances other than to hire people with good common sense and people skills."
  5. The AD Ideology of "You're a partisan poopie head and I'm not, so I'm better than all you lemmings!" :thumbsup:


    OBTW your act is beyond old and boring, wake me when you come up with something new. :lol:


    And yes I realize that my opinion means less than nothing to you. So AD Std Ans #2 doesn't apply.


    I'm a registered Independent and you have no idea who I voted for so AD Std Ans #3 doesn't apply


    I'll admit to being more liberal than you are (But then again Pat Bucannon and Lyndon laDouche are probably left leaning moderates in your estimation) So you are left with your primary response of screaming "Libertard!" and pointing in alarm. :thumbsup:


    Have fun with that. Try not to wake the neighbors. :wallbash:


  6. I like Trent and I think he has the head and heart to play the position. He also is capable of being a leader...but you're right that he's worrisome - injury-prone and pretty vulnerable in the cold weather. JP isn't even open for discussion and I don't think that is even a discussion, let alone an option. I also am with you on the defense. With Schobel back next year the D-line is different, and our LB core will be better without Ellison who is clearly in way over his head. Invest in the O and get some depth and confidence back.

    Agreed, he showed definite promise and ability at the beginning of the season, but post-bye there was a definite and steep regression in his play. The QB position is too important for the Bills to simply rest on faith that Edwards will return to that early-season form. And you're right the durability issues alone are enough to warrant a significant investment in another high quality QB for the roster.

  7. The Bills clearly need to add a starter caliber QB to the roster in the offseason.


    Losman is gone, there is no way that his re-signing should be even considered. It's both in his and the team's best interests.


    Hamdan is not a serious solution, as has been demonstrated by the coaching staff's unwillingness to play him.


    And Edwards' play has been worrisome, to say the least. It's not clear that he'll recover his form, and it's not clear that even if he is able to turn it around, that he's the long-term answer.


    The Bills should go all out and shoot for maximum potential because the QB position is still clearly open for improvement. And hopefully they'll make an investment in protecting whoever the QB in 2009 is as well. This team has a serviceable, though young defense. So go all out in an attempt to re-build the offense.

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